Frequently asked questions

ARU Sport and Exercise Therapy Clinic logo

What services do you offer?

  • Injury assessments, treatment and rehabilitation (initial appointment 50 minutes)
  • Sports massage (appointment 50 minutes)

How can I book?

Please book using our online booking system.

Where is the Clinic?

The Clinic is located on the third floor of Compass House, Anglia Ruskin University, East Road, CB5 8DZ. Find out how to get to the Clinic.

How long are the appointments?

All appointments are 50 minutes.

What do I need to bring?

Please bring appropriate clothing for your appointment.

We understand that sometimes it is not possible to change before attending, so you will have the opportunity to change in your allocated bay.

You are welcome to bring your own towel for sports massage appointments. However, this is not necessary.

What can I expect at my appointment?

A woman and her personal trainer making an exercise plan on a tablet in a gym

The Clinic Supervisor will welcome you to the clinic, check you in, and show you to our waiting area.

Your student therapist will call you and take you into your treatment bay. This will be your assigned bay for the duration of your appointment, so if you need to change, you can do so in this bay.

If it is your first time attending our clinic, your appointment will begin with the student undertaking a full initial consultation and medical history to build an idea of your treatment suitability and injury diagnosis. They will then perform a treatment.

Please be aware that, periodically, the student will leave the bay to discuss their findings and your treatment plan with the Clinic Supervisor.

Your treatment may include some rehabilitation exercises. In this case, your student therapist will take you to our exercise space and guide you through the exercises, ensuring you understand how to perform them, and how often.

I need to cancel, what do I do?

When you book, you will be sent a confirmation email. On that email there will be a link where you can change or cancel the appointment.

Please do this as soon as you know you cannot attend. Cancelled and no shows mean that our students may not be able to claim their hours as part of their placement requirements.

In some unforeseen circumstances, your appointment may need to be cancelled. We will do our best to rearrange for the same day, or if not, whenever next suits you.

If you have any further questions, email us at [email protected]