Dr Pauline Lane

Associate Professor
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Allied Health and Social Care
Areas of Expertise:
Sociology , Social Work and Social Policy
Research Supervision:

A sociologist and experienced social researcher, Pauline has worked on numerous national and international projects concerning social inclusion and minority communities. She has expertise in ethnographic research methods and she is an experienced filmmaker. Pauline is currently an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care.

[email protected]

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Pauline has a strong background in working with minority and excluded communities. In the UK, she has had the pleasure of working with various community groups, (refugee groups, as well as Somali, Bangladeshi, Gypsy, Irish, Caribbean, Chinese and Roma community groups) and has extensive experience in working with governmental departments (mainly the Department of Health and the Home Office).

In the international setting, Pauline has worked for Plan International and has also lived and worked with indigenous communities in Melanesia and Polynesia, Uganda, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Morocco.

As an experienced social researcher, Pauline has written for a wide range of health and social care publications (peer reviewed papers, reports for the Home Office and the Department of Health, international reports, reports for the European Union, NHS evaluation reports, etc) and has made a series of films with Redmark Films.

Pauline also has extensive experience of project planning, development, management and monitoring of complex multi-agency programmes. This includes managing large staff teams and large multi-streamed budgets, developing project management tools such as a communication strategy, risk analysis, monitoring tool, reporting mechanisms. Her past roles have included:

  • Regional Director for the Joint Improvement Partnership for the East of England
  • International Project Lead for Plan UK (part of Plan International)
  • NHS National Programme Lead for Black and Minority Ethnic Elders Mental Health
  • National Director of Research for HARP (Health for Asylum Seekers and Refugees Programme)
  • Senior Lecturer and Researcher at the University of East London 
Research interests
  • Sociology
  • Critical race theory
  • Indigenous theories
  • Social theory
  • Minority ethnic health
  • Health policy
  • Ethnography
  • Refugee and migrants’ health
  • Gypsy and Traveller communities
  • Health and social exclusion
  • Death studies
  • Health and international policy making
  • Health and human rights.
Areas of research supervision

Pauline would be pleased to consider supervising doctoral students with the following research interests/topics:

  • The health and inclusion of minority and excluded communities
  • Refugees and other migrants 
  • Roma, Gypsy and Traveller communities
  • Health and international policy making 
  • Health and human rights
  • Discrimination 
  • Ageing in minority communities
  • Ethnographies 
  • Drama practice and inclusion 
  • Visual research methods
Recent and current doctoral supervision as first supervisor:
  • Venus Mirzaei: How does volunteering support refugee integration? Positive psychology perspectives.
  • Fatemeh Azizi: Identifying factors that facilitate or inhibit the integration of female Afghan refugees into British society.
  • Michelle Wisbey: Exploring the introduction of the Montessori method in a Malawian cultural context through collaborative action research with children and teachers.
  • Steve Carey: Disabled people user-led organisations: Past, present, and a secure future?
  • Ojeiu J. Ejere: Experiences of Nigerian migrant nurses and health care assistants of people with dementia in the National Health Service.
  • Siobhan Spencer: Understanding Myasthenia Gravis within the Romany Gypsy community, Living with the disease and the effects it has on the family.
  • Geoffrey Amoateng: The role of culture and beliefs in healing: an ethnography within an inner-city Pentecostal church.
  • Patricia Smith Community Based Rehabilitation and Post-Coloniality: The Jamaican Context (University of East London) 
Current doctoral students 
  • Felitta Burney-Nicol: A critical exploration of the experiences of Black midwifery leaders working in the NHS, England. What factors promote or hinders Black leadership in midwifery?
  •  Judith Machiwenyika: An exploratory study of the lived experiences and factors that influence career progression for Black African nurses working at an NHS acute care hospital in the United Kingdom.
  •  Valerie Freestone: What are the pedagogical and lived experiences of self-identified female Black African student mental health nurses whilst undertaking practice placements: an intersectional analysis?
  •  Cynthia Hart: The internationalisation of Post-Graduate taught Business and Health Curricula: A British case study
  •  Irene Mano: What factors influence the experience of learning for Black African social work students who have additional support needs in UK based training programmes?
  • PhD supervision and MA dissertation supervision.
  • PhD Sociology/Comparative Studies, University of Essex
  • BA (Hons) Sociology and Social Policy, University of Essex
  • RNMH (Registered Nurse for the Mentally Handicapped)
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Member of the European Academic Network on Romani Studies
  • Member of the International Advisory Board for ’Aging & Social Change’
  • Member of the Oral History Society
  • Formerly a member of the Department of Health 'Provision, Prevention and Promotion Working Group' that was part of the National ‘Inclusion Health’ Board
  • Project evaluator for Moving for Change movingforchange.org.uk
  • Peer reviewer on the NHIR RfPB as an expert on minority and excluded communities
  • Peer reviewer for the journal Advances in Social Work and International Journal on Bioethics
  • Erasmus teaching exchange programmes within the University of Bologna (Italy) international ‘learning laboratory’ (2016-2019) 

