Dr Grace Spencer

Associate Professor
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Allied Health and Social Care
Research Supervision:

Grace Spencer is a registered nurse with a background in public health and health promotion.

[email protected]


Grace has worked as a health practitioner and researcher in a number of countries including Brazil, South Africa, Tanzania, Canada, UK and Australia. Her research focuses on young people's health and their health-related practices with reference to concepts of risk, agency and empowerment theory in health promotion. She has a particular interest in youth transitions, migration and social change.  Grace is widely recognised for her expertise in qualitative research methods and ethics with children and young people.

Research interests
  • Health promotion and education
  • Children and young people
  • Sociology of health
  • Transition, migration and social change
  • Qualitative research
Areas of research supervision
  • Young people’s health and wellbeing
  • Health promotion
  • Sociology of health
  • Emerging adulthood
  • Qualitative research

Grace teaches across a range of health and social care programmes related to health promotion, sociology of health, children and young people’s rights and wellbeing, and research methods.

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Health Promotion, Institute of Education, University of London
  • Master of Research (MRes) in Educational and Social Research Methods, Institute of Education, University of London.
  • Master of Public Health (MPH), King’s College London.
  • BSc Nursing Studies (Honours), University of Edinburgh
  • PGCHE, University of Nottingham.
Memberships, editorial boards
  • ESRC Peer Review College Member (2023-present)
  • Member of the Research Ethics Association (REA) (2023-present)
  • Ethics Advisor, European Research Council (ERC) (2023)
  • Ethics advisor for British Sociological Association (BSA) Youth Studies Ethics Guidance Working Group (2021-present)
  • Appointed member of the African Child & Youth Migration Research Network (2021-present)
  • Academic Lead for ARU’s Researching Childhood & Youth Research Group (2020-present)
  • Expert advisor for UNICEF Office for Research – Ethics and participatory research with children (2020-present)
  • Member of ARU’s Sustainable Development Goals Research Working Group (2019-present)
  • Convenor and Research Mentor for the BSA Youth Studies Group (2019-present)
  • Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) REF UoA20 Convenor (2019-present)
  • Faculty Research Ethics Committee member, ARU (2018-present)
  • Faculty Athena Swan Committee member, ARU (2018-present)
  • Member of the International Union for Health Promotion & Education (2018-present)
  • Senior Editor, Cogent Social Sciences (2017-present)
  • Fellow of the UK Higher Education Academy (HEA) (2014-present)
  • Expert advisor for the EU Pro-RES project (2019-2020)
  • Advisor for the Association of Young People’s Health Student Health Project (2019-2020)
  • Honorary Senior Lecturer, Social Sciences in Health, University of Sydney (2018-2021)
  • European Research Council (ERC) Synergy Grants Peer Review Panel (invited) (2018-2019)
  • Vice President, Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) (NSW Branch) (2016-2018)
  • Director for Research Honours, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney (2016-2018)
  • Elected member of the Executive Board, Public Health Association of Australia (2015-2018)
  • External Examiner, University of Roehampton, UK (2013-2016)
  • Visiting scholar, University of Amsterdam (2014-2015)
  • Visiting scholar, School of Population & Public Health, University of British Columbia (2010-2014)
  • Director for External Relations, Children & Childhood Network, University of Nottingham (2012-2014)
  • Academic Lead and Convenor for the Children and Childhood Network Health and Education Research Group, University of Nottingham (2012-2014)
  • Doctoral Training and Post-Graduate Research (PGR) Committee member and Chair for the Learning Community Forum for PGR, University of Nottingham (2012-2014)
  • External Advisor for BSc Public Health revalidation, University of East London (2012)
  • Conference Abstract Review Panel Member: Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Montreal, Canada (2012)
  • Expert Advisory Group for Formative Feedback, Institute of Education UK (2010)
  • Faculty Research Ethics Committee member, Institute of Education, UK (2007-2014)
  • Faculty Research Ethics Committee member, Thames Valley University, UK (2003-2006)
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
Research grants
  • Spencer, G. (PI), Thompson, J. and Waqa G. (current). Promoting children and young people’s disaster resilience and mental health in Fiji and the Western Pacific Region. Funded by ARU QR-Funding (£16,541).
  • Waqa, G. (PI), Thompson, J. and Spencer, G. (Co-I). (current). Promoting disaster resilience in children: developing a network to research culturally appropriate, sustainable public health interventions in Fiji and Samoa. Funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences (£24,751.03).
