Professor Emanuele Giovannetti

Professor of Economics
Faculty of Business and Law
Economics, Finance and Law
Areas of Expertise:
Business, management and leadership , Economics , Information and communications technology
Research Supervision:

Emanuele Giovanetti's areas of expertise include digital inclusion, economics of networks, crowdfunding, innovation and technology adoption, information and communication technology.

Emanuele is a REF 2021 author for the impact case study on “Influencing Innovation Policy and Practice in the Digital Telecommunications Sector”. His work focuses on the Economics of Internet, of Innovation Ecosystems and Crowdfunding. He is currently Vice Rapporteur for a Study Group of the International Telecommunication Union, the United Agency specialised on information and communication technologies.

[email protected]


Emanuele (PhD, MPhil Cantab, Trinity College) is Professor of Economics at ARU, Governing Body Fellow at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, and Vice-Rapporteur for the Study Group 1 of the International Telecommunications Union, Development Bureau.

His research focuses on market power on the internet, mobile internet access, ICT platforms, digital divide, crowdfunding, diffusion of mobile social networking and adoption of new technologies. He has advised governments, competition authorities and businesses in Europe, Africa and Asia on Internet access and competition economics, and has led multidisciplinary and multinational projects focusing on network competition, internet infrastructure and mobile access in developing countries.

He has published on leading academic journals including International Economic Review, Economic Journal, Environment and Planning A, International Journal of Industrial Organization, International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Industrial Economics, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, International Journal of Forecasting, Review of Network Economics, Information Economics and Policy, Spatial Economic Analysis, Journal of Economic Surveys. He co-edited The Internet Revolution: A Global Perspective, published by Cambridge University Press.

Spoken Languages
  • English
  • Italian
Research interests
  • Diffusion of ICT
  • Digital divide
  • Internet market structure
  • Economics of networks
  • Regional asymmetries
  • Economic geography
  • R&D and spillovers
  • Competition over physical networks
  • Competition over virtual networks
  • Spillovers and externalities in innovation activities
  • Social capital and trust in crowdfunding

Emanuele is currently working on different but interrelated areas in the economics of networks. His current research explores original datasets on mobile internet connectivity in developing countries, using them to explore empirically the presence of market power. Emanuele is also researching on the drivers of diffusion for mobile social networking and on the role of network externalities. This links to Emanuele’s research on technology adoptions and on regional asymmetries, due to uneven adoptions. Emanuele also focuses on competition policy, in particular on network industries and on vertical restraints. Emanuele is also researching the use of Social Network Theory to capture complex strategic interaction.

Areas of research supervision
  • Technological forecasting
  • Economics of networks
  • R&D spillovers and innovation
  • Social network analysis
  • Digital divide and access to the internet
  • Information and Communication Technologies for Sustainable Development
  • Network competition, focusing on infrastructure sharing
  • Information and Communication Technologies for Innovation Ecosystems
  • Crowdfunding and Developing countries

In the last two decades, Emanuele has been teaching at the University of Cambridge, University of Rome, University of Cape Town, University of La Tuscia, University of Verona and at ARU. His main areas of teaching have been industrial organization, microeconomics, applied econometrics and Applied Game Theory.

At ARU, he currently teaches two modules on Introductory Econometrics and Applied Econometrics, Level 5, and in the seminars, he focuses on how to use Stata for applied econometrics projects.

  • PhD in Economics, Trinity College, University of Cambridge, 1997, Dissertation: Technology Adoption and Regional Asymmetries
  • Research Doctorate in Economics, University of Rome, La Sapienza, 1994. Dissertation: Local Interaction, Growth and Structure of an Economy
  • MPhil in Economics, Trinity College University of Cambridge, 1991
  • Laurea, 110/110 cum laude, in Statistics and Economics, University of Rome, La Sapienza, 1990

Other Professional Qualifications:

  • Italian National Scientific Qualifications as Full Professor in Economics (January 2014)
  • Italian National Scientific Qualifications as Full Professor in Applied Economics and Economic Policy (December 2013)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Since September 2011)
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Vice Rapporteur for the International Telecommunication Union, Development Sector Member of The Telecommunication Development Advisory Group (TDAG), of the International Telecommunication Union
  • Member of the Secure Access Community of Trusted Researchers, UK Data Services
  • Life member, Trinity College, University of Cambridge
  • Member of the Regent House
  • Governing Body Fellow, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge
  • Member of the Expert Group on Telecom/ICT Indicators Forum, International Telecommunication Union
  • Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • August 2019 - July 2023: Principal investigator for the EU Interreg project Integrating RENewable energy and Ecosystem Services in environmental and energy policies” (IRENES). Total budget €1,781,783.00.
  • January 2019 - January 2022: Principal investigator for the EU Interreg North Sea Region, European Regional Development Fund Project “Future by Design”. WP 5 600.000 euros (total project 4.361.282 euros).
  • October 2017: Principal investigator for the European Regional Development Fund Project “Assessing the impact of GCGP’s investments”. Report successfully completed and Presented to the Best Practice Network final Meeting.
  • August 2017: Principal investigator for the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, Proposal 780388, “Removing Internet Bottlenecks for Leveraging of Africa's Vital Internetworking” (Euro 2 million). The proposal received a very high evaluation, and it is on the funding reserve list with the European Commission.
  • July 2017: Academic lead for the European Regional Development Plan’s project, part of the Innovation Bridge Innovation Action Plan, of the European Union for the startup “mySircles”, on its crowdfunding plans.
  • May 2016: Lead consultant for the East of England Co-op on “Assessing drivers, barriers and incentives affecting local food purchasing behaviour. Empirical evidence from the UK regions”.
  • March 2014 - January 2016: Co-principal investigator for the project “The interaction of ICT networks structure and downstream trade flows: two case studies from India”, with the Canter for Development Studies University of Cambridge and the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras. Project funded by the UK and India Research and Education Initiative (UKIERI) (£39,000).
  • August 2013 - May 2014: Principal investigator for the project “Investigating external and private benefits from investments in skills & training: UK innovators study”. Successful completion, project funded by the UK Department for Business Innovations and Skills (£63,000).
  • May 2012: PhD scholarship supervisor (£45,000 plus paid fees). Three years of full PhD funding awarded by the Institute for International Management Practice for a thesis titled “Technology innovation and trading in rural areas: the role of local connectivity exchanges”. Supervisors Dr. Emanuele Giovannetti and Dr. Shailaja Fennell (University of Cambridge).
  • PhD preliminary research supervision (£2000). Research taster projects to prepare a PhD proposal on “Technology innovation and trading in rural areas: the role of local connectivity exchanges”. Supervisors Dr. Emanuele Giovannetti and Dr. Shailaja Fennell (University of Cambridge).
  • February 2009: Economic Research Southern Africa (ZAR: 60,000 (circa £5000). Research grant for the publication of the paper “Asymmetry and discrimination in internet peering: evidence from the LINX” in the International Journal of Industrial Organization.
  • April 2003 - March 2006: Project lead & research coordinator (euros: 660,000). EU FP6- IST, Specific Support Action “Competition contents and broadband for the Internet in Europe”. EU project contribution.
  • April 2003 - March 2005: Project writer and research associate (£25,000) Isaac Newton Trust Award for the project “Price comparison sites and competition: the Internet Connectivity market”. The award from The Isaac Newton Trust was granted as co-funding with the project “Competition, Contents and Broadband for the Internet in Europe” (CoCombine), an EU 6th Framework Programme.
  • April 2000-March 2003: Research associate (£316,587.54), ESRC Project on “Efficient and Sustainable Regulation and Competition in Network Industries”. Grant holder Professor David Newbery.
  • January 1999 - March 2000: Post-doctoral fellow, one year fully paid Alcatel Bell post-doctoral fellowship at the Centre For Communication Systems Research, University of Cambridge on the project “A Business Model for the Internet”.
  • October 1995-September 1996: Winner of the Royal Economic Society Junior Fellowship (£ 6,500), at the Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge.
  • 1995: Victor Rothschild Fund Scholarship to attend the Sixth Jerusalem Summer School in Economic Theory.
  • October 1994 - September 1995: British Council Fellow (£3,500), British Council Fellowship towards Completion of the PhD.
  • October 1992 - September 1994: Luciano Iona PhD Scholar (£36,000 circa including University Fees). Two years fully funded for fees and subsistence, awarded by the San Paolo, foundation to work towards PhD at the University of Cambridge.
  • October 1990 - August 1991: ((Italian Lira) 22.000.000, c. £10,000). C. N. R. (Italian National Research Council) Scholarship. One year fully funded postgraduate research grant, to work at the University of Cambridge.
  • Consultancy and Knowledge Exchange