Within ARU, Pauline is a member of the Faculty Research and Innovation Committee, Statement of Intent Panel, Civic Engagement R&I action group, member of the Race Equality Working Group in Social Work, Member of the University Faculty Research Sub Committee, member of the knowledge exchange task and finish group - Supporting the development of the Education, Research and Innovation and Operational Strategies 

Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
Consultancy/knowledge exchange

Pauline has made numerous contributions to various Government Committees including:

  • The Department of Health ‘Inclusion health’ advisory group
  • The Home Office National Refugee Integration Forum
  • The Department of Health Advisory Committee on Asylum Seekers Mental Health
  • The Department of Health Steering Group on Language, Interpretation and Translation services
  • The Department of Health Equality and Diversity group
  • The NHS Direct Patient Information Accreditation and Kite marking Project, as well as being an invited speaker at the House of Commons and the House of Lords on asylum health issues.

She has worked with various professional and voluntary agencies, including the Employability Forum, The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, the National Centre for HIV and Sexual Health, and the Refugee Council and other Refugee Community Organizations. Pauline was a member of a special advisory group for the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health and a member of the Thomas Conran Research Institute advisory group on the mental health and well -being of unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. Working for the Joint, Improvement partnership for the East of England she was a key member of the Department of Health and Social Care and Partnerships Team. 

  • 2022 Evaluation of Outreach Activities at Anglia Ruskin University.  Pauline is a Co-investigator with Prof Marie-Pierre Moreau and Dr Samson Tsegay. Funding from the ARU Access & Participation Plan Tactical Fund. Total funding £20,909.
  • 2022-2023 Community Assets Phase 3: Supporting assets in recovery and beyond- The project is led by Dr Oonagh Corrigan and Pauline is a Co-Applicant. Funding from Essex County Council. Total funding £45,000.
  • 2021. ARU internal funding to support research on Gypsy death rites. Total funding £6,000.
    2016 A Co-investigator on the Healthwatch Essex evaluation on hospital discharge process for three Essex hospitals. Project led by Dr Oonagh Corrigan. Total funding £7,000.
  • 2011-2014  A Co-investigator  with Professor Tim Waller and Dr  Darren Sharpe, on an EU funded project on ‘Suicide Prevention by Internet and Media Based Mental Health Promotion’-conducting primary research in schools and contributing to eight EU work packages and EU reports, working with partners in Sweden, Estonia, Hungry, Italy, Spain, and Lithuania, managing budgets and fieldwork relations (EPA-112). Total funding 2.9 million Euros, (ARU funding £250,000).
  • 2014 - Principal evaluator of the Trust Link’s Growing Together Project: Social therapeutic horticulture. Trust Links and South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust Charity. Total funding £4,000.
  • 2012 A Qualitative Evaluation of the Trust Link’s Growing Together Project: Social therapeutic horticulture – This service evaluation examined the significance of social therapeutic horticulture from the perspective of mental health service users. The recommendations of the evaluation were presented to Trustees, NHS Commissioners and Service Users. Total funding £3,000.
  • 2011 Project to evaluate South Essex Mental Health Trust: Implementing Self Directed Support (SDS) in Adult Mental Health. Total funding £3,000.
  • 2009-2010 – Pauline was the Director for the Joint Improvement Partnership (JIP) in the East of England working for the Department of Health and the 11 Directors of Social Care in the region. Pauline led a successful bid to the Regional Improvement and Efficiency Partnership and managed the resulting 22 projects to improve social care services in the East of England. Total funding £2.1 million.
  • 2007-2008 National project for the Care Service improvement partnership project and the Department of Health to produced practical resources and information to improve the access and quality of mental health for minority ethnic older people and their families/ cares. Funded by the Department of Health. Total funding £100,000.
  • 2003 Funding to run a National Mental Health Conference and training for professionals working with Refugees. Funded by The Home Office National Refugee Integration Forum. Total funding £15,000.
  • 2003 HARP Promoting Mental health for Refugees (a series of training film). Funded the Home Office National Refugee Integration Forum. Total funding £12,000.
  • 2003 HARP National directory of local resources (web development) Funded agency: the Home Office Challenge Fund. Total funding £38,000.
  • 2003 HARP Mapping of Interpretation and translation services and report for the Home Office: Immigration Research and Statistics Service. The Home Office Research and Statistics Division, commissioning on behalf of Ministerial Committee 20. Total funding £11,000.
  • 2000- 2006 HARP research, Harp web and the Harp mental health websites were all funded by the Department of Health to provide information for health professionals as well as conducting primary research. Total funding £600,000.
  • 2003- 2004 HARP and Employability Forum conducted a feasibility study for the refugee nurse task force. Funding agency-Home Office: Challenge Fund. Total funding £28,650.
Selected recent publications
Research reports