  • Spencer, G. (PI) and O’Brien, N. (current). Establishing a Youth Advisory Research Group. Funded by ARU QR-Funding Scheme (£2,500).
  • Salami, G. (PI), Spencer, G. (Co-I), Yohani, S., MacCleod, A. and Gomma, H. (current). African Child and Youth Migration Network: Mobilizing Knowledge. Funded by the Kule Institute, University of Alberta, Canada (CAN$9,657).
  • Spencer, G. (PI), Thompson, J., Kwankye, S. and Dankyi, E. (2019-2022). Promoting sustainable livelihoods: unpacking possibilities for empowerment with young migrants in Ghana. Funded by the British Academy Youth Futures Programme: https://www.youngmigrantsghana.com (£196,518.85).
  • Spencer, G. (PI) and Thompson, J. (2019-2021). The health experiences of migrant children in Ghana – identifying priorities for community-based health promotion. Funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF), Research England (£36,258.75).
  • Spencer, G. (PI) and Thompson, J. (2019-2021). Engaging young migrants and their families in enhancing quality care in the management of long-term conditions. Funded by the General Nursing Council Trust (£26,662).
  • Spencer, G. (PI) and Wilson, C. (2019). Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of university students with long-term conditions. Funded by the FHEMS Research and Enterprise Investment Programme (REF) Competitive Round 2018/9 (£1,995).
  • Thompson, J. (PI), Spencer, G. (Co-I), Fouche, C., Smith, M. and Hoare, K. (2018). Hidden voices: exploring the health experiences of children who migrate. World Universities Network (WUN) Flexible Initiatives Fund (£12,500).
  • Spencer, G. (PI), Goodwin, S. and Rawsthorne, M. (2017). Identifying research impact in the field of sociology. Funded by the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences DVCR Compact ERA Support scheme FOR1608, University of Sydney (AUD$10,000).
  • Bundy, A. (PI), Wyver, S., Naughton, G., Tranter, P., Villeneuve, M., Ragen, J., Weston, K., Spencer, G. (Co-I) and Sterman, J. (2014-2017). The Sydney Playground Project. Funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC) (AUD$504,237.00).
  • Pritchard, C. (PI), Spencer, G. (Co-I), Hood, P. and Agboola, S. (2014-2016). Parents’ involvement in school-based health education. Funded by the University of Nottingham (£10,000).
  • Spencer, G., Boddy, J., Rees, R. and Farsides, B. (2014). “What we think about what adults think” Children and young people’s views on ethics review of clinical research with children. Funded by Nuffield Council on Bioethics. https://nuffieldbioethics.org/wp-content/uploads/Report_young_peoples_perspectives_on_ethics_review.pdf
  • Boddy, J., Statham, J., Warwick, I., Hollingworth, K. and Spencer, G. (2012). Health-related needs of Family Intervention Projects. London: Funded by the Department of Health.
  • Shoveller, J., Doull, M. and Spencer, G. (2011). Empowerment, gender and young people’s sexual health: Establishing an intervention research agenda. Meetings, Planning & Dissemination grant: Funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research, Canada (CAN$25,000).
  • Warwick, I., Chase, E., Spencer, G., Ingold, A. and Aggleton, P. (2009). Young people and alcohol: meanings, practices and contexts. London: Funded by Department of Children, Schools & Families (DCSF). https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10004305/
  • Spencer, G. and Sheehy, K. (2008). Evaluation of the Learning to Learn Module: Report for the Learning and Teaching Committee of the Faculty of Health and Human Sciences. London: Thames Valley University (TVU). Funded by Faculty of Health and Human Sciences, TVU.
Awards and competitive scholarships/fellowships
  • Emerald Literati Award for Outstanding Author (2022). Ethics and Integrity in Research with Children and Young People. Emerald: Bingley.
  • Finalist of the 2022 Connection Impact Awards; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Canada (SSHRC) in collaboration with the African Children and Youth Migration Network (ACYMN).
  • Ruskin Fellowship, ARU (2018 – 2021).
  • Britton Craigie Scholarship for fellowship visit to University of Hertfordshire. Funded by the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney (2017 – 2018).
  • Early Career Research Travel Award, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney (2015).
  • Economic & Social Research Council Travel scholarship (Four month visiting fellowship to the School of Population and Public Health, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, 2010).
  • International Travel Fellowship, School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham (2012).
  • Economic & Social Research Council 1+3 PhD Studentship Award (2007 – 2011).
  • Edith Winifred Hall Charitable Trust Scholarship (2007 – 2010).
  • Edwina Mountbatten Travel Fellowship, University of Edinburgh (1998).
Research consultancy
  • Home-Start UK – Children’s Perspectives on the Value of Money (2014).
  • Young Lives – Longitudinal International Study on Child Poverty, University of Oxford (2011).
  • Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) School Survey – The Ava Project (2011).
  • Evaluation of the Learning to Learn Project, Thames Valley University (2008).
Selected recent publications
Peer-reviewed journal articles

