Dr Marijana Baric

Associate Professor
Faculty of Business and Law

Marijana’s research centres around practices that foster social value in organisational settings, with a focus on equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), employee wellbeing and green behaviour.

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Marijana Baric is an Associate Professor in Organisational Behaviour and HRM. She completed her PhD at the University of Sheffield, and has since worked at the University of Buckingham and University of East Anglia, prior to joining ARU in 2013.

Marijana is an experienced qualitative researcher and has undertaken research for the Economic Social Research Council (ESRC), the European Foundation of the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions (Eurofound) and as part of Marie Curie Industry Academic Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP).

Marijana’s focus is on the implementation and employee perspectives of organisational practices that encourage equality and positive employee wellbeing, with a particular interest on the dynamics around behaviour, relationships and change. From a theoretical perspective, she has published in the areas of social exchange theory, the psychological contract and social norms.

Research interests
  • Workplace diversity
  • EDI
  • Women in STEM
  • Employee wellbeing
  • Green behaviour
  • Employee attributions and organisational authenticity
  • Social exchange theory
  • Human Resource Management
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • PhD Business and Management, University of Sheffield
  • PG Cert Education, Oxford Brookes University
  • BA (Dual Hons) Management and Economics, University of Sheffield
Selected recent publications

Tregaskis, O., Graham, J., Baric, M., Harvey, V., Maguire, D., Michaelides, G., Nayani, R., Watson, D. (forthcoming) 'Organisational Change towards Sustainability: From Ambition to Impact through mindsets and communities of practice'. In: Di Fabio, A. and Cooper C. (Eds.) (forthcoming) Psychology of Sustainability and Sustainable Development in Organizations. Abingdon: Routledge.

Halari, A. and Baric, M. (2023) 'Exploring the role of accountants in a circular economy: Experiences and Perspectives of Practitioners', Qualitative Research in Accounting and Management.

Nayani, R., Baric, M., Patey, J., Fitzhugh, H., Watson, D. M., Tregaskis, O. and Daniels, K. (2022) 'Authenticity in the Pursuit of Mutuality During Crisis', British Journal of Management, 33(3), pp. 1144-1162.

Georgen, M., O'Sullivan, N., Wood., G. and Baric, M. (2018) 'Sovereign Wealth Funds, Productivity and People: The impact of Norwegian Government Pension Fund-Global Investments in the UK', Human Resource Management Journal, 28(2), pp. 288-303.

Wood, G., Goergen, M., O'Sullivan, N. and Baric, M. (2017). 'The Norwegian government pension fund-global and the implications of its activities for stakeholders'. In: Cumming, D., Wood, G., Filatotchev, I. and Reinecke, J. (Eds.) (2017) The Oxford Handbook of Sovereign Wealth Funds. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 459-73.

Baric, M., Franic, J. and Polak M. (2016) 'Tackling Undeclared Entrepreneurship in a Transition Setting: The Case of Croatia', International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 28(2/3), pp. 255-27.