Lane, P. and Spencer, S. (2022) The Last Journey: The Funeral Rites and Cultural Needs of Gypsies and Travellers. Anglia Ruskin University and Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group

Lane, P., Spencer, S., and Smith, D. et al. (2021) Experiences of Gypsies and Travellers caring for family members living with dementia. Anglia Ruskin University and Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group.

Lane P and Spencer, S. (2019) Life on and off of the hard shoulder: Older Gypsies living Roadside and in Housing. Anglia Ruskin University and Derbyshire Gypsy Liaison Group. www.dglg.org/uploads/2/4/7/5/24756021/life_on_and_off_the_hard_shoulder_10.9.2019.pdf

Corrigan, O. Georgiadis, A. Davies, A. Lane, P. Milne, E. Speed, E and Wood, D (2016) Insights into Hospital Discharge Essex: Full Report.

Corrigan, O. Georgiadis, A. Davies, A. Lane, P. Milne, E. Speed, E and Wood, D (2016) Insights into Hospital Discharge Essex: A study of patient, carer and staff experience at Broomfield Hospital www.healthwatchessex.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Insights-into-Hospital-Discharge-at-Broomfield-Hospital-Full-Report.pdf

Corrigan, O. Georgiadis, A. Davies, A. Lane, P. Milne, E. Speed, E and Wood, D (2016) Insights into Hospital Discharge Essex: A study of patient, carer and staff experience at Colchester General Hospital www.healthwatchessex.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Insights-into-Hospital-Discharge-at-Colchester-General-Hospital-Full-Report.pdf

Corrigan, O. Georgiadis, A. Davies, A. Lane, P. Milne, E. Speed, E and Wood, D (2016) Insights into Hospital Discharge Essex: A study of patient, carer and staff experience at Princess Alexandra Hospital.

Lane P, Spencer, S, Jones A (2014) UK national report Experts by Experience: Gypsy, Traveller and Roma: reviewing UK progress on the European Union Framework for National Roma Integration www.birmingham.ac.uk/Documents/college-social-sciences/social-policy/iris/2014/Experts-by-Experience--JRTF-Report-Oct-2014.pdf

Lane, P. (2014). A Qualitative Evaluation of the Trust Link’s Growing Together Project: Social therapeutic horticulture. A report for Trust Links and South Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust.

Waller, T., Lane, P., Sharpe, D., Almond, P., Machin, N. (2014). SUPREME Guidelines: Report on Best Practices for Suicide Prevention using Internet and Media. Report prepared for the European Commission's Executive Agency for Health and Consumers.

Waller, T., Lane. P., Sharpe, D., Almond, P., Machin, N. (2014). SUPREME Guidelines: Work Package10 Deliverable. Report prepared for the European Commission's Executive Agency for Health and Consumers.

Lane P, Spencer, S, Jones A (2014) UK national report ‘Gypsy Roma & Traveller Experts by experience’. The report was launched at the House of Commons at an All-Party Committee. The work received coverage in the UK national newspapers and the BBC. http://cdn.basw.co.uk/upload/basw_34524-2.pdf

Peer reviewed publications

Knight-Davidson, P. Lane, P. and McVicar, A. (2020) Methods for co-creating with older adults in living laboratories: a scoping review. Health and Technology Journal .10, 997–1009 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12553-020-00441-6

Lane P and Smith, D. (2019) Mid-term review- UK Roma National Integration Strategy: Roma standing at the intersection of ethic-inclusive, post-racial and hyper-ethnic policies. Journal of Contemporary European Studies pp73-83

Lane P and Smith, D. (2018) Culture, Ageing and the Construction of Pain. Geriatrics 2018, 3(3), 40;

Resera, E., Tribe, R. and Lane, P. (2015). An introductory study into the experiences of interpreters and counsellors working with refugees and asylum seekers. International Journal of Culture & Mental Health. Published online: 29 January 2015.

