Prof Margaret Greenfields

Professor of Social Policy
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Allied Health and Social Care
Areas of Expertise:
Social Work and Social Policy
Research Supervision:

Margaret’s key focus is on leveraging the potential for policy analysis, design and implementation to enhance equity of outcomes for minoritised communities and individuals at risk of discrimination and marginalisation experienced as a result of their (intersectional) personal characteristics and situation in society. She is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (elected 2021).

[email protected]

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Margaret’s background as a policy professional, (who initially trained as a community lawyer with a particular interest in family law and homelessness) underpins her research, consultancy, teaching and evaluation activities as an academic.

She has worked extensively in the field of social inclusion (with particular reference to inclusion health and accommodation issues), ethnicity, equalities and social justice with a specific emphasis on undertaking collaborative research with communities at risk of marginalisation, racism and ‘othering’.

In addition to her work which engages with analysis of administrative data sets, design, and understanding the impact of policy and practice interventions on service users and other stakeholders, Margaret specialises in co-production of research, interventions, and action research with diverse communities.

She has a long history of working collaboratively with Romani Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, and more recently Showmen and Boater communities at local, UK and international levels. She has also developed participatory action research programmes with vulnerable migrants; LGBT+ members of faith communities; homeless people; and refugee and asylum seeking women.

Margaret has regularly collaborated with international academic, NGO and Government partners in Europe and on occasion in Africa, the MENA region and with partners in North and South America, South Asia and Australia.

Margaret is a member of ARU's Community and Social Inclusion Research Group and a member of the leadership team for the Safe and Inclusive Communities, Research, Innovation and Impact Theme which runs across the university.

Research interests
  • UK and international policy responses to social and health inequalities
  • Experiences of minoritised (e.g. by ethnicity/sexual orientation/gender identity etc) People of Faith
  • Migration experiences
  • Refugee, asylum seekers’ and migrants’ access to social protection and experiences of contact with statutory services
  • Social inclusion of Gypsies, Roma, Travellers, Showmen, and Boaters
  • LGBT+ equalities and social inclusion
  • Homeless and inclusion health
  • Widening participation in higher education
  • Social Class, positionality and outcomes in relation to statutory provision
  • Emergent inter-community solidarities
  • Cultural competence, community voice and mechanisms for upskilling health, education and social care professionals
  • The policy making process (drivers for change, barriers to implementation and experiences of policy professionals)
  • Co-production and action research methodologies

Margaret’s research interests, and methodological focus on co-produced participatory and action research to support best practice in policy making, are closely entwined, arising from a concern to centre the voice of those people who are often most impacted by policy and practice implementations yet frequently ‘unheard’ by policy makers. She seeks to do this through the use of rigorous mixed methodologies to produce analysis which give voice to service users whilst remaining alert to the needs NGOs and policy professionals.

Margaret has a developing interest in the ways in which faith and community led groups, grassroots organisations and loose collectives of individuals with a focus on social justice coalesce to practically organise and support those at risk of marginalisation or injustice.

Her non-academic career in community law centres, legal charities and specialist NGOs working to support women experiencing (or at risk of) inter-personal violence, deportation from the UK, or legal challenges focused on their ‘fitness to parent’ as a result of sexual orientation, gender identity, destitution, or Travelling lifestyle have all fed into Margaret’s policy preoccupations and ultimately academic focus.

Areas of research supervision

Margaret would be pleased to consider supervising doctoral students with any the following research interests/topics or in the areas outlined above:

  • Policy impacts on marginalised or ‘at risk’ communities
  • Social inclusion of marginalised and minoritised groups across all key equalities domains
  • Gypsy, Traveller, Roma, Showmen and Boater communities’ health and social inclusion
  • Access to services and welfare for migrant communities and populations at risk of exclusion
  • Widening participation in higher education for under-represented groups/communities
  • Social inclusion and integration of refugee and asylum seekers
  • LGBT+ communities health, wellbeing and social inclusion
  • Health Needs and Interventions impacting ‘inclusion health’ groups
  • Faith based social action
  • Interfaith relations
  • Participatory methodologies to support policy and practice design and interventions

Current doctoral supervision (internal and external to ARU)

Alaa Alsayed Ahmad: Enhancing Inclusivity of Highly Skilled Refugees in the UK Labour Market: The Significance of Employment Skills and Ethnic Networks/Solidarity ( Faculty of Business and Law, second supervisor)

Uchenna Nweke: Effectiveness of religious legitimating agencies in enhancing accountability and organisational performance of independent churches in the face of rising secularism and public scrutiny (full-time, commenced 2020)

Marjorie Johnson: Examining the lived experiences of long-term South Asian YWAM primary health care volunteers working in South Asia (part-time, commenced 2020) (First Supervisor on behalf of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies)

Wayne Palmer: An investigation into the effect of military culture on the suicide ideation of veterans (part-time, commenced 2019, current suspension of studies)

Doctoral completions as First Supervisor (from 2015)

Melody Wachsmuth: Understanding identity and social change through narrative: With special reference to Roma Pentecostalism in Croatia and Serbia (passed 2020)

Elisabetta Vivaldi: An exploration of the well-being and health status of Roma living in a “nomad camp” in Scampia, Naples (passed 2017)

Carol Rogers: Beyond bereavement: is close kinship enough? An exploration of the bereavement experiences and support in Gypsy and Traveller families (passed 2016)

Jenni Berlin: Assimilated individuals and segregated communities. A comparative study of the housing and living related well-being of Finnish Roma and housed Gypsies and Travellers in England (passed 2015) (First Supervisor on behalf of the University of Eastern Finland – funded by Finnish National Research Scholarship).


Margaret contributes to a variety of modules across the Faculty and more widely in the University based on her specialist areas of research and methodological practice, as well as contributing to Doctoral School training masterclasses and CPD events for professionals.

  • 2021: CMgr Chartered Manager/Senior Leader Apprenticeship (Higher Education), Distinction, Chartered Management Institute
  • 2020: MBA Senior Leadership in Higher Education, Distinction, Buckinghamshire New University
  • 2013: MSt Jewish-Christian Relations, Pass (Distinction in dissertation), University of Cambridge
  • 2006: PG Cert in Learning and Teaching (Higher Education), undifferentiated Pass, Buckinghamshire New University
  • 2002: PhD Social Policy, University of Bath (ESRC funded)
  • 1999: MSc Social Policy, Distinction, University of Bath 1999 (ESRC funded)
  • 1994: Legal Practice Course, Commendation, College of Law, London
  • 1992: MA Medical Law and Ethics, Distinction, Kings College London
  • 1990: BA Law and Social Anthropology, 2:1, SOAS, London
Memberships, editorial boards
Memberships and fellowships
  • Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (elected 2021)
  • Chartered Manager, Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (2021)
  • Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2016)
  • Trustee (National Educational Opportunities Network (NEON) (2021-)
  • Expert Advisor to NERUPI – Widening Participation Network (appointed 2019)
  • Member, Faculty of Homeless Health (2015-)
  • Member, European Academic Network on Romani Studies (2011-)
  • Member of Romanis in Europe interdisciplinary network (2013-)
  • Member of European Roma Health Network (2012-)
  • Gypsy Lore Society (2003-present) Newsletter Editor (2011-2017); Committee/Board member (2012-2016).
  • Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (2008-)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2008)
  • Social Policy Association (2001-present)
Visiting fellowships/professorships held
  • Lady Davis Trust Professorial Fellow 2018-19. Comparative research/community based best practice in provision of mental health support for members of diverse faith groups/migrants with severe mental health needs) Hebrew University Jerusalem: Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare/The Haruv Institute, HUJI.
  • University of Pecs Medical School WHO Migration Health Accredited Training Centre (October 2018). Development of comparative practice based programmes and exchanges for health practitioner and social work students: health, wellbeing and governance of migrant/refugee populations. The Association of Medical Schools in Europe: Best Practice for Research Teaching in Medical Education conference (4-6/10/18, University of Pecs) – practice/policy transfer in supporting minority/migrant/refugee populations accessing health care.
  • Visiting Professor: University of Foggia and participation as UK expert in Italian network of doctoral research on Roma Migration (February-March 2016)
  • Visiting Professor: Graduate Studies School, University of South Africa (March 2013 and August 2013)
  • Visiting Fellow: International Gender Studies Institute, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford (October-December 2012)
  • Visiting Senior Lecturer: University of Eastern Finland, Kuuopio (April 2011).