Spencer, G., Thompson, J., Froehlich, F., Asafo, D., Doku, M. T., Asiamah, G., Mornuu, J., Kassim, A., Kwankye, S. O. and Dankyi, E. (2023) 'Young people’s involvement in migration research – opportunities for (re)shaping research priorities and practices', Journal of the British Academy, 11(s3). Available at: https://doi.org/10.5871/jba/011s3.xx

Spencer, G. and Almack, K. (2023) 'Shifting narratives of the Self – students’ experiences of chronicity and multiplicity in the management of chronic illness at university', Sociological Research Online, 28(3), pp. 698-715.

Spencer, G., Dankyi, E., Thompson, J., Acton, F. and Kwankye, S. O. (2022) 'The health experiences of young internal migrants in Ghana - identifying priorities for sustainable health promotion', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(22), 15229. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph192215229

Spencer, G. and Thompson, J. (2022) 'Enhancing nursing practice for young migrants with chronic conditions: Research report', Nursing Times. Available at: https://www.nursingtimes.net/roles/childrens-nurses/enhancing-nursing-practice-for-young-migrants-with-long-term-conditions-13-06-2022/

Wilson, C. and Spencer, G. (2022) 'The mental health support needs of university students with long-term physical health conditions', Health Education. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1108/HE-01-2022-0004

Petrozzi, M. J., Spencer, G. and Mackey, M. (2021) 'A process evaluation of the Mind your Back trial examining psychologically informed physical treatments for chronic low back pain', Chiropractic and Manual Therapies, 29(32). Available at: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12998-021-00389-y

Grady-Dominguez, P., Ragen, J., Sterman, J., Spencer, G., Tranter, P., Villeneuve, M. and Bundy, A. (2021) 'Examining the influence of staff culture on a novel school-based intervention to enable risky play for children with disabilities', International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, 18(3), pp. 1008.

Smith, M., Spencer, G., Fouche, C. and Hoare, K. (2021) 'Understanding child and youth migrant wellbeing: Reflections from a systematic literature review in the Western Pacific region', Wellbeing, Space and Society. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wss.2021.100053

Spencer, G., Stillianesis, S., Villeneuve, M., Sternam, J., Bundy, A., Wyver, S., Tranter, P., Naughton, G., Ragen, J. and Beetham, K. (2021) 'Parents’ perspectives on managing risk in play for children with developmental disabilities', Disability and Society. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/09687599.2021.1874298

Thompson, J., Spencer, G. and Curtis, P. (2021) 'Children’s perspectives and experiences of the COVID-19 pandemic and UK public health measures', Health Expectations. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/hex.13350

Grady-Dominguez, P., Ihrig, K., Lane, S., Aberle, J., Beetham, K., Ragen, J., Spencer, G., Sterman, J., Tranter, P., Wyver, S. and Bundy, A. (2020) 'Reframing risk: working with caregivers of children with disabilities to promote risk-taking in play', International Review of Research in Developmental Disabilities, 59, pp. 1-45. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.irrdd.2020.09.001

Spencer, G., Fairbrother, H. and Thompson, J. (2020) 'Privileges of power – authenticity, representation and the ‘problem’ of children’s voices in qualitative health research', International Journal of Qualitative Research. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/1609406920958597

Spencer, G., Smith, M., Hoare, K., Fouche, C. and Thompson, J. (2020) 'Health experiences of child migrants in the Western Pacific', Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/03036758.2020.1776739

Spencer, G., Lewis, S. and Reid, M. (2019) 'The agentic Self and uncontrollable body: young people’s management of chronic illness at university', Health. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/1363459319889088

Beetham, K., Sterman, J., Bundy, A., Wyver, S., Ragen, J., Engelen, L., Spencer, G., Villeneuve, M., Tranter, P. and Naughton, G. (2019) 'Lower parent tolerance of risk in play for children with disability than typically-developing children', International Journal of Play. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/21594937.2019.1643980

Sternam, J., Villeneuve, M., Spencer, G., Wyver, S., Beetham, K., Naughton, G., Tranter, P., Ragen, J. and Bundy, A. (2019) 'Creating play opportunities on the school playground: Educator experiences of the Sydney Playground Project', Occupational Therapy Journal of Australia. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/14401630.12624

Thompson, J., Fairbrother, H., Curtis, P., Spencer, G., Smith, M., Hoare K. and Fouche, C. (2019) 'Promoting the health of children and young people who migrate: reflections from four regional reviews', Global Health Promotion. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1177/1757975919888452

Spencer, G., Corbin, H. and Miedema, E. (2018) 'Framing health – opportunities and challenges for health promotion: a critical frame analysis of the Sustainable Development Goals', Health Promotion International. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/day036

Spencer, G., Thompson, J., Smith, M., Fairbrother H., Hoare K., Fouche, C. and Curtis P. (2019) 'Health experiences of children who migrate – Opportunities for health education', Health Education Journal, 78(1), pp. 96-107.

Spencer, G., Lewis, S. and Reid, M. (2018) 'Living with a chronic health condition at university – students’ (ill) health narratives and negotiations of health', Health Education Journal, 77(6), pp. 631-643.

Spencer, G., Pritchard, C., Hood, P. and Agboola, S. (2018) 'Parental engagement in school-based health promotion: A qualitative exploration of health and education professionals’ perspectives', Health Education, 118(6), pp. 513-527.

Spencer, G., Bundy, A., Wyver, S., Villeneuve, M., Tranter, P., Beetham, K., Ragen, J. and Naughton, G. (2016) 'Uncertainty in the school playground: shifting rationalities and teachers’ sense-making in the management of risks for children with disabilities', Health, Risk and Society, 18 (5-6), pp. 301-317. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/13698575.2016.1238447

Bundy, A., Wyver, S., Beetham, K., Ragen, J., Naughton, G., Tranter, P., Norman, R., Villeneuve, M., Spencer, G., Honey, A., Simpson, J., Baur, L. and Sternam, J. (2015) 'The Sydney Playground Project – levelling the playing field: a cluster trial of a primary school-based intervention aiming to promote manageable risk-taking in children with disability', BMC Public Health, 15, pp. 1125.

Boddy, J., Statham, J., Warwick, I., Hollingworth, K. and Spencer, G. (2015) 'What kind of trouble? Meeting the health needs of ‘troubled families’ through intensive family support', Social Policy and Society. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1017/S1474746415000494

Spencer, G. (2015) 'Special Issue: Ethics and Health Promotion. Troubling moments in health promotion. Unpacking the ethics of empowerment', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 26(3), pp. 205-209.