Lane, P. and Tribe, R. (2014). Refugees, Grief and Loss: Critical Debates. Grief Matters: The Australian Journal of Grief and Bereavement. Volume 17, issue 3, 74-79 Summer 2014.

EU reports

Waller, T., Lane P., Sharpe. D, Almond, P.,  Machin, N. (2014)  SUPREME Guidelines: Report on Best Practices for Suicide Prevention using Internet and Media. Report prepared for the European Commission's Executive Agency for Health and Consumers.

Waller, T., Lane, P., Sharpe, D., Almond, P.,  Machin, N. (2014)  SUPREME Guidelines: Work Package10 Deliverable. Report prepared for the European Commission's Executive Agency for Health and Consumers


Lane, P and Tribe, R. (2017) Anti-discriminatory practice in mental health for older people. Jessica Kinsley Publishers.

Holder J, Lane P. et al (Eds) (1993) Perspectives on the Environment: Interdisciplinary Research in Action edited by of the Interdisciplinary Research Network on the Environment and Society. Published by Ashgate Aldershot: Avebury, 1993.ISBN 1 85628 606 1.

Book chapters

Lane, P (2016) End of life care for older people living with mental health challenges in Lane P and Tribe R Anti-discriminatory practice in older people’s mental health Jessica Kinsley

Spencer S. and Lane, P. (2016) Ageing Gypsies and Mental Health in Lane P and Tribe R Anti-discriminatory practice in older people’s mental health. Jessica Kinsley Publisher

Lane, P. and Tribe, R. (2016) Promoting anti-discriminatory practice when working with older adults with mental health problems: Food in Lane P and Tribe R Anti-discriminatory practice in older people’s mental health. Jessica Kinsley Publisher

Lane P. (2016) Ageing and Food in Lane P and Tribe R Anti-discriminatory practice in older people’s mental health. Jessica Kinsley Publisher

Lane. P and Boden J. (2015) Self-harm and suicide risk: identifying some of the professional and ethical considerations in Tribe, R. and Morrissey, J. Handbook of Professional and Ethical Practice for Psychologists, Counsellors and Psychotherapists. Routledge UK.

Tribe, R. and Lane, P. (2015) Interpreting Mental health settings in Pöchhacker, F. Routledge Encyclopaedia of Interpreting Studies. Routledge

Recent presentations and conferences

Dr Pauline Lane has been an invited speaker at over sixty national and international conferences on a range of sociocultural issues.

Lane, P. (2014) Suicide prevention in young People: SUPREME Research findings. Cambridge NHS School -Nurses Conference.

Waller T. Lane P. and Sharpe D (2013) Guidelines for Suicide prevention Strategies using the Internet for young people (PS1 16-3) XXVII World Congress of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. The National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention (NSSF) at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo

Tribe, R. and Lane, P. (2012, June). Considering critical psychology, practice and policy in working with BME communities. Paper presented at the Critical psychology and BME Communities conference, London.

Lane, P. and Tribe, R. (2012) Living with social categories: ethnicity, mental health, and learning disability. British Sociological Association and the Open University Conference. June 2012

Lane, P and Spencer, S. (2012) The Politics of Ageing in Gypsy Families. Paper presented at the World Anthropology Conference of the Royal Anthropological Association. British Museum, London.

Lane, P. and Harrison, C .(2012) Mental Health Recovery Budgets. Paper presented at the British Sociological Association Annual Medical Sociology Conference. Leicester University. September 2012

Lane, P. Tribe, R. and and Hui, R. (2011) Intersectionality and the mental health of elderly Chinese women living in the UK. The International Congress on Culture, Health and Well-being. University of Turku, Finland September 2011

Lane, P. and Jones. K. (2009) Best Practice Case Study: 'Preventative, People-Centred and Productive' Health and Social Care conference High Quality Care for All. Church House Conference Centre London

Lane P (2008) The State of the Worlds Girls: Plan International   UNICEF Interagency Meeting. New York USA

Media experience

Pauline has spoken at over 100 UK and international conferences and given broadcast talks/interviews for BBC Radio 4 and local radio, as well as the BBC World Service and Pacifica Radio Station, in New York. She is an experienced filmmaker and some of her films can be seen here: