Professor Jörg Fachner


Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research (Co-Director)

Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:
Music therapy
Research Supervision:

Jörg Fachner is Professor of Music, Health and the Brain and Co-Director of the Cambridge Institute for Music Therapy Research. He's a specialist for translational issues of interdisciplinary research topics between medical, humanities and music sciences.

[email protected]

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For over 20 years Jörg has been working as a professional in the field of music therapy research.

He is trained as a social scientist, graduated as an educationalist in music therapy, and received his doctoral degree in medical science in 2001 by studying changes of neural correlates of consciousness (EEG) during music perception.

Spoken Languages
  • German
  • English
  • Finnish (Basic)
Research interests

Jörg was trained to utilise music therapy in special education, specialising in the treatment of deviant adolescents and addiction.

As a researcher at the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany he was involved in sensory, posture and movement research at the Department of Physiology.

Later, as Senior Research Fellow at the same university, he established a research service and music therapy online journal at the Chair for Qualitative Research in Medicine.

Funded by FP6 of the EU and AOF as a senior researcher at the Finnish Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Music Research at University of Jyvaskyla in Finland, he focused on music therapy interventions and brain responses on depression and stroke treatment.

His research interests, publications and scientific memberships focus on:

  • Music (therapy), improvisation and social neuroscience
  • Attunement timing and kairological principles of (music) therapy processes
  • Music, imagery and brain processes in therapeutic settings
  • Music and the reward system in the brain
  • Popular music culture and performance.
Areas of research supervision
  • Music, therapy and social neuroscience
  • Music, imagery and neural correlates of consciousness
  • Music therapy, depression/addiction treatment
  • Social pharmacology of music
  • Neurorehabilitation and-degeneration, music and assistive technologies

PhDs to completion

  • Street, A. (2012-2016) Home-based neurologic music therapy for upper limb rehabilitation in chronic stroke: a pilot study. (PhD)
  • Hsu, M.H. (2013-2017) Individual music therapy for managing neuropsychiatric symptoms in dementia care homes. (PhD)
  • Jacques, J.-F. (2013- 2019). Co-creation of meaning in autobiographical performance in dramatherapy. (PhD) (2nd SV Dr. emeritus D. Dokter)
  • Pizziolo, P. (2015-2019). Investigating the role of music therapy in the reduction of behavioural and psychological symptoms for people with dementia. (PhD)
  • Sheppard, M. (2015-2018). Psychoacoustic Perception and Transmission of Sonic QR Codes. (PhD)
  • Apreleva Kolomeytseva, A. T. (2017 -2020) Music therapy protocol to support bulbar and respiratory functions in patients with early and mid-stage amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a feasibility study (PhD)
  • Hofstadter, K. (2015 Sept -2022) Developing brain-computer music interfaces for meditation. (PhD).
  • Peacock, L. (2016-2022). Drama Therapy as a tool for identity transformation among veterans in the U.S. and U.K.: A Cross-Cultural Comparison. (PhD) (2nd SV Dr. emeritus D. Dokter).
  • Esperson, P. P. C.(2016 – 2022) Group Music therapy in Primary schools to develop tolerance and inclusion; laying the foundations for future peace. (PhD).

Current PhDs 1st Supervisor

  • Heine, A. (2018 Jan–) Dyadic interaction and meaningful moments during personalized music therapy in neuro rehabilitation. (PhD)
  • Brackley, J. (2019-). Music Therapy, Identity Formation and Adolescents at Risk in Educational Settings. (PhD).
  • Yap, S. S. (2019–). Synchrony during music therapy and its relationship to self-reported therapy readiness. (PhD)
  • Bloska, J. (2020-). Exploring the mechanisms and neural dynamics of indirect music therapy for people with dementia and their family caregivers. (PhD).
  • Pasqualitto, F. (2020-). Investigating the neural dynamics of the music therapeutic process in addiction treatment - emotions, craving and state dependent recall. (PhD).
  • Fernie, P. (2020-). Utilising Music Production Technology in Music Therapy sessions and in the analysis of musical interactions. (PhD).
  • Palejova, M. (2021). Towards a clinical model of Integrative Music Therapy for psychedelic treatments. (PhD).

Current PhDs 2nd Supervisor

  • Parker, R. (2018 -) What Just Happened? The Application of Machine Learning to Music Therapy Session Interpretation. (PhD).
  • Colclasure, R. (2019-). Designing and testing a music app for hand rehabilitation following stroke. (PhD).

Current PhDs 3rd Supervisor

  • Chagger, R. (2019–). Effectiveness of a Toolbox template for composing music using scientific and medical data for stimuli. (PhD).
  • Music and the brain
  • Music therapy and social neuroscience
  • Music therapy and addictions
  • Dr rerum medicinalium (Doctor of Medical Sciences), Faculty of Medicine, University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany
  • Diplom Pädagoge (Master in Education), Faculty for Education and Biology, University of Dortmund, Germany
Memberships, editorial boards
  • German Association for the Study of Popular Music (GfPM)
  • International Association for Cannabinoid Medicine (founding member)
  • Scientific Advisory Board of KenVak, Arts therapy research organisation, The Netherland
  • Music and Science
  • Reviewer: NIHR, Volkswagen Stiftung, Deutscher Wissenschaftsrat, Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, DFF Independent Research Fund Denmark, Norwegian Research Council, Israel Science Foundation, and AHRC

Jörg has served as scientific advisor and board/committee member for several conferences (such as WFMT, ESCOM, ICME, ICMP, ECMT, NCMT), and reviewer for journals and publishers in the field of the Brain and music sciences (such as Music Perception, Musicae Scientae, Psychology of Music, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, Brain Sciences, Complementary Therapies in Medicine, Oxford University Press, Routledge, etc.

Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Panin, F., & Murtagh, D. (2022). Music therapy for craving - EEG analysis software dongles for cross-faculty analysis of project data. In (Vol. £8,733.60, pp. 5). UK: ARU Health, Performance and Well-being Leadership group.
  • Fachner, J., Fernie, P., Maidhof, C., Campbell, W., Pasqualito, F., Panin, F., & Odell-Miller, H. (2021). Music therapy and the use of Electronic Music Production Instruments (EMPIs) to support the reduction of craving for people attending Community Substance Misuse Treatment Services.
  • Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Pasqualito, F., Fernie, P., & Odell-Miller, H. (2020). Music therapy, and reduction of craving for people attending Community Substance Misuse Treatment Services. In (Vol. £7600, pp. 11). UK: HEFCI QR AHSS funding.
  • Fachner, J., Street, A., & Odell-Miller, H. (2020). COVID-19 Grant Extension Allocation (CoA) – Application Radio Me: Real-time Radio Remixing for people with mild to moderate dementia who live alone, incorporating Agitation Reduction, and Reminders. In (Vol. £35.184). UK: UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
  • Miranda, E., Fachner, J., Brewster, S., Odell-Miller, H., Banerjee, S., & Kirke, A. (2019-2024). Radio Me: Real-time Radio Remixing for people with mild to moderate dementia who live alone, incorporating Agitation Reduction, and Reminders. (Vol. £2.7 Million, ARU £651,738). UK: EPRSC.
  • Tucek, G., Fachner, J., Steinhoff, N., Perkhoffer, S., Schuster, K., & Schaffner, A. (2016-2021). Josef Ressel Centre for Personalised (Music) Therapy Research in Neurorehabilitation” (Vol. €1.147.470). Austria / UK: Christian Doppler Society, Vienna.
  • Fachner, J. (2015-2018). Neural correlates of dyadic musical improvisation with healthy adults and older people with and without dementia (Vol. £102.320, pp. 3). UK: Music Therapy Charity
  • Fachner, J., Faber, S., & Odell-Miller, H. (2014). Improvising brains: Investigating human interaction in improvisation with wireless EEGs (Vol. £5000). UK: RCDS, ARU.
  • Consultancy (2015-7): Depression & Music Therapy (SYNCHRONY) advisory role on depression and song writing project, East London NHS Foundation Trust, Queen Mary University, London
  • Consultancy (2016) Expert consultancy and final hearing (July 15-17) on art therapies and addiction treatment, Deutsche Rentenversicherung, Berlin, Germany
  • Consultancy (2017) Slow Motion in Music. ESR Project, University of Hamburg
  • Knowledge exchange (2014 ongiong) Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) Neurodynamics of consciousness and musical imagery in GIM, Neuroscientific research enquiry into the impact of music on cognition processes, emotion, memory and brain development together with Aalborg University, Norwegian Academy of Music, Jyvaskyla University, Finland
Selected recent publications


Fachner, J. (2022- in press). Music and the brain – core knowledge integrated into curriculum. In K. Goodman (Ed.), Developing Issues in World Music Therapy Education and Training. Springfield, IL: CC Thomas.

Fachner, J. (2022 (in print)). ‘Recumbent journeys into sound - Music, imagery, and altering states of consciousness. In M. Kussner, L. Taruffi, & G. Floridou (Eds.), Music and Mental Imagery (1 ed.). Routledge.

Fachner, J. (2022). The Shepherd’s Farewell: Shared Hearing as (a Mode of) Healing - Music, Imagery and Emotion-Neural Dynamics. In R. Stock, B. Ochsner, & M. Schillmeier (Eds.), Techniques of Hearing - History, Theory and Practices (1 ed.). Routledge.

Yap, S. S., Ramseyer, F., Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Tschacher, W., & Tucek, G. (2022). Dyadic nonverbal synchrony during pre and post music therapy interventions and its relationship to self-reported therapy readiness [Original research]. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience.

Tucek, G., Maidhof, C., Vogl, J., Heine, A., Zeppelzauer, M., Steinhoff, N., & FACHNER, J. (2022). EEG hyperscanning and qualitative analysis of moments of interest in music therapy for stroke rehabilitation - a feasibility study. Brain Sciences, 12(565).

Ghetti, C., Chen, X., Brenner, A., Hakvoort, L. G., Lien, L., Fachner, J., & Gold, C. (2022). Music therapy for people with substance use disorders (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Issue 5. Art. No.: CD012576).

Apreleva Kolomeytseva, A. T., Brylev, L., Eshghi, M., Bottaeva, Z., Zhang, J., Fachner, J. C., & Street, A. J. (2022). Home-Based Music Therapy to Support Bulbar and Respiratory Functions of Persons with Early and Mid-Stage Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis—Protocol and Results from a Feasibility Study. Brain Sciences, 12(4), 494.

Di Campli San Vito, P., Brewster, S., Venkatesh, S., Moffat, D., Kirke, A., Miranda, E., Banerjee, S., Street, A., Fachner, J., & Odell-Miller, H. (2022, April 30 - May 6). RadioMe: Supporting Individuals with Dementia in Their Own Home... and Beyond? CHI 2022, New Orleans, USA.


Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Heine, A., Vogl, J., Steinhoff, N., & Tucek, G. (2021). From the lab to the field - EEG hyperscanning and qualitative analysis of moments of interest in music therapy for stroke rehabilitation. [“Vom Labor ans Krankenbett”: EEG-Hyperscanning und qualitative Analyse bedeutsamer musiktherapeutischer Momente in der Neurorehabilitation – ein Studienprotokoll]. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 42(4), 360-375. DOI: 10.13109/muum.2021.42.4.360

Hunt, A. M., Fachner, J., Clark-Vetric, R., Raffad, R., Rupnow-Kidde, C., Maidhof, C., & Dileo, C. (2021). Neuronal Effects of Music Entrainment versus Preferred Music in Three Patients with Chronic Pain as Measured via EEG and LORETA Imaging. Frontiers of Psychology. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.588788

Venkatesh, S., Moffat, D., Kirke, A., Shakeri, G., Brewster, S., Fachner, J., . . . Miranda, E. R. (2020). Artificially synthesising data for audio classification and segmentation to improve speech and music detection in radio broadcast. Paper presented at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Gözel Shakeri, Stephen Brewster, Satvik Venkatesh, David Moffat, Alexis Kirke, Eduardo Miranda, Sube Banerjee, and Alex Street, Jorg Fachner, Helen Odell-Miller. 2021. RadioMe: challenges during the development of a real time tool to support People with Dementia. In CHI ’21: ACM XXX, May 08–13, 2021, Yokohama, Japan. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages.


Fachner, J. (2020). Situationisten, Kairos und Hyper Brains – Moment mal! Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 41(4), 410-418. doi:10.13109/muum.2020.41.4.410

Fachner, J. (2020). Trance. In H.-H. Decker-Voigt, E. Weymann, M. Nöcker-Ribaupierre, & E. Pfeifer (Eds.), Lexikon Musiktherapie (pp. 641-647). Göttingen: Hogrefe.


Fachner, J. C., Maidhof, C., Grocke, D., Nygaard Pedersen, I., Trondalen, G., Tucek, G., & Bonde, L. O. (2019). “Telling me not to worry…” Hyperscanning and Neural Dynamics of Emotion Processing During Guided Imagery and Music. Front Psychol, 10(1561). doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01561.

Street, A., Fachner, J., & Magee, W. (2019). Upper limb rehabilitation in chronic stroke using neurologic music therapy: two contrasting case studies to inform on treatment delivery and patient suitability. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 28(5), 382-404. doi:10.1080/08098131.2019.1606848.

Yau, K.-C., & Fachner, J. (2019). Effects of motifs in music therapy on the attention of children with externalizing behavior problems. Psychology of Music. doi:10.1177/0305735619880292.


Odell-Miller, H., Fachner, J., & Erkkila, J. (2018). Music therapy clinical practice and research for people with depression: music, neuroscience and music therapy In A. Zubala & V. Karkou (Eds.), Arts therapies in the treatment of depression (pp154-171). London: Routledge.

Street, A. J., Magee, W. L., Bateman, A., Parker, M., Odell-Miller, H., & Fachner, J. C. (2018). Home-based neurologic music therapy for arm hemiparesis following stroke: results from a pilot, feasibility randomized controlled trial. Clinical Neurorehabilitation, 32(1), pp18–28. doi:10.1177/0269215517717060.


Fachner, J. (2017). Retraining of Drug Reward, Music Cues and State-dependent Recall in Music Therapy. Music and Medicine, 9(1), 8-14

Fachner, J. (2017 in press). Music and healing processes: Music therapy. In R. Ashley & R. Timmers (Eds.), Routledge Companion to Music Cognition: Routledge

Fachner, J. (2017 in revision). Veränderte Bewusstseinszustände. In R. Kopiez & A. Lehmann (Eds.), Handbuch Musikpsychologie. Göttingen: Hogrefe

Odell-Miller, H., Fachner, J., & Erkkila, J. (2017 submitted). Music therapy clinical practice and research for people with depression: music, neuroscience and music therapy In Karkou (Ed.), Arts therapies in the treatment of depression: Routledge


Ghetti, C., Chen, X.-J., Fachner, J., & Gold, C. (2017). Music therapy for substance use disorders [Protocol]. Cochrane Databases of Systematic Reviews, (3), Art. No.: CD012576. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012576

Fachner, J. (2016). From assistance to co-therapy - On the role of the co-therapist in Nordoff/Robbins Music Therapy. In L. Strange, E. Richards, & H. Odell-Miller (Eds.), Assistants in Music therapy London: Jessica Kingsley

Fachner, J., & Wosch, T. (2016). Neurowissenschaftliche Aspekte der Musiktherapie bei affektiven Störungen und bei Demenz. Jahrbuch der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Musikpsychologie, 26, 1-17

O'Kelly, J., Fachner, J., & Tervaniemi, M. (2016). Dialogues in music therapy and music neuroscience: collaborative understanding driving clinical advances Vol. 10. Special topic edited for Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

O'Kelly, J., Fachner, J., & Tervaniemi, M. (2016, 22 Nov). Editorial: Dialogues in music therapy and music neuroscience: collaborative understanding driving clinical advances. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10-585. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2016.00585

Fachner, J., O'Kelly, J., Lee, E., & Faber, S. (2016). Music therapy praxeology and the brain – neuroscientific perspectives for studying music therapy effects and processes. Nordic Journal of Music therapy, 25(S1), 88

Fachner, J., Erkkila, J., & Brabant, O. (2016). On musical identities, social pharmacology and intervention timing in music therapy. In D. Hargreaves, R. MacDonald, & D. Miell (Eds.), Musical Identities (pp. 682-700). Oxford: Oxford University Press

Fachner, J. (2016). Music therapy and biomarkers of depression treatment. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on "Best practised models and research in music therapy: global perspectives", Center for Music Therapy Education and Research, Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute Campus, SBV University, Pondicherry India

Ridder, H. M., & Fachner, J. (2016). Objectivist case study research. Single-subject and small-n research In B. Wheeler (Ed.), Music Therapy Research: Barcelona Publishers

Fachner, J. (2016). Measuring music and musical responses. In B. Wheeler (Ed.), Music Therapy Research (3 ed.): Barcelona Publishers

Fachner, J. (2016). The Future of Music Therapy Research in Neuroscience. In C. Dileo (Ed.), Envisioning the future of music therapy (pp. 133-139). Philadelphia: Temple University


Punkanen, M., Erkkilä, J., Ala-Ruona, E., Tervaniemi, M., Fachner, J., & Vanhala, M. (2015). Improvisaatiopohjainen yksilömusiikkiterapia masennuksen hoidossa: kontrolloitu, satunnaistettu tutkimus. Psykoterapia, 34(4), 289-298

Street., A. J., Magee., W. L., Odell-Miller, H., Bateman, A., & Fachner, J. (2015). Home-based Neurologic Music Therapy for Upper Limb Rehabilitation with Chronic Hemiparetic Stroke Patients - a Feasibility Study Protocol. Frontiers of Human Neuroscience, 9(480). doi:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00480

Ellison, D., Moisseinen, N., Fachner, J., & Brattico, E. (2015). Affective versus cognitive responses to musical chords: An ERP and behavioral study. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain, 25(4), 423-434. doi:10.1037/pmu0000127

Hsu, M. H., Flowerdew, R., Parker, M., Fachner, J., & Odell-Miller, H. (2015). The impact of music therapy on managing neuropsychiatric symptoms for people with dementia and their carers: a randomised controlled feasibility study. BMC Geriatrics. 15(84). doi: 10.1186/s12877-015-0082-4


Schäfer, T., & Fachner, J. (2014). Listening to music reduces eye movements. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 1-9. doi: 10.3758/s13414-014-0777-1

Fachner, J. (2014). Communicating change - meaningful moments, situated cognition and music therapy - a reply to North (2014). Psychology of Music, 42(6), 791-799. doi: 10.1177/0305735614547665

Fachner, J., Grocke, D., Hunt, A., Forsblom, A., Ala-Ruona, E., & Bonde, L. O. (2014). Music therapy, altered states, and imagery. In J. Fachner, P. Kern & G. Tucek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy Special issue of Music Therapy Today (Vol. 10, pp. 246-247). Krems: Chair of Publications of the World Federation of Music Therapy

Hsu, M. H., Pendry, R., Odell-Miller, H., Fachner, J., & Parker, M. (2014). What a glorious feeling, I'm happy again: music therapy and dementia symptoms. In J. Fachner, P. Kern & G. Tucek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today (eBook ed., Vol. 10, pp. 122-123). Krems: Chair of Publications of the World Federation of Music Therapy

Fachner, J. (2014). Music therapy and brain research: where are we heading? In J. Fachner, P. Kern & G. Tucek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today (eBook ed., Vol. 10, pp. 88-89). Krems: Chair of Publications of the World Federation of Music Therapy. Retrieved from

Fachner, J., Kern, P., & Tucek, G. (2014). Editorial for the Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy Cultural Diversity in Music Therapy, Practice, Research, and Education In J. Fachner, P. Kern & G. Tucek (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14. World Congress of Music Therapy. Special issue of Music Therapy Today (Vol. 10, pp. 8-9). Krems: Chair of Publications of the World Federation of Music Therapy

O'Kelly, J., Magee, W., Street, A., Fachner, J., Drake, A., , Särkämö, T., . . . Taylor, D. B. (2014). Music Therapy Advances in Neuro-disability: Innovations in Research and Practice. Summary report on a two day International Conference. Voices - a world forum for music therapy, 12

Fachner, J., Kern, P., & Tucek, G. (2014). Proceedings of the 14th World Congress of Music Therapy. Special Issue of Music Therapy Today, 10(1)


O'Kelly, J., James, L., Palaniappan, R., Taborin, J., Fachner, J., & Magee, W. L. (2013). Neurophysiological and behavioral responses to music therapy in vegetative and minimally conscious states. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 7(884). doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2013.00884

Schäfer, T., Fachner, J., & Smukalla, M. (2013). Changes in the representation of space and time while listening to music. Front Psychol, 4(508). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00508

Fachner, J., & Stegemann, T. (2013). Electroencephalography (EEG) and music therapy: On the same wavelength? Music & Medicine, 5(4), 217-222. doi: 10.1177/1943862113495062

Fachner, J., & Erkkilä , J. (2013). The Finnish research model of a music therapy practice treating depression. Musiktherapeutische Umschau, 34(1), 35–45

Gold, C., Fachner, J., & Erkkilä, J. (2013). Validity and reliability of electroencephalographic frontal alpha asymmetry and frontal midline theta as biomarkers for depression. Scand J Psychol, 54(2), 118-126. doi: 10.1111/sjop.12022

Fachner, J., Gold, C., & Erkkilä, J. (2013). Music therapy modulates fronto-temporal activity in the rest-EEG in depressed clients. Brain Topography, 26(2), 338-354. doi: 10.1007/s10548-012-0254-x

Recent presentations and conferences


Fachner, J. (2022, June 21). How to investigate the meaning of music in therapy? A social neuroscience perspective on guided imagery and music. Paper presented at the AHSS Research Conference: The (re)search for new meanings, Cambridge.

Gottfried, T., Scarlata, E., Hakvoort, L., Stegemann, T., Foubert, K., Ghetti, C., & Fachner, J. (2022, June 8-12). Music therapy research across Europe: current areas, approaches and methodologies, and their connection with the practice of music therapy. Invited Symposium Paper presented at the 12th European Music Therapy Conference 8—12th of June: Music therapy in progress: Please disturb!, Edinburgh.

Fachner, J., & Street, A. (2022, June 8-12). Radio Me: Real-time radio remixing for people with mild to moderate dementia who live alone, incorporating agitation reduction, and reminders. Paper presented at the 12th European Music Therapy Conference 8—12th of June: Music therapy in progress: Please disturb!, Edinburgh.

Pizziolo, P., Fachner, J., & Odell-Miller, H. (2022, June 8-12). Reducing behavioural disturbances for people living with dementia: Music therapy research showing links between music therapy techniques and reduction moments. Paper presented at the 12th European Music Therapy Conference 8—12th of June: Music therapy in progress: Please disturb!, Edinburgh.

Yap, S. S., Ramseyer, F., Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Tschacher, W., & Tucek, G. (2022, June 8-12). Dyadic nonverbal synchrony during pre and post music therapy interventions and its relationship to self-reported therapy readiness. Poster presented at the 12th European Music Therapy Conference 8—12th of June: Music therapy in progress: Please disturb!, Edinburgh.

Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Murtagh, D., Da Silva, D., Pasqualitto, F., Fernie, P., & Odell-Miller, H. (2022, June 8-12). Music therapy, neural dynamics of craving and intense emotions in addiction treatment: A feasibility study in a community setting. Poster presented at the 2th European Music Therapy Conference 8—12th of June: Music therapy in progress: Please disturb!, Edinburgh.

Tucek, G., Simon, P., Yap, S., Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., & Heine, A. (2022, June 8-12). Outcome and outlook of interdisciplinary research projects on personalised music therapy in neurorehabilitation. IMC Krems Symposium Paper presented at the 12th European Music Therapy Conference 8—12th of June: Music therapy in progress: Please disturb!, Edinburgh.

Tucek, G., Simon, P., Fachner, J., & Heine, A. (2022, April 28). Shared Moments and Right Periods in Music Therapy in Neurorehabilitation. Symposium Paper presented at the 10th Nordic Conference of Music Therapy, Helsinki, Finland.

Pasqualitto, F., & Fachner, J. (2022, April 25). Neuroplastic changes in addiction memory - How music therapy may reduce craving. Paper co-presented and Symposium organised: Music therapy and treatment of substance use disorder - current research and practice, CIMTR Public Research Lecture Series.

Fachner, J. (2022, April 10). Reframing emotional intensity – music and psychedelic drug-effects. Invited Paper presented at the Student Psychedelic Web-Conference.

Fachner, J. (2022, Mar 1). Social Neuroscience and Music therapy - How to do research in practice. Invited Paper presented at the 2022 Erasmus days: Lessons to be learned for the remote learning in the pandemic - Implications for educators, Erasmus Days Web Conference.

Fachner, J., & Maidhof, C. (2022, Jan 14). Social neuroscience of music therapy - applications and implications for research and training. Paper co-presented at the Think Tank on Music Therapy and Neuroscience - Collaboration, dialogue and training, CIMTR Online.


Fachner, J. (2021, Dec 8). Investigating the social and emotional effect of music therapy with hyperscanning. Invited Paper presented at the session ‘Music and medicine’ of the State-of-the-Art annual meeting of the Intensive Care Society, Birmingham.

Fachner, J. (2021, August 24-27th). Social neuroscience and hyperscanning in music therapy research. Invited Paper presented at the Satellite Event ‘Music and the brain’ at FENS regional meeting of the Polish and Lithuanian Neuroscience societies, Krakow.

Fachner, J. (2021, Feb 27). Perspektiven der Sozialen Neurowissenschaft und Untersuchungen dyadischer Gehirnprozesse in der Musiktherapie. Invited Keynote at 9. Frankfurter Tag der Musiktherapie, Frankfurt.

Asimakopoulos, A., & Fachner, J. (2021, Feb 6). Binaural Beats in Music Therapy Interventions for Substance Addiction Treatment: Paper from my MA student co-presented at Online Conference for Music Therapy, Online

Street, A., Fachner, J., Miranda, E., Kirke, A., & Osborne, N. (2021, January 18). Music Listening Technology and Arousal Adjustment Roundtable, CIMTR research webinar series, Webinar.

Fachner, J. (2021, August 25-27). Social Neuroscience and hyperscanning in music therapy research – Interacting brains and shared emotion processing in the music therapy process. Invited paper presented at Polish Neuroscience Society and the Lithuanian Neuroscience Association FENS meeting, Virtual.


Fachner, J., & Maidhof, C. (2020, December 14). Interacting brains of clients and therapists: EEG case reports on neural emotional markers during receptive and active music therapy. Paper presented online at the CIMTR research webinar series.

Fachner, J., & Maidhof, C. (2020, Nov 28). Shared emotional processing of important moments in music therapy (GIM) - Situated cognition and insight in an EEG hyperscanning setting. Invited paper presented online at the Mapping Social Interaction through Sound: Conceptual Framework, Technological Development and Real-World Studies, Humbolt University, Berlin.

Tucek, G., Simon, P., Wenzel, C., Vogl, J., Janssen, J., Heine, A., Yap, S., Zoderer, I., Maidhof, C. & Fachner, J. (2020, November 18). Shared Moments in Therapy. Invited project presentation online at the IAMM Insights, IAMM, International Association for Music and Medicine.

Fachner, J., & Taylor, D. (2020, November 15). International Dialogues in Music and Neuroscience - Leaders in Conversation. Invited panellist at the 46th Australian Music Therapy Association Conference - Connection Evolving, Reflecting Responding, Australia, Online.

Fachner, J. (2020, November 13). Music therapy research and social neuroscience approaches – how to investigate attunement and intersubjective experiences in music therapy. Invited Keynote presented online at the Music Therapy Symposium, Royal College of Music in Stockholm, Karolinska Institutet and Royal Swedish Academy of Music, Sweden. 

Fachner, J. (2020, 16-17. January). Research and perspectives of interdisciplinary neuroscience on change processes in Music Therapy. Invited Paper presented at Kleine Fächerwochen - Musiktherapie im Spannungsfeld gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen – Ein Verbundprojekt zu Lehre, Forschung und Praxis, FHWS - Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften.


Fachner, J. (2019, 29-30 November). High time and trippin - Neural Dynamics of Shared Moments of Interest (MOI) in Guided Imagery and Music. Invited paper presented at the International Symposium on 'Time Changes in Experiences of Music and Dance’, University of Hamburg.

Fachner, J. (2019, 22-23 November). Reframing music, imagery and emotion- neural dynamics of shared hearing in healing setting. Invited workshop presentation presented at the International Workshop Smart Hearing – Enabling Technologies of Acoustic Wellbeing, University of Konstanz.

Fachner, J. (2019, 24 October). Therapist and patient in tune? Hyperscanning and microanalysis of emotion related brain processing during Guided Imagery and Music. Invited Public Lecture presented at the Scottish Music Therapy Trust, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh.

Thomas K. Hillecke, Jörg Fachner, Lutz Neugebauer, Stefan Mainka, Gerhard Tucek, Hubert J. Bardenheuer. (2019, 21 September) Roundtable zu: Berufspolitische Entwicklungen der Musiktherapie in Deutschland und Europa. Symposium ‘Nur noch kurz die Welt retten’ - Musiktherapie und Digitalisierung, 40 Jahre Akademische Musiktherapie, SRH Heidelberg.

Fachner, J. (2019, 29-30 August). EEG for measuring effects of music therapy – possibilities and challenges of research into music therapy processes and Moments of Interest with social neuroscience. Invited Keynote presented at Clinical research methods in music sciences and interventions, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Fachner, J. (2019, 20 July). EEG hyper-scanning of emotion processing during pivotal moments in GIM. Invited paper presented at the International Conference on Music Therapy "Current Role of Music Therapy - An Evidence-Based Approach", Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University, Pondicherry.

Kolbe Krøier, J., Nicolau, M. G., Ramalho, C., Faaborg Jacobsen, A., Pizziolo, P., Fachner, J., ...Dowson, B. (2019, 26-30 June). Music therapy and dementia. Roundtable presented at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, University of Aalborg. Denmark.

Del Moral Marcos, M. T., Sabbatella, P. L., Mercadal-Brotons, M., Maidhof, C., & Fachner, J. (2019, 26-30 June). Music therapy and neuroscience: a content analysis. Poster presented at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, University of Aalborg, Denmark.

Maidhof, C., Bloska, J., Odell-Miller, H., & Fachner, J. (2019, 26-30 June). Interacting brains of a client with Dementia and a Music Therapist: an EEG case report on central neural markers of emotion during dyadic improvisation. Paper presented at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, University of Aalborg, Denmark.

Tucek, G., Maidhof, C., Yap, S. S., Simon, P., Heine, A., Vogl, J., . . . Fachner, J. (2019, 26-30 June). Personalization in music therapy – Researching music therapy processes and relationships in selected fields of neurologic rehabilitation. Symposium presented at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, University of Aalborg, Denmark.

Tucek, G., Maidhof, C., Vogl, J., Pizziolo, P., Street, A., & Fachner, J. (2019, 26-30 June). Interdisciplinary perspectives on social interaction, moments of interest and therapeutic resonance with brain disease patients. Round table presented at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, University of Aalborg, Denmark.

Hunt, A., Dileo, C., & Fachner, J. (2019, 26-30 June). Neuronal Effects of Music Entrainment versus Preferred Music in Three Patients with Chronic Pain as Measured via EEG and LORETA Imaging. Paper presented at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, University of Aalborg. Denmark.

Wosch, T., Fachner, J., Erkkilä, J., & Eickholt, J. (2019, 26-30 June). Music therapy for major depression and late life depression – outcomes, neuroscience and theoretical models. Roundtable presented at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, University of Aalborg, Denmark.

Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Grocke, D., Pedersen, I. N., Trondalen, G., & Bonde, L. O. (2019, 26-30 June). Brain resonance patterns between a client and therapist in a GIM hyperscanning study - The interplay between imagery, emotions, and the music. Paper presented at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, University of Aalborg, Denmark.

Murphy, K., Fachner, J., Halverson-Ramos, F. a., & Heiderscheit, A. (2019, 26-30 June). Neurological & Clinical Foundations of Addiction and Music: Beginnings of a Theory for Treatment. Symposium at the 11th European Music Therapy Conference - Fields of Resonance, Aalborg, Denmark.

Fachner, J. (2019, 12 June). Hyperscanning during music therapy, spontaneously emerging imagery and altered states of consciousness. Invited paper presented at the Sensation and Perception to Awareness, University of Sussex, Brighton.

Fachner, J. (2019, 3 May). Investigating moments of interest of the therapeutic relationship with social neuroscience methods in music therapy. Invited paper presented at A Showcase of 50 Years of Funding by The Music Therapy Charity, University of Roehampton, London, UK.

Fachner, J., & Van Hooren, S. (2019, 4-9 March). Perspectives from and challenges in music therapy research. Invited keynote presented at Music, computing and health, Lorentz Centre, University of Leiden, Netherlands.


Fachner, J., & Maidhof, C. (2018, 9 Nov). Temporal dynamics and connectivity of dyadic emotional processing in frontal brain areas during active music therapy. Invited paper presented at the Best Practice Day - 'Shared moments', IMC Krems, Austria.

Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Grocke, D., Nygaard-Petersen, I., Trondalen, G., & Bonde, L. O. (2018, 19-23 September). Interacting brains between a client and therapist in a GIM study - The interplay between imagery, emotions, and the music. Paper presented at the 13th European conference - European Association of Music and Imagery - EAMI 2018 - Imagery – Realising New Stories through GIM, Termonfeckin, Ireland.

Fachner, J. (2018, 7-9 June). EEG biomarkers of treatment response to music therapy of depressed clients. Invited paper on a symposium on ‘Effects and working factors of arts therapies’ presented at the World Congress of Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy, stronger through diversity, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Fachner, J. (2018, 6 June). Spontaneous imagery and healing processes in dyadic GIM settings– on the role of frontal processing and emotion. Invited paper presented at Mental Health and the Arts, London, Robin Brooks Centre, St Bartholomew's Hospital.

Fachner, J. (2018, 25 May). Retraining of Drug Reward, Music Cues and State-dependent Recall in Music Therapy. Invited paper presented at the Final conference of MUS.I.C.D.A.RE, University of Nimes.

Fachner, J., & Maidhof, C. (2018, 16-19 May). Sharing altered states and the emanation of imagery in GIM music therapy settings. Invited paper presented at the KOSMOS Workshop Mind Wandering and Visual Mental Imagery in Music Humboldt-University Berlin.

Fachner, J. (2018, April 24). Getting back to favourite moments - memory and music therapy in dementia care. Invited paper presented at Dementia, Architecture, Music and Tech - Management of Dementia beyond pharmacogenetics, Cambridge University, Hughes Hall.