    • Economic Advisor, Chief Economist’s Office, Office of Fair Trading, London, United Kingdom, 2008-2011.
    • Chief Economic Witness for the South African Competition Commission for the Telkom-BCX merger, 2006.
    • Africa Development Network consulting for a submission to the South African Competition Commission on Competition in Banking Interchange fees, 2006.
    • Word Bank on the project “Analytical Study of Trade Liberalization in the Telecommunications Sector”, 2003.
    • Japanese External Trade Organization, Institute of Developing Economies. UK Team Leader for the research projects on “A New Trend in the international Division of Labour The Influence and Issue of Information Technology for Developing Countries”, and “Information Technology (IT). From Hierarchical to Network Globalization". 2000-2003.
    • International Telecommunications Union, (ITU): Research on the effects of peering for the ITU Study Group 3 on International Internet Connectivity (Recommendation D.50), 2003.
    • Member of the Expert Group for The United Kingdom Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit, contributing to the Report on “Electronic Networks Challenges for the Next Decade”. 2002.
    • CONSIP, Italian Public Procurement Agency, procurement on data warehouses for the public administration.
    Selected recent publications

    Journal Articles and Published Research Papers

    Llorca, M., Soroush, G., Giovannetti, E., Jamasb, T., & Davi-Arderius, D. (2024). Energy Sector Digitalisation, Green Transition and Regulatory Trade-offs (No. 5-2024). Copenhagen Business School, Department of Economics.

    Giovannetti, E., & Siciliani, P. (2023). Platform Competition and Incumbency Advantage under Heterogeneous Lock-in effectsInformation Economics and Policy, 101031.

    Giovannetti, E., & Piga, C. (2023). The multifaceted nature of cooperation for innovation, ICT and innovative outcomes: evidence from UK Microdata. Eurasian Business Review.

    W. Bellett-Travers, D.M.B., Giovannetti, E., Partac, M. and Davies, (2022). “Futures By Design’ – integrating data science into horticultural SMEs to improve productivity” ISHS Acta Horticulturae”. XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Value Adding and Innovation Management in the Horticultural Sector, 159-164.

    Davies, W. E., and Giovannetti, E. 2022. Latent network capital and gender in crowdfunding: evidence from the Kiva platformTechnological Forecasting and Social Change; volume 182, September 2022

    Giovannetti, E. and Hamoudia, M. 2022. The interaction between direct and indirect network externalities in the early diffusion of mobile social networkingEurasian Business Review, March 2022

    Giovannetti, E., Siciliani, P., 2020. The Impact of Data Portability on Platform CompetitionAntitrust Chronicle, 2(2).

    Siciliani, P., Giovannetti, E., 2019. Platform competition and incumbency advantage under heterogeneous switching cost - exploring the impact of data portability. Bank of England Research Papers 839, Bank of England.

    Davies, W. E., Giovannetti, E., 2018. Signalling experience & reciprocity to temper asymmetric information in crowdfunding evidence from 10,000 projectsTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, 133, pp. 118-131.

    Derbyshire, J., Giovannetti, E., 2017. Understanding the failure to understand New Product Development failure: Mitigating the uncertainty associated with innovating new products by combining scenario planning and forecastingTechnological Forecasting and Social Change, 125, pp. 334-344.

    Giovannetti, E., Piga, C., 2017. The Contrasting Effects of Active and Passive Cooperation on Innovation and Productivity: Evidence from British Local Innovation NetworksInternational Journal of Production Economics, 187, pp. 102–112.