Editorial boards

  • Social Policy and Society (2021-)
  • Youth Voice (2010-)

Peer Reviewer (selected funding bodies)

  • UKRI
  • AHRC
  • MRC
  • ESRC
  • European Science Foundation (School of Social Science)
  • Big Lottery Fund
  • NIHR
  • UK Department of Health
  • Health Service Executive, Republic of Ireland

Peer Reviewer (selected journals)

  • Journal of Social Policy
  • Social Policy and Society
  • Community Development Journal
  • Cambridge Journal of Education
  • Youth Voice
  • Romani Studies
  • European Journal of Public Health
  • International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange

Selected recent grants/consultancy

  • (2023-24) Principal Investigator [PI] NHS England Research; with Cambridgeshire and Peterborough ICB; Dr Chantal Radley; East of England Local Government Association; British Red Cross (Peterborough) and Cambridge Refugee Resettlement Campaign. Breaking down barriers to research participation for refugees and asylum seekers: triangulating the experiences of people with lived experience, civil society and statutory service providers, and health and social care researchers. Funded by NHS England (Research) overall sum £97,180
  • (2022-23) Principal Investigator [PI] – QR Funding (Anglia Ruskin University) with Sheldon Chadwick (Showmen’s Mental Health Awareness Charity) (C I) and David Smith, ARU (CI) and Sophie Coker (Research Assistant), ARU. In Fair Health? A pilot study of the health and wellbeing of Travelling Showmen in Two Locales. Further information: report and also see below under presentations
  • (2022-23) Co-Investigator (CI) – QR Funding (Anglia Ruskin University) with Professor Jeffrey Griergson PI (ARU), Professor Catherine Lee (CI) and ARU Student Union (CI) Priority setting workshops with trans, non-binary and gender questioning students to ascertain support priorities
  • (2023-24) Co-Investigator (CI) Internal Sabbatical and Impact (QR) funding (Anglia Ruskin University) with Professor Sanjiv Ahluwalia, ARU Medical School (PI) and Sophie Coker (Research Assistant) and Kristina Church (Research Administrator) Inclusion health in the medical curricula: how fit for purpose is the training received by medical students and post-graduate clinicians and how do patients from the inclusion health communities’ experience service delivery. (A pilot, scoping study) see further:
  • Co-Investigator [CI] – QR Funding (Anglia Ruskin University) with David Smith, ARU (PI) and Egle Dagilyte, ARU (CI) Older EU migrants and access to public services and support post-Brexit £3,500
  • Principal Investigator [PI]/Lead Evaluator (Queens Nursing Institute) September 2020-April 2021. An evaluation of effectiveness of outreach and programme activities 2017-2020. £16,564
  • PI – UKRI Strategic Priorities Fund award (December 2019—July 2020 and December 2020-March 2021) ) Total= £24,880 (£15k (19-20) + (£9,880 (20-21) GRTSB into HE – development of suite of activities including formation of Jiscmail network/community of practice; steering group to devise materials and disseminate good practice Buckinghamshire New University
  • Methodological Advisor (December 2020-June 2022) The Traveller Movement – Home Office funded project into GRT experiences and access to meaningful activity in the Secure Estate £10,000
  • CI – DGJust (EU funding) October 2018-June 2021 “RomaMatters” project on gender, early motherhood, self-esteem and public health. Seven country research and community engagement project.. Greenfields as UK advisory board member of quality control group, advising on methodologies etc. £18,790
  • PI – (October 2019-July 2020) Ministry for Community Housing and Local Government (MHCLG) funded research report (commissioned by GATEHerts, budget holder) into Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities’ experiences of hate crime (co-authored with Dr Carol Rogers £10,000.
  • PI - (October 2018-October 2019) MHCLH funded research report with policy recommendations to local authority and statutory services: the experiences and service delivery/support needs of migrant workers in East Anglia/Fenlands. (CIs : Dr David Smith, ARU and Dr Egle Dagilyte, ARU) £34,309
  • Expert consultancy (12 days – October 2018-June 2019) – provision of survey, networking, methodological rsupport for IPSOS-MORI national level survey on behalf of the European Fundamental Rights Agency on the situation of UK Gypsy and Traveller Communities. £8,000
  • CI – Heritage Lottery (2016-18) Rainbow Pilgrims: the rites and passages of LGBT+ migrants and Gypsies, Travellers Roma in Britain £5,000 methodological support and engagement
  • Joint PI - Jewish Leadership Council (2017-18) (with Middlesex University – Professor E. Kofman) leading to policy and practice recommendation implementation in faith schools] (total grant, £28,000)
  • Joint PI – Barnet Council [confidential report on social services provision and child protection services access by BAME community] with Middlesex University – Professor E. Kofman). (total grant £12,000)
  • PI - AHRC Grant under ‘connected communities’ stream (with Coventry and Portsmouth Universities and ‘Rainbow Jews/Liberal Judaism community partners) Grant Reference: AH/M006085/1 “Ritual Recreated: faith and identity practises of LGBTQI Jews” (10/14-11/15) £72,263 [nb submitted as REF 2021 case study UoA20 in relation to health/social inclusion impacts]
  • CI - Pilot study of Roma migrants experiences of claiming welfare benefits post 2/14 welfare regime changes (with Dr Egle Dagilyte, formerly BNU- now ARU) funded by the Socio-Legal Studies Association February 2015-October 2015 £8,000 total including internal additional competitively awarded HEI seed-funding.
  • PI/Coordinator: Council of Europe/European Academic Network of Romani Studies seminar series ‘Policy into practice: bringing together academics, practitioners and policy makers’ (December 2014) £15,000 EU Policy guidance reports (a) Criminal Justice System and (b) Health and Social Work published April 2015.  
  • PI on policy and policing practice review in relation to BME communities (Police authority, Southern England) (confidential client report submitted April 2015 – leading to adoption of policy and practice amendments re recording of crime/victimisation by expanded ethnic categories – influential in expansion of ethnic categorisation across England/Wales) [contracted payment confidential]
  • Joint CI with The Traveller Movement, UK (NGO) Dept. of Health commissioned research/policy advice Greenfields, M & Brindley, M (2016) “Impact of insecure accommodation on Gypsies’ and Travellers’ wellbeing” London: DH April 2014-November 2014 (post-election publication 1/2016) £9,000. Cited extensively in Women and Equality Committee Report, 2019 (see above re expert evidence), and HoC briefing publications on GRT communities, forming the basis of a House of Lords debate on findings/recommendations.