Tucek, G., Simon, P., Mainhoff, C., Wenzel, C., Dür, M., Heine, A., . . . Fachner, J. (2018, 4-5 April). Josef Ressel Zentrum für die Grundlegung einer personalisierten Musiktherapie. Paper presented at the 12. FFH Forschungsforum, FH Salzburg.

Fachner, J. (2018, 16 March). GIM and the Neurological Interplay between Guide and Traveler. Invited paper presented at Advancing and Evolving the Methods used in Music Therapy: An International Symposium, Boyer College of Music and Dance, University of Philadelphia, PA.

Fachner, J., O Kelly, J., Street, A., & Maidhof, C. (2018, 16-18 February). Music therapy and neuroscientific aspects of change in psychiatry and neuro-rehabilitation. Symposium presented at the BAMT CONFERENCE 2018 - Music, Diversity and Wholeness, Barbican, London.

Fachner, J. (2018, 9-10 February). Erfolge und Desiderata der musiktherapeutischen Forschung in der Depressions- und Abhängigkeitsbehandlung. Invited paper presented at the 30. Werkstatt für Musiktherapieforschung, Universität Augsburg, Germany.


Fachner, J. (2017, 30 November). Musik, Bewusstsein und Veränderung des musikalischen Zeit-Raumes. Invited paper presented at the Ringvorlesung Healing Soundscape: Klang – Raum – Atmosphäre, Musikhochschule Hamburg, University of Hamburg, Germany.

Fachner, J. (2017, 25 November). The Neuroscience of music and improvisation. Invited paper presented at Cambridge International Jazz Festival: Transforming Lives, ARU.

Fachner, J. (2017, 20 November). Biomarkers, memory and the music therapy process in the dementias. Invited paper presented at the Creative Dementia Network - EXPERT SEMINAR Music and Dementia, The Wellcome Trust, London.

Fachner, J. (2017, 10-11 November). Moments of Interest (MOI) and Regions of Interest (ROI) biomarking the music therapy process. Invited paper presented at the Mozart & Science 2017 Music for Medicine and Therapy. 5th. Congress about Multidisciplinarity, Neuroscience and Dementia care in Music Therapy, IMC Krems.

Fachner, J. (2017, 30 September). Music therapy for Recovery from Addiction? Invited paper presented at the MUS.I.C D.A.RE Music in Creative Detoxification and Recovery, University of Brighton.

Fachner, J., Maidhof, C., Ala-Ruona, E., Forsblom, A., & Bonde, L. (2017, 15-18 June). GIM (Guided Imagery in Music): Moments of interest and neurometric findings. Poster presented at NeuroSciences and Music V - Music, Sound and Health, Boston, Harvard Medical School.

Fachner, J. (2017, 1-3 June). Imagery, relaxation and brain processing in receptive music therapy settings. Invited paper presented at the KOSMOS Dialogue Music, Emotion, and Visual Imagery, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

Fachner, J. (2017, 15-16 May). Musiktherapie und Emotion in der Suchttherapie – ein Überblick und kritische Reflektion. Invited paper presented at the »SUCHT SUCHT RESPEKT« - Die Würde des Menschen steht im Mittelpunkt., TU Berlin - Dahlem.

Fachner, J. (2017, 10 March). Imagery and brain processing in receptive music therapy settings. Invited paper presented at the ‘Music therapy: Salutogenic approaches to health’ Conference, Pondicherry, India.


Fachner, J. (2016, 17 November). Process and effectiveness: biomarkers in music therapy research. Invited lecture presented at the Music Technology Lecture Series, University Pompeo Fabra, Barcelona.

Fachner, J. (2016, 7 July). Music therapy praxeology, shared moments and biomarkers in depression. Paper presented at the 10th European Music therapy conference - A symphony of Dialogues, Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Wien.

Fachner, J., O'Kelly, J., Lee, E., & Faber, S. (2016, 5-9 July). Music therapy praxeology and the brain – neuroscientific perspectives for studying music therapy effects and processes. Symposium organised for the 10th European Music therapy conference - A symphony of Dialogues, Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst, Wien.

Fachner, J. (2016). Response to Ridder, Odell-Miller and Schmid - Why Music? Why and When a music therapist is needed? Invited Opponent at the International Symposium on Music Therapy: ‘Music therapy–a profession for the future!’ Aalborg University.

Fachner, J. (2016, 26 April). Music therapy, depression and frontal brain activity. Invited lecture presented at the Music and Science Seminar Series, Center for Music and Science - University of Cambridge.

Fachner, J. (2016, 16 February). Music therapy and biomarkers of depression treatment. Invited Keynote presented at the 3rd International conference on “Best practised models and research in music therapy: global perspectives”. Center for Music Therapy Education and Research Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry Campus SBV University, Puducherry India.

Fachner, J. (2016, 15 February). Music, addiction and reward processing - Implication for therapy and education. Invited lecture to the Medical Faculty of the Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute, Pondicherry Campus SBV University, Puducherry India.


Fachner, J., Ala-Ruona, E., & Ole Bonde, L. (2015, 24-28 August). Guided Imagery in Music - a neurometric EEG/LORETA case study. Paper presented at the Ninth Triennial ESCOM Conference, Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester, UK.

Fachner, J. (2015, 12-13 June). Biomarkers of the music therapy process and effectiveness in psychiatric and neurorehabilitation. Invited keynote presented at Music Therapy Advances in Neuro-disability II: dialogues in neuroscience, research and clinical practice, Royal Hospital for Neurodisability.

Fachner, J. (2015, 22 May). Music therapy in the treatment of addiction (Musikterapi i behandling av drogmissbruk). Invited lecture presented at the Open Seminar in Music Psychology Series, Department of Psychology - University of Uppsala, Sweden.

Fachner, J. (2015, 4-5 May). Addiction and reframing of reward processing in music therapy. Invited paper presented at the NORDISK INSPIRASJONS- OG ERFARINGSKONFERANSE: Musikkterapi – forebygging og behandling av rus og psykiske lidelser, University of Bergen. Invited Keynote.