Spencer, G. and Doull, M. (2015) 'Examining concepts of power and agency in research with young people', Journal of Youth Studies, 18(7), pp. 900-913.

Spencer, G. (2014) 'Young people and health: Towards a conceptual framework for understanding empowerment', Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness & Medicine, 18(1), pp. 3-22.

Spencer, G., Doull, M. and Shoveller, J. A. (2014) 'Examining the concept of choice in sexual health interventions for young people', Youth & Society, 46(6), pp. 756-778.

Spencer, G. (2013) 'Special Issue: Vulnerability and Risk: Children and Older People in Contemporary Society: The ‘healthy’ Self and ‘risky’ young Other: Young people’s interpretations of health and health-risks', Health, Risk & Society, 15(5), pp. 449-462.

Spencer, G. (2013) 'Young people’s perspectives on health: Empowerment or risk?', Health Education, 113(2), pp. 115-131.

Chabot, C., Shoveller, J. A., Spencer, G. and Johnson, J. L. (2012) 'Ethical and epistemological insights: A case study of Participatory Action Research (PAR) with young people', Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 7(1), pp. 20-33.

Spencer, G. (2008) 'Young people’s perspectives on health-related risks', Educate~, 8(1), pp. 15-28.

Spencer, G., Maxwell, C. and Aggleton, P. (2008) 'What does empowerment mean in school-based Sex and Relationship Education?', Sex Education: Sexuality, Society & Learning, 8(3), pp. 345-356.

Spencer, G. (2000) 'Children’s competency to consent: an ethical dilemma', Journal of Child Health Care, 4(3), pp. 117-122.

Spencer, G. (1999) 'The role of exercise in successful ageing', Professional Nurse, 15(2), pp. 105-108.

Books and book chapters

Spencer, G. and Thompson, J. (2022) 'Reproducing power asymmetries through voice, collaboration and change: opportunities for children to re-shape contemporary global challenges'. In: Frankel, S. (Ed.) (2022) Establishing Child Centred Practice. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 9-23.

Spencer, G. (Ed.) (2021) Ethics and Integrity in Research with Children and Young People. Bingley: Emerald Publishing.

Spencer, G., Dankyi, E., Kwankye, S. and Thompson, J. (2021) 'Children and young people who migrate – representing and (re)producing vulnerabilities through research.' In: Spencer, G. (Ed.) (2021) Ethics and Integrity in Research with Children and Young People. Bingley: Emerald Publishing, pp. 183-198.

Spencer, G. (2015) 'Schoolyard ethics: getting close, blending in, keeping distance'. In: Tolich, M. (Ed.) (2021) Qualitative Ethics in Practice. California: Left Coast Press, pp. 121-133.

Spencer, G. (2013) Empowerment, Health Promotion and Young People: A Critical Approach. Abingdon: Routledge.

Morrow, V., Knowles, C., Boyden J. and Spencer, G. (2012) ‘Young Lives’. In: H. Montgomery (Ed.) (2012) Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Spencer, G. (2011) ‘Planning interventions: meeting the needs of individuals & communities’. In: Linsley, P., Kane R. and Owen, S. (Eds.) (2011) Nursing for Public Health. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 122-134.

Other outputs

Spencer, G. (2023). 'Book review: Youth Migration and the Politics of Wellbeing: Stories of Life in Transition. E. Chase & J. Allsop. Bristol: Bristol Policy Press', BSA Network Magazine, October 2023, pp. 32-33. Available at: https://www.britsoc.co.uk/media/26392/network_autumn_2023.pdf

Spencer, G. (2023) 'Researching Young Migrants’ Livelihoods Using Focus Groups, Interviews and Photo-Elicitation Methods', SAGE Research Methods. Available at: https://methods.sagepub.com/video/migrants-livelihoods-focus-groups-interviews-and-photo-elicitation-methods

Spencer, G. (2023) 'An Introduction to Conducting Research with Children & Young People', SAGE Research Methods. Available at: https://methods.sagepub.com/video/an-introduction-to-conducting-research-with-children-and-young-people

Spencer, G., Kwankye, S. O., Dankyi, E. and Thompson, J. (2023) 'The working lives and livelihoods of young migrants in Ghana: new opportunities for empowerment initiatives', Policy Brief, ARU.