    D'Ignazio, A., Giovannetti, E., 2015. Predicting Internet Commercial Connectivity Wars: the Impact of Trust and Operators' AsymmetryInternational Journal of Forecasting, 31(4), pp. 1127–1137.

    Scaglione, M., Giovannetti, E., Hamoudia, M., 2015. The Diffusion of Mobile Social Networking: Exploring Adoption Externalities in Four G7 CountriesInternational Journal of Forecasting, 31(4), pp. 1159–1170.

    Giovannetti, E., Sigloch S., 2015. An “Internet Periphery Study: Network Centrality and Clustering for Mobile Access in Bhutan. Telecommunications Policy, 39(7), pp. 608–622.

    D'Ignazio, A., Giovannetti E., 2014. Continental Differences in the Clusters of Integration: Empirical Evidence from the Digital Commodities Global Supply Chain NetworksInternational Journal of Production Economics, 147-B, pp. 486–497.

    Giovannetti, E. Magazzini, L. 2013. Resale Price Maintenance: An Empirical Analysis of UK Firms’ Compliance”. The Economic Journal, 123(572), pp. F582–F595.

    Giovannetti, E., 2013. Catching Up, Leapfrogging or Forging ahead? Exploring the Effects of Integration and History on Spatial Technological AdoptionsEnvironment and Planning A. 45(4), pp. 930-946.

    Bennett, M., Fletcher, A., Giovannetti, E., Stallibrass, D., 2010. Resale Price Maintenance: explaining the controversy, and small steps towards a more nuanced policyFordham International Law Journal, 33(4), pp.1278-1299.

    Giovannetti E., Stallibrass, D., 2009. Three cases in search of a theory: Resale Price Maintenance in the UKEuropean Competition Journal, 5(3), pp. 641-654.

    D'Ignazio A., Giovannetti, E., 2009. Asymmetry and Discrimination in Internet Peering Evidence from the LINXInternational Journal of Industrial Organization, 27, pp. 441- 448.

    Giovannetti, E., 2008. Peering and Roaming on the Internet: EditorialTelecommunications Policy, 32(1), pp. 1-3.

    D’Ignazio, A., Giovannetti, E., 2007. Spatial Dispersion of Peering Clusters in the European InternetSpatial Economic Analysis, 2(3), pp. 219-236.

    Giovannetti, E., Neuhoff, K., Spagnolo, G., 2007. Trust and Virtual Districts Evidence from the Milan Internet ExchangeMetroeconomica: International Review of Economics 58(3), pp. 436-456.

    D’Ignazio, A., Giovannetti, E., 2006. From Exogenous to Endogenous Economic Networks: Internet ApplicationJournal of Economic Surveys, 20(5), pp. 757-796.

    D’Ignazio, A., Giovannetti, E., 2006. Antitrust Analysis for the Internet Upstream Market: A Border Gateway Protocol ApproachJournal of Competition Law & Economics, 2(1), pp. 43-69.

    Giovannetti, E., 2005. Diagonal Mergers and Foreclosure in the InternetReview of Network Economics, 4(1), pp. 33-62.

    Giovannetti, E., Ristuccia, C., 2005. Estimating Market Power in the Internet backbone, using the I.P. transit Band-X databaseTelecommunications Policy, 29, pp. 269-284.

    D’Ignazio, A., Giovannetti, E., 2004. Reti-Networks. Rivista di PolitcaEconomica, 94(3), pp. 259-330.

    D’Ignazio, A., Giovannetti, E., 2004. Reti-Networks: Replica. Rivista di PolitcaEconomica, 94(3), pp. 341-343.

    Giovannetti, E., 2002. Interconnection, differentiation and bottlenecks in the InternetInformation Economics and Policy, 14(3), pp. 385-404.

    Giovannetti, E., 2001. Perpetual Leapfrogging in Bertrand DuopolyInternational Economic Review, 42(3), pp. 671-696.

    Giovannetti, E., 2000. Technology Adoption and the Emergence of Regional AsymmetriesJournal of Industrial Economics, 48(1), pp. 71-102.

    Agliardi, E., Giovannetti, E., 1998. Morphogenesis of an Institution on a Lattice GameDiscrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2, pp. 209-213.