Selected specialist advisory roles/provision of expert evidence

  • Provision of evidence (written submission) Department of Education/Select Committee Call for evidence: Education challenges facing children and young people (CYP) from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller (GRT) backgrounds (2022)
  • Advisory Panel Member, Office of National Statistics – Qualitative Research panel with Gypsies, Travellers and Roma (2021-22);
  • Member of Expert Census Data Users Panel, ONS, (2021-22)
  • Member of Advisory Group (LSE) Shaping, testing and demonstrating the value of the growing up in England dataset (GUIE): Roma, Gypsy and Traveller children case study. (March 2021-November 2021) ADR UK Strategic Hub/ESRC/ONS/LSE
  • Academic/Policy member of specialist inclusion health network group (Gypsies, Traveller, Roma, Boaters and Showmen) – convened by the Queens Nursing Institute (membership including Public Health England; Royal College of Nursing; MHCLG strategic leads etc.(2020-)
  • GRTSB into HE Network – member of steering group (founding member) (2020). Co-Convenor of Roundtable network on GRT into HE – House of Lords, September 2019 – with Baroness Whitaker, APPG GRT Affairs
  • UK Government Select Committee Women and Equalities enquiry into inequalities experienced by Gypsies, Traveller and Roma (February 2018);
  • Member of specialist advisory/steering group: Traveller Movement (OSF Funded) Equality and Justice Group (legal project; undertaking strategic litigation and supporting GRT community members in discrimination claims and test-cases). May 2016-2018.
  • Member of specialist advisory/policy group: EHRC/College of Policing/Home Office in relation to equalities/inclusion/policy development in relation to minority policing and GRT communities (February 2016-2018)
  • Invited to provide expert evidence/member of Expert Advisory Panel to the Enquiry Committee of the Framework Convention on National Minorities (EU) visit to the UK Council of Europe enquiry mission (10th March 2016) – hosted in the UK by the EHRC.
  • Steering Group Department of Health/Health Inclusion Health Education and Training Project Advisory Board (June 2013-15)
Selected recent publications
Interim report

Greenfields. M; Chadwick, S; Smith, M and Coker, S (2023)

External expert user/peer reviewed reports

Smith, D. (PI), Dagilytė, E (CI), Greenfields, M (CI), Radley, C., Ghosh, G and Dadswel lA. (2023) EU Older Migrants Pilot Project Stakeholder Report, Cambridge: ARU 

Greenfields, M.; Forster, N. et. al. (2022) Higher Education Opportunities for Gypsy Roma Traveller Young People in West Yorkshire: A Research and Evaluation Report. Leeds: Go Higher West Yorkshire 

Godfrey F, Jiang Y, Pauley R, Greenfields M. (2022). Luton Roma Trust. An Evaluation. London: Civil Society Consulting, Community Fund.