Spencer, G. (2015) 'Research ethics and working with children and young people', SAGE Research Methods.

Spencer, G. (2009) 'Book Review: Authority is relational: rethinking educational empowerment. C. Bingham. Albany: State University of New York Press', Educational Review, 61(4), pp. 485-486.

Spencer, G. (2008) 'Book Review: Health, risk and vulnerability. Editors A. Petersen & I. Wilkinson. Abingdon: Routledge', Culture, Health and Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care, 10(6), pp. 635-636.

Spencer, G. (2006) 'Book Review: Health promotion practice: the contribution of nurses and allied health professionals. Editor A. Scriven. London: Palgrave Macmillan', Journal of Clinical Nursing, 15(12), pp. 1596.

Spencer, G. (2005) 'The UK Public Health Association Webwise review', Nursing Standard, 20(9), pp. 36.

Spencer G. (2004) 'Academic does not mean uncaring', Nursing Standard, 19(2), pp. 31.

Spencer, G. (2000) 'Book Review: Children: a multi-professional perspective. Editors D. Wyse & A. Hawtin. London: Arnold', Journal of Child Health Care, 4(2), pp. 77.

Recent presentations and conferences

Spencer, G., Thompson, J., Waqa, G. and Lolohea, S. (2024). 'Children’s perspectives on natural disasters: building resilience and supporting mental wellbeing', Ninth Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators, Bhubaneswar, India, February.

Spencer, G. (2023) 'In search of a ‘better life’: young migrants’ navigation of empowerment and vulnerability', invited paper for the Global Childhoods Research Group, University of Nottingham, November.

Spencer, G. (2023) 'Young migrants on the move: conducting qualitative research ‘in the moment’', invited paper for the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU), UCL, October.

Spencer, G. and Thomson, J. (2023) 'Problematizing empowerment: unpacking young African migrants’ concepts of power and empowerment – implications for youth agency in the European context', Children and Youth Perspectives Conference: Theory, Research and Practice in European Context,  Prague, September.

Spencer, G., Thompson, J. and Morrow, V. (2023) 'Ethical complexities of conducting research with young people in contexts of vulnerability and the Global South', Research Ethics Conference 2023, University of Bath, July.

Spencer, G., Thompson, J. and Kwanke, S. O. (2023) 'Promoting sustainable livelihoods: unpacking possibilities for empowerment with young migrants in Ghana', African Child and Youth Migration Network, invited paper, January.

Spencer, G., Thompson, J., Dankyi, E. and Kwankye, S. O. (2022) 'Young migrants on the move – (re)constructing identities and aspirations', Conceptualising Youth Mobilities amidst Social Challenges, Deakin University, Australia, November.

Spencer, G. and O’Brien, N. (2022). 'Research with young people: co-production, co-design and co-authorship', British Sociological Association (BSA) Youth Studies & Informal Education SIG, May.

Spencer, G., Lewis, S. and Reid, M. (2018) 'Trading health – young people’s responses to, and experiences, of (ill) health at university', British Sociological Association [BSA] MedSoc Conference, Glasgow, UK, September.

Spencer, G., Corbin, H. and Miedema, E. (2017) 'The Sustainable Development Goals and global health: opportunities and challenges for framing future health promotion', World Congress on Public Health, Melbourne, Australia, April.

Wyver, S., Bundy, A., Naughton, G., Ragen, J., Tranter, P., Beetham, K., Villeneuve, M., Spencer, G. and Simpson, J. (2017) 'Loose parts play: changing the nature of outdoor playgrounds for children with disabilities' [poster], Active Living Research Conference, Florida, USA, February.

Spencer, G., Lewis, S. and Reid, M. (2016) '‘I didn’t think I needed to tell anyone’– silent negotiations of health amongst university students with a chronic health condition', Youth, Health and Practical Justice Conference, Sydney, Australia. December.

Spencer, G., Corbin, H. and Miedema, E. (2016) 'Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as health promotion? Interrogating the newly adopted SDGs for the presence of key health promotion values', International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE), Curitiba, Brazil, May.

Spencer, G., Ragen J, Beetham K, Bundy A, & Villeneuve M. (2015) 'The influence of the social environment on children’s play at school', Asia Pacific Occupation Therapy Congress, Rotorua, New Zealand, September.

Spencer, G. (2015) 'Young people and health promotion: reframing public health priorities?' Population Health Congress, Hobart, Australia, September.

Spencer, G. (2014) 'Empowerment and health? Exploring the complexities and contradictions for health and education', invited public lecture for the IS Academie Education and Development and University of Amsterdam, November. Available at: https://educationanddevelopment.wordpress.com/video/

Spencer, G. (2014) 'Global health and development: the empowerment problem', invited lecture for Western Washington University, Bellingham, USA, April.

Spencer, G. (2014) 'Exploring the ‘everyday’: Situated ethics & ethnography in health research with young people', Centre for the Study of Childhood & Youth, University of Sheffield 5th International Conference Researching Children’s Everyday Lives: Socio-Cultural Contexts, July.

Spencer, G. (2014) 'Situated ethics in participatory research with young people', ESRC Research Methods Festival, July. Invited paper.

Spencer, G. (2013) (Invited Chair) 'Researching with children: Gaps between theory and practice', Postgraduate Children and Childhood Network Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, December.

Spencer, G. (Symposium Convenor) (2013) 'Building partnerships with children and young people: the importance of authenticity to health promotion', International Union for Health Promotion & Education: Best Investments in Health Conference, Thailand, August.

Spencer, G. (2013) '‘Adults are so hypocritical’: Authenticity and respect in health promotion with young people', International Union for Health Promotion & Education: Best Investments in Health Conference, Thailand, August.

Spencer, G. (2013) '‘Young and dumb’: Young people’s perspectives on health', Third ID-Net Conference on Childhood, University of Oxford, July.

Spencer, G. (2013) 'Ethical issues in school-based research', Institute of Education Research Governance Ethics Committee Steering Group. June 2013. Invited paper.

Spencer, G. (2012) '‘It’s the way you look’: Gender, appearance and sexual health – implications for young people’s empowerment' (poster), Advancing Excellence in Gender, Sex and Health Research, Institute for Gender and Health, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Montreal, Canada, October.

Spencer, G. (2012) 'Being judged and misunderstood: The impact of public perceptions on young people’s health and well-being', Children, Young People & Adults: Extending the Conversation, International Childhood & Youth Research Network, UCLAN, September.

Spencer, G. (2012) 'Examining similarity and difference: Young people’s constructions of the ‘healthy’ self’ and ‘risky’ young Other – implications for young people’s health and empowerment', Celebrating Childhood Diversity, Centre for the Study of Childhood & Youth, University of York, July.

Spencer, G., Maxwell, C. and Aggleton, P. (2007) 'What does ‘empowerment’ mean in school-based Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)?',  Placed-Based Sex and Relationships Conference, Institute of Education, University of London, May.

Spencer, G. (2006) 'Facilitating empowerment with young people: Identifying public health priorities', Thames Valley University Public Health & Primary Care Conference, London, February 2006. Invited paper.

Spencer, G. (2006) 'Young people’s perceptions of health and priorities for health promotion', School Nursing Forum, Brent Primary Care, London, January. Invited paper..

Media experience

Spencer, G. (2022) 'The health experiences of migrant children in Ghana', Sustainable Futures Series, StoryLab, ARU. Available at: https://vimeo.com/760241696

Spencer, G. (2016) 'Participatory research', SAGE Research Methods. Available at: https://vimeo.com/user36857380/review/148325736/67bda48b64

Spencer, G., Boddy, J. Rees, R. and Farsides, B. (2014) Children and young people’s views on ethics review of clinical research with children, funded by Nuffield Council on Bioethics:
'Be part of it: what young people think of clinical research'
'Processors, papers and professors: how clinical research with young people gets approved'