Fachner, J. (2015, 24 April). Neuroscience and Music Therapy Research. Invited lecture presented at Workshop: Introducing Mobile Brain-Computer Interfaces to Music Research in Musicology, University of Cologne, Germany.

Fachner, J. (2015, 14-17 April). EEGIM - Neural correlates of consciousness during guided imagery in music. Invited paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Music and Consciousness, University of Oxford.

Fachner, J. (2015, 10 April). The future of music therapy research in neuroscience. Invited talk presented at the Seventh Arts and Quality of Life Research Center Conference - Envisioning the Future of Music Therapy, Boyer College of Music and Dance, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

Fachner, J. (2015, 19 February). International perspectives on the art and science of Music Therapy. Invited Keynote presented at Music and Neuroscience, Dubai, World Trade Centre.


Fachner, J. (2014, 14 November). Aktuelle Studien und Erkenntnisse in der Hirnforschung und ihre Bedeutung für die Musiktherapie. Invited Keynote presented at the Symposium Musiktherapie in der neurologischen Rehabilitation - State of the Art, Helios Klinik Hagen Ambrock - Fachklinik für neurologische und neurochirurgische Rehabilitation.

Fachner, J. (2014, 24-26 October). Getting back to favourite moments: musical episodic memory and recall. Paper presented at the BIBAC 2014 - Building interdisciplinary bridges across cultures - Tapping Musical Identities: Honing Wellness (music and brain, music therapy, well-being)’, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.

Fachner, J. (2014, 7-12 July). Music therapy and brain research: where are we heading? Paper presented at the 14th WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy, Vienna/Krems, Austria.

Fachner, J., Ole Bonde, L., & Ala-Ruona, E. (2014, 7-12 July). Neuro-scientific aspects of imagery, music-induced emotion and ASC. Paper presented at the 14th WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy, Vienna/Krems, Austria.

Fachner, J., Grocke, D., Hunt, A., Forsblom, A., Ala-Ruona, E., & Bonde, L. O. (2014, 7-12 July). Music Therapy, Altered States and Imagery. Symposium organised at the 14th WFMT World Congress of Music Therapy, Vienna/Krems, Austria.

Fachner, J. (2014, 13 June). Forschung, Praxis und Studium der Musiktherapie an der Anglia Ruskin Universität in Cambridge, UK. Paper presented at the ‘Wiener Ringvorlesung Musiktherapie’, University for Music and Performing Arts, Vienna, Austria.

Fachner, J. (2014, 29 May-1 June). Treatment response to improvisational music therapy in the EEG of depressed clients. Poster presented at the Neurosciences and Music V, University of Dijon, France.

O’Kelly, J., Magee , W. L., James, L., Palaniappan, R., Taborin, J., & Fachner, J. (2014, 29 May-1 June). Developing the evidence for music therapy in the assessment and rehabilitation of disorders of consciousness. Poster presented at the Neurosciences and Music V - Cognitive Stimulation and Rehabilitation, University of Dijon, France.

Fachner, J. (2014, 1 March). Music therapy, depression and the brain. Invited lecture presented at the Workers Education Association Open Study Day on Music and Health, Anglia Ruskin University.

Fachner, J. (2014, 7-8 February). Zur Forschung und Praxis einer musiktherapeutischen Behandlung von Depressionen – Ein Beispiel aus Finnland. Invited paper presented at the 26. Werkstatt für musiktherapeutische Forschung Augsburg „Musiktherapie und Depression“, University of Augsburg, Leopold Mozart Zentrum, Augsburg, Germany.


Fachner, J. (2013, 10 December). Music, drugs and emotion - “... make me go to the rehab…”? Invited lecture presented at the Seminar Series at Department of Psychology, Middlesex University, London.

Fachner, J. (2013, 14 November). Music therapy and fronto-temporal EEG measures – resting state changes as an indicator of a music therapy intervention in depression treatment. Invited lecture at Music, Mind and the Brain, Goldsmith University London.

Fachner, J., Odell-Miller, H., & Erkkilä, J. (2013, 7 October). The Finnish RCT Model of Music Therapy in the Treatment of Depression. Poster presented at the Health and Well-Being Academy, Chelmsford.

Fachner, J. (2013, 20 September). Communicating change – musical moments, therapy and the brain. Invited paper presented at the Nordoff Robbins Plus Conference: Music and Communication: Music Therapy and Music Psychology, Nordoff / Robbins Centre London.

O'Kelly, J., Magee, W., James, L., Palaniappan, R., Taborin, J., & Fachner, J. (2013). The development of evidence based Music Therapy for Disorders of Consciousness: comparing healthy neurophysiological responses to individuals in vegetative and minimally conscious states. Paper presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, 8-11 August at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, Toronto.

Fachner , J., Hanson-Abromeit, D., Magee, W. L., O'Kelly, J., & Moore, K. S. (2013). The Theory, Practice, and Measurement of Music Therapy: Developing Evidence from Diverse Practice. Paper presented at the Biennial meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition, at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, Toronto.

Fachner, J. (2013, 11-16 June). Improvisation and verbal reflection on emotions – music therapy modulates fronto-temporal resting EEG of depressed clients. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Music & Emotion, Department of Music, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Fachner, J. (2013, 11-16 June). Reframing emotional intensity – music in drug-induced altered states of consciousness. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Music & Emotion, Department of Music, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Schäfer, T., & Fachner, J. (2013, 11-16 June). Changes in the representation of space and time while listening to music. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference on Music & Emotion, Department of Music, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Fachner, J. (2013, 11-15 June). Beyond emotion? Music and altering states of consciousness. Symposium organized at the 3rd International Conference on Music & Emotion, Department of Music, University of Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Fachner, J. (2013, 7-8 June). Improvisation and verbal reflection – music therapy and its effects on depression and anxiety. Invited paper presented at the Music Therapy Advances in Neuro-disability: Innovations in Research and Practice, Royal Hospital for Neuro-Disability, London, UK.

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