Greenfields, M with Khan, Z. 2021. An Evaluation of the Queens Nursing Institute Inclusion Health Programme, London: QNI

Greenfields, M & Rogers, C. 2020. Hate: “As regular as rain” A pilot research project into the psychological effects of hate crime on Gypsy, Traveller and Roma (GTR) communities Ware: GateHERT/BNU/MHCLG

Greenfields, M., Smith, D., Dagilyte, E., Ramadan, S. & Bright, J. 2019. The impact of migration in the Fenland area. A scoping report. High Wycombe: BNU/Rosmini Centre

Greenfields, M. 2019. Report of a Roundtable Meeting on Access to Higher Education for members of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma (GTR) communities. High Wycombe: BNU

Greenfields, M, Kofman, E & Holloway, M. 2018. A Study of Mental Health Services provided to and accessed by Jewish Children and Young People (CYP) A Report undertaken on behalf of the Jewish Leadership Council London: IDRICS/BNU/Mddx University [confidential research report]

Edited book

Greenfields, M; Allen, D and Smith, D. eds. 2018. Roma migration and resilience in the trans-national context Newcastle-on-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Peer-reviewed articles

Greenfields, M. & Smith, D. 2019. “Nothing New Under the Sun: Romany Gypsies, Travellers and their entwined historical relationships with working-class London communities" Journal of International Roma Studies 1(1)

Orton, L, Andersen de Cuevas, R, Stojanovski, K, Gamella, J, Greenfields, M, La Parra, D, Marcu, O, Matras, Y, Donert, C, Frost, D, Robinson, J, Rosenhaft, E, Salway, S, Sheard, S, Such, E, Taylor-Robinson, D and Whitehead, M. 2019. Roma populations and health inequalities: a new perspective. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 12 (5). pp. 319-327. ISSN 2056-4902

Greenfields, M & Dagilyte, E. 2018. ‘I would never have come if we’d known it might be like this’: On the (un)intended consequences of welfare governance of EU Roma migrants in Britain’ Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics

Asztalos Morell, I., Greenfields, M. and Smith, D. (2018) Governing underprivileged Roma migrations within the EU: Receiving country responses and Roma resilience. Local Economy, 33 (2). pp. 123-126. ISSN 1470-9325 (introductory commentary and co-editors of special journal edition)

Book chapter

Kochberg, S and Greenfields, M. (2022) London Suburbs and the co-creation of LGBT+ Jewish Identities in (eds). M. Cook, Oram, A. and Bengry, J. Locating Queer Histories: Places and Traces in the UK London: Bloomsbury Academic

Greenfields, M. (2023). Countering the toxic policy exchange: Reflections on UK and Australian approaches to ‘immigration control’ and academic-activist partnerships of resistance. In Regulating Refugee Protection through Social Welfare Law, Policy and Praxis ed. Billings, P. Oxford: Routledge. pp203-216

Smith, S., Greenfields, M., and Rochon, R. 2021. Gypsies, Travellers, and Roma in UK Higher Education: A View from Inside the Academy. in: eds. Simmons, N. and Podrebarac, J. Adults in the Academy: Voices of Lifelong Learners. Critical Issues in the Future of Learning and Teaching (20). Brill, pp. 101-109.

Brown, F and Greenfields, M. 2018. Roma Childhood and Early Education: a story of discrimination, in eds. Jaipaul R. Johnson, J. Quinn, S. and Patte M. The Handbook of International Perspectives on Early Childhood Education, Abingdon: Routledge. pp. 325-340.

Greenfields, M. 2018. ‘Policy Input on the Front Line: pure research or activism? Dilemmas of the ethical academic’ in ed. Sam Beck. The New Roma Activism in the New Europe. New York: Berghahn Books

Greenfields, M. 2018. Participatory action research with migrant and asylum seeking women in Craig, G. ed. Community Development, ‘Race’ and Ethnicity, Bristol: Policy Press

Greenfields, M. 2018. Cultural Transmission in a Welcoming State. In eds. Allen, D. Greenfields, M and Smith, D. Transnational Resilience and Change: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Strategies of Survival and Adaptation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 236-255.

Greenfields, M and Smith, D. 2018. Resisting Assimilation: Cultural Trauma, Survival and Adaptation to 'Alien' Accommodation Forms: The Case of British Gypsy/Travellers in Housing in eds. Allen, D. Greenfields, M and Smith, D. Transnational Resilience and Change: Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Strategies of Survival and Adaptation. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 94-113.

Recent presentations and conferences

Greenfields, M. and Chadwick, S. 2023. Queens Nursing Institute, Research Network Seminar. Findings from the Showmen’s Health Project (online). 10 May.

Greenfields, M and Coker, S. 2023. ARU Medical School Inaugural conference. Inclusion Health in the Medical Curricula (Introduction to a pilot health study). ARU. 28 March.

Greenfields, M; Chadwick. S. Coker, S. 2023. In Fair Health: preliminary findings from the Showmen’s Health Project. University of Oxford/ESRC ‘Hope into Action’: Social Sciences Impact Conference. 21 March.

Greenfields. M. 2023. Chairing ‘Moving Ahead’ (Big Lottery Foundation funded) workshop: Mental Health and Supporting Gypsies, Travellers and Roma. Resource for London, Holloway Road, N7, 17 January.

Greenfields, M. 2022. Invited Chair/Workshop Convenor: Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Wellbeing. Traveller Movement Conference: The Intersection of Poverty, Inequality and Mental Health. Lambeth Town Hall. 17 November.

Greenfields, M. 2022. Invited Speaker. Gypsies, Travellers, Roma, Showmen and Boaters into HE. Portal Trust launch of report by Atherton/Portal Trust and symposium. London EC3N 2EY . 14 November.

Greenfields, M 2022. Invited Speaker. Stop Hate Helpline for Cambridge and Peterborough. Hate Crime experienced by Gypsies and Travellers Storeys Field Centre, Cambridge. 28 November.

Greenfields. M. 2022. Chairing Westminster Policy Institute Training Event/Symposium. (Online) Health and Wellbeing for Gypsies and Travellers. And presentation on: Designing in Inclusion, Breaking Down Barriers. 25 October

Greenfields M. 2022. Invited Speaker. International Roma and Education Conference, Bangor University, 29 September.

Greenfields, M 2022. Invited Speaker. Higher Education Policy Institute. Launch event. On Inclusion in access to HE - speaking on barriers and solutions to supporting Gypsy, Travellers and Roma learners. 23 June.

Greenfields, M. 2022. Invited Speaker. Go Higher West Yorkshire conference and workshop on access to FE and HE for GRT learners. 21 June

Greenfields, M, Smith, D, Dagilyte, E, 2022. Older EU migrants’ access to public services and support in the post-Brexit Environment. Social Policy Association Conference. University of Swansea 6-8 July.

Greenfields, M; Smith, D. and Dagilyte, E., 2022. Eastern European agricultural workers in the UK: What current and future challenges exist to their incorporation into local communities after Brexit? Socio-Legal Studies Association. University of York. 6-8 April

Greenfields, M. 2022. De-Problematising Roma and Cigano youth and family engagement in Education and Problematising misrepresentation, misapplication and misunderstanding within the Academy. Keynote Speaker EduRom Project (2019-2021) Concluding Conference Lisbon, Portugal, 18 January

Greenfields, M and Smith, S. 2022. Taking the GTRSBintoHE Pledge Presentation and Workshop. HELEO National Conference, Carden Park Hotel, Cheshire. 14 January.

Greenfields, M. 2021. Invited speaker Expert Symposium Hate Crime As Regular as Rain: the prevalence and impact of experiences of Hate Crime for Gypsy, Traveller and Roma Communities. Heriot-Watt University (online session) 20 October

Greenfields, M and Smith. S. 2021. Taking a Whole University Approach to GTRSBintoHE Inclusion. NERUPI Annual Conference Transitions and Transformations: New Opportunities for a 21st Century Education? (online) 16 September.

Greenfields, M and Smith, S. 2021. Anti-racist Social Work – From Words to Action. Joint Social Work Education and Research Conference (JSWEC) (invited speaker) Cardiff (blended/online) 8 July

Greenfields, M and Smith S. 2021. The GTRSBintoHE Pledge (presentation and workshop session) Main conference stream Presentation and Workshop session in Opening the Doors to GTRSB students Conference. Winchester University/Online Invited Speakers) 16 June

Greenfields, M; Smith, D. and Dagilyte, E., 2020. East European agricultural workers in the UK: what current and future challenges exist to post-Brexit incorporation into labour markets and communities?’ Social Dynamics: Inequalities, Integration, Mobility and Migration, Centre for Social Sciences, Budapest, 16 November.

