Sara Gowers

PhD candidate
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Psychology, Sport and Sensory Science

[email protected]

Research interests

Thesis title

Age related changes in Emotional Processing: An Electrophysiological analysis of the Directed Forgetting Paradigm.

Supervisory team

Dr Ruth Ford 
Prof Peter Bright 
Dr John Lambie

Research group

Sara is a member of our Cognition Group and Development and Lifespan Group which form parts of our ARU Centre for Mind and Behaviour.

Summary of research

Sara's research aims to shed light on age-related changes in the processing of emotional information using the directed-forgetting paradigm with electroencephalography (EEG). This approach will provide valuable new information regarding whether (and how) the two age groups differ in their neural processing of positive versus negative words that they are instructed to either remember or forget. This research will contribute to our understanding of how people of all ages might better manage to avoid dwelling on painful memories and focus instead on positive emotions, in order for them to be able to age more successfully.