    Giovannetti, E., 1993. Learning, Bounded Rationality and Evolutionary Modelling in Games. Economic Notes, 22(1), pp. 49-79.

    Books edited

    Tsuji, M., Giovanetti, E., Kagami, M., 2007, Industrial Agglomeration and New Technologies: a Global Perspective (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing). A review of the book by LSE Professor S. Iammarino published on the 4 ABS journal Economic Geography says “This is a valuable book. The individual chapters contain original case-study evidence and analytical insights. . . it is one that should be consulted by any scholar working in the area of industrial agglomerations and new technology.

    Kagami, M., Tsuji, M., Giovanetti, E.,, 2004, Information Technology Policy and the Digital Divide: Lessons for Developing Countries (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing).

    Giovenatti, E., Kagami, M., Tsuji, M., 2003, The Internet Revolution: A Global Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press) (Republished in paperback by CUP in 2007). Trends in Communications reviewed the book, writing: “this is a book to be recommended to anyone interested in a thorough description of the state of the IT revolution in the fields of business, economics, and policy.”

    Book chapters

    Giovannetti, E., 2017. Digital Divide and Digital Multiplier: A Paradigm Shift through Innovation. In Lehr, W., Sharafat, A. (eds.), 2017. ICT-Centric Economic Growth, Innovation and Job creation (Geneva: International Telecommunication Union), ISBN 978-92-61-24411-8.

    Bennett, M., Fletcher, A., Giovannetti, E., Stallibrass D., 2010. Resale Price Maintenance: explaining the controversy, and small steps towards a more nuanced policy. In Hawk, B. (ed.), 2010. International Antitrust Law & Policy: Fordham Competition Law 2009. (Huntingdon, New York: Juris Publishing).

    Giovannetti, E., Neuhoff, K., Spagnolo, G., 2007. Where is the Internet? Agglomeration in space and cyberspace. In Tsuji, M., Giovannetti, E., Kagami, M. (eds.), 2007. Agglomeration and New Technologies: a Global Perspective (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing).

    D’Ignazio, A., Giovannetti, E., 2007. Agglomeration and Internet exchange points: an exploration of the Internet morphology. In Fingleton, B. (ed.), 2007. New Directions in Economic Geography (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing).

    Giovannetti, E., 2004. Internet Upstream Connectivity and Competition Policy: Western Europe and Southern Africa. In Kagami, M., Tsuji, M., Giovannetti, E. (eds.), 2004. Information Technology Policy and the Digital Divide: Lessons for Developing Countries. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing).

    Giovannetti, E., 2003. Internet Access and Regulatory Reform, The Experience of South Africa. In Giovannetti, E., Kagami, M., Tsuji, M. (eds.), 2003. The Internet Revolution: A Global Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

    Giovannetti, E., 2003. IT Revolution, Internet and Telecommunications: the Transition towards a Competitive Industry in the European Union. In Giovannetti, E., Kagami, M., Tsuji, M., 2003. The Internet Revolution: A Global Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).

    Government and International Organizations Research

    Plossky, A., Martinez Morando, J., Giovannetti, E., Sedik, W., Munyaradzi, T., Tural Tok, G., Kaydan, U., Kone, I., Rafalimanana, N.A.G., Gonzalez-Galarreta, R., Abdulkadhim Ali, M. and Abd Alhassan Yahia, H., 2021. Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/ICT networks: Output Report on ITU-D Question 4/1 for the study period 2018-2021. ISBN 978-92-61-34561-7 (Electronic version), Geneva: International Telecommunication Union, 2021

    Martinez Morando, J., Plossky, Giovannetti, E., A., Sedik, W.M., Munyaradzi, T., Tural Tok, G.N., Kaydan, U., Kone, I., Previlon, H., Rafalimanana, G., Gonzalez-Galarreta, R. and Abdulkadhim Ali, M., 2021. Guidelines on cost modelling: Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/ICT networks. ISBN 978-92-61-34681-2 (Electronic version), Geneva: International Telecommunication Union, 2021

    Giovannetti, E., Plossky, A., Kettani, N., Hemmerlein, C., Neto, G., Martinez, J., 2020. Economic impact of OTTs on national telecommunication/ICT markets. Annual Deliverable, International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland.

    Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority “Digital Strategy Report”, prepared with High Tech Network Cambridge Wireless, 2018.

    Private and External Benefits from Investment in Intangible Assets. December 2014 BIS Research Paper Number 203. UK Government, Department of Business Innovation and Skills.

    Llorca, M., Soroush, G., Giovannetti, E., Jamasb, T., & Davi-Arderius, D. (2024). Energy Sector Digitalisation, Green Transition and Regulatory Trade-offs (No. 5-2024). Copenhagen Business School, Department of Economics.

    Giovannetti, E., & Siciliani, P. (2023). Platform Competition and Incumbency Advantage under Heterogeneous Lock-in effectsInformation Economics and Policy, 101031.

    Giovannetti, E., & Piga, C. (2023). The multifaceted nature of cooperation for innovation, ICT and innovative outcomes: evidence from UK Microdata. Eurasian Business Review.

    W. Bellett-Travers, D.M.B., Giovannetti, E., Partac, M. and Davies, (2022). “Futures By Design’ – integrating data science into horticultural SMEs to improve productivity” ISHS Acta Horticulturae”. XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Value Adding and Innovation Management in the Horticultural Sector, 159-164.

    Recent presentations and conferences
    • Giovannetti, E. and Piga, C., 2014. Predicting the Introduction of New Technologies in the UK: the role of ICT investment and Innovation Spillovers. 34th International Symposium on Forecasting - Economic Forecasting Past, Present and Future, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
    • Giovannetti, E. and Piga, C., 2014. Innovation spillovers in the UK: Complements or substitutes for the introduction of new technologies? 25th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Brussels, Belgium.
    • Giovannetti, E. and Piga, C., 2014. Predicting the Introduction of New Technologies in the UK: the role of ICT investment and Innovation Spillovers. 12th International Institute of Forecasters' Workshop on "Theory and Practice in ICT Forecasting" , Hilton London Olympia, London, UK
    • Giovannetti, E., Sigloch, S. and  Fennell, S., 2013. The interaction of ICT networks structure and downstream trade flows: Bhutan and India.  24th European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society, Florence, Italy.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2013. Internet Connectivity Wars: The Impact of Providers' Asymmetry and Mutual Trust. 40th Annual Conference Of The European Association For Research In Industrial Economics, Évora, Portugal.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2013. Internet Connectivity Wars: The Impact of Providers' Asymmetry and Mutual Trust. 8th International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE) - Advances in the Analysis of Competition Policy and Regulation, Corfu, Greece.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2013. Trust and Information in Internet Connectivity Cycles: A Game theoretic Approach. 26th EURO-INFORMS ('Association of European Operational Research Societies' within IFORS, the 'International Federation of Operational Research Societies') Conference, Rome, Italy.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2013. Internet Connectivity Wars: The Impact Of Mutual Trust And Providers Asymmetry. The 33rd International Symposium on Forecasting: Forecasting with Big Data, International Institute of Forecasters, KAIST College of Business, Seoul, Korea.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2013. Internet Access: the Role of Asymmetry and Trust in Explaining Connectivity Cycles. 47th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economic Association, HEC Montréal, Canada.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2013. Internet Attractors and Repellors: the Role of Asymmetry and Trust in Explaining Connectivity Cycles. 1st International Conference on Internet Science organized by the EINS project, the FP7 European Network of Excellence in Internet Science with the support of the European Commission DG CONNECT at the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts, Brussels, Belgium.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2013. Attractors and Repellors: a Game Theoretic interpretation of the cycles in provider-customer relations. The Pacific Telecommunications Council 2013 conference on Capacity, Capability, Collaboration, Honolulu, USA.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2012. Clustering, Connectivity and Hierarchies in the Internet Global Supply Chain Networks, 23rd European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunication Society, Vienna, Austria.
    • D'Ignazio A. and Giovannetti E., 2012. Clustering, Connectivity and Power laws: Useful Tools for Assessing Market Structure of the European Internet? 2012 Second International Conference on Electric Information and Control Engineering (ICEICE) Lushan, China.
    Media experience