Greenfields, M. 2020: Invited speaker NEON (National Education Opportunities Network) Winter Summit. Engaging with Gypsy, Traveller and Roma students and encouraging participation utilising data analysis to understand the local and national context. “Can data drive access & participation? How data can help higher education providers and partnerships meet their targets” Birmingham, UK, 29 January  

Greenfields, M. 2019: Workshop convenor/Chair for the Traveller Movement national policy conference. Workshop 2: “We are speaking up, who is listening? Mental health in GRT communities” London, UK 21 November

Greenfields, M. 2019 – speaker at launch of MCHLG funded report on Migration in East Anglia and Brexit impacts attended by Minister for Brexit Steve Barclay, MPC, London. 6 November

Greenfields, M. 2019. World Health Organisation expert conference on development and good practice in migration health data gathering protocols, mapping migrant health needs – University of Pecs, Hungary (invited speaker/workshop convenor) 6-9 October

Greenfields, M. 2019. Keynote speaker at ‘A Hidden Community’ - Understanding Liveaboard Boater Inequalities” workshop and study day. Assembly Rooms, Bath, Somerset. 26 September

Greenfields, M. 2019 – invited participant/presenter – Home Office expert panel meeting on responding to the Women and Equalities Committee report on Policy Responses to GRT communities. 12 September

Greenfields, M. 2019. Co-convenor with Baroness Whitaker and special advisor Gill Brown on workshop at the House of Lords on Gypsy, Traveller and Roma engagement with HE. 6 September.

Greenfields, M. 2018. Keynote Speaker at expert seminar on Roma and social work engagement. ‘Over-Watched and Over-Here’ Covert ‘Policing’ of Roma migrants in the UK through social work interventions and access to welfare regimes in the context of Brexit Britain? Centre for Baltic and East European Studies (CBEES); Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden. February 26.

Greenfields, M. 2018 – Expert panel member – Select Committee Women and Equalities Committee, Westminster Enquiry into Inequalities Experienced by Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities. Evidence provided 21-2-18 report published April 2019 – with evidence given cited in a number of places in the report

Greenfields, M. 2018 – Rainbow Pilgrims – co-organised, convened and Chaired conference on experiences of Refugee, Asylum seeking and Gypsy, Traveller and Roma LGBT+ community members (project funded by Heritage Lottery) February.

Media experience

From mid 1990s-present): Intermittent (averaging 2-4 times a year) appearance on radio and occasionally television and in print broadcast (including the Guardian; the Independent); BBC Local Radio, Sussex; Three Counties etc; Radio 4; Channel 4; ITV News); and other online/blog broadcasts as a special guest).

e.g. Belger, T. 2022. How schools can reverse Gypsy and Roma under-achievement. Schools Week. 25 January.

Quarmby, K. 2021. Systematic Racism, Byline Times 24 May. 

Quarmby, K. 2020. Hate targeted at Gypsy, Traveller and Roma linked to rise in suicides – report. The Guardian, 20 December. 

Andersson, J. 2020. Hate towards Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities may be contributing to an ‘epidemic of needless deaths’  11 December

Interviewee on Podcast Standard Issue June 28 2020 Fighting Racism against Gypsies, Roma and Travellers.

Interview Participant in “It’s Kushti to Rokker” Health of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma people’s short documentary film series by Travellers Times and Rural Media Company – launched 11 November 2019

BBC Radio Sussex 12th December 2017 (morning News programme) interviewed on implementation of new ‘Public Space Protection Orders’ in the Brighton and Hove areas (legality and potential impact) which are targeted at nomadic Gypsies, Travellers and homeless people utilising green-space. (12 minute slot).

Vice News on-line article 19th July 2016. Greenfields quoted and health authority funded project report cited on article on mental health status and enforced movement of itinerant ‘continuous cruisers’

BBC Three Counties (Morning News Programme) 7th April, 2016 interviewed in relation to impact of accommodation on unauthorised encampments, changes to legislation post August 2015 and Council of Europe attitudes to UK Government policy.

Summary of Report on Policing and Policy of Gypsies and Travellers on behalf of Thames Valley Police (December 2015) reported on BBC News 1/12/15 and via local press outlets e.g. Banbury Times.