Dr Dannielle Green

Associate Professor
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Life Sciences
Areas of Expertise:
Animal and environmental biology
Research Supervision:

Dannielle is an Ecologist, interested in all aspects of ecology but her main research focus has been on examining how human activities affect the health of individual organisms and the biodiversity and functioning of marine habitats.

[email protected]


Dannielle joined the Department of Biology in October 2016. From 2013-2015 she was a Researcher at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland and at the University of Warwick from 2015-2016.

She completed an undergraduate degree in Marine Science at the University of Sydney in Australia, specialising in rocky shore ecology for her final year project.

Enthused by the thrill of research, she moved to University College Dublin in Ireland and completed a PhD on the ecological impacts of invasive oysters. After this she won research funding from the British Ecological Society and the Irish Research Council and conducted research on climate change and plastic pollution in marine ecosystems.

Throughout her research career she has discovered that the best way to tackle complex environmental issues is to use an interdisciplinary approach. She collaborates with people from both within and outside the field of ecology in order to link traditional ecological methods with innovative, interdisciplinary approaches from other fields including Biogeochemistry, Ecophysiology and Molecular Biology. The ultimate aim of her research is to provide scientifically sound recommendations for environmental management, influencing policy and protecting marine ecosystems.

Research interests
  • Biological and ecological Impacts of environmental stressors, such as pollution (including plastics and microplastics), climate change, invasive species or urbanisation
  • Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning relationships
  • Biogeochemistry of marine sediments (nutrient cycling)
  • Ecology of the marine benthos
  • Generality across terrestrial, freshwater and marine systems

Dannielle is the Director of our Applied Ecology Research Group.

Areas of research supervision

Dannielle welcomes applications from undergraduate and postgraduate students interested in carrying out research projects in biology and/or ecology.

Find out more about our Biology PhD including our exciting PhD project opportunities.

  • PhD in Marine Ecology, University College Dublin
  • BSc (Hons) Marine Science, University of Sydney
Memberships, editorial boards

Member of the Environmental Science Association of Ireland, the British Ecological Society and the Marine Biological Association.

Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange

2019 – 2022 Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PIs – Dr Jacob Dunne & Dr Bas Boots) - Anglia Ruskin University - Project title: Developing a carbon capture device based upon sea snake gaseous exchange - Funding: Hydrophis Gas (£340,000)

2015: Small research grant (£3,721) from the South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute, Falkland Islands (Principal Investigator)

2013: Irish Research Council Government of Ireland Two Year Postdoctoral Fellowship (€91,785). (Grant number: GOIPD/2013/306) (Principal Investigator)

2013: British Ecological Society Early Career Research Grant (£16,877). (Grant number: 4498/5472) (Principal Investigator)

Selected recent publications

Reviewer of research grants for the British Ecological Society and The Icelandic Research Fund

Reviewer for PLOS One; Biological Invasions; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences; Marine Ecology Progress Series, Marine Environmental Research; Marine and Freshwater Research; Aquatic Living Resources; Polar Biology; Environmental Pollution

Book Chapter

*Green, D.S. 2020. Biological and Ecological Impacts of Plastic Debris in Aquatic Ecosystems. In: The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. https://doi.org/10.1007/698_2020_509.


*Green, D.S., Jefferson, M., Boots, B., Stone, L. 2021. All that glitters is litter? Ecological impacts of conventional versus biodegradable glitter in a freshwater habitat. Journal of Hazardous Materials. doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.124070. IF: 9.038. SJR = Q1. Citations = 0.

Green, D.S., Boots B., Kregting., L. 2020. Smoked cigarette butt leachate impacts survival and behaviour of freshwater invertebrates. Environmental Pollution, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115286. IF: 6.792. SJR =Q1. Citations = 0. 

Oliveira, A.R., Sardinha-Silva, A., *Andrews, P.L.R., Green, D.S., Cooke, G.M., Hall, S., Blackburn, K., Sykes, A.V. 2020. Microplastics presence in cultured and wild-caught cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160: 111553. IF: 4.049. SJR =Q1. Citations = 2.

*Dunn, C., Owens, J., Fears, L., Nunnerley, L., Kirby, J., Amstrong, O., Thomas, P., Aberg, D., Gilder, W., Green, D.S., Antwis, R., Freeman, C. 2020. An affordable methodology for quantifying waterborne microplastics - an emerging contaminant in inland-waters. Journal of Limnology, 79(1): 1943. IF: 1.267. SJR = Q2. Citations = 0.

*Kratina, P., Watts, T.J., Green, D.S., Kordas, R.L., O'Gorman, E.J. 2019. Interactive effects of warming and microplastics on metabolism but not feeding rates of a key freshwater detritivore. Environmental Pollution, 255(2), 113259. IF: 6.792. SJR =Q1. Citations = 9.

*Boots, B., Russell, C.W., Green, D.S. 2019. Effects of microplastics in soil ecosystems: above and below ground. Environmental Science & Technology 53: 11496-11506. SJR =Q1. IF: 7.864. Citations = 64.

Green, D.S., Boots, B., Da Silva Carvalho, J., and Starkey, T., 2019. Cigarette butts have adverse effects on initial growth of perennial ryegrass (gramineae: Lolium perenne L.) and white clover (leguminosae: Trifolium repens L.). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety.

Peberdy, E., Jones, A. and Green, D.S., 2019. A Study into Public Awareness of the Environmental Impact of Menstrual Products and Product Choice. Sustainability, 11(2), pp.473.

Green, D.S., Colgan, T.J., Thompson, R.C. and Carolan, J.C., 2019. Exposure to microplastics reduces attachment strength and alters the haemolymph proteome of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). Environmental Pollution, 246, pp.423-434.

Green, D.S., Kregting, L., Boots, B., Blockley, D.J., Brickle, P., da Costa, M. and Crowley, Q., 2018. A comparison of sampling methods for seawater microplastics and a first report of the microplastic litter in coastal waters of Ascension and Falkland Islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 137, pp.695-701.

Green, D.S., Christie, H., Pratt, N., Boots, B., Godbold, J., Solan, M. and Hauton, C. 2017. Competitive interactions moderate the effects of elevated temperature and atmospheric CO2 on the health and functioning of oysters. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 582, pp.93-103.

Green, D.S., Boots, B., O'Connor, N. and Thompson, R., 2017. Microplastics affect the ecological functioning of an important biogenic habitat. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(1), pp.68-77. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b04496

Green, D.S., 2016. Effects of microplastics on European flat oysters, Ostrea edulis and their associated benthic communities. Environmental Pollution, 216, pp.95-103.

Green, D.S., Boots, B., Sigwart, J., Jiang, S. and Rocha, C., 2016. Effects of conventional and biodegradable microplastics on a marine ecosystem engineer (Arenicola marina) and sediment nutrient cycling. Environmental Pollution,208, pp.426-434.

Green, D.S., Boots, B., Blockley, D.J., Rocha, C. and Thompson, R.C., 2015. Impacts of discarded plastic bags on marine assemblages and ecosystem functioning. Environmental Science and Technology, doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b00277.

Green, D.S. and Crowe, T.P., 2014. Context- and density- dependent effects of introduced oysters on biodiversity. Biological Invasions, 16(5), pp.1145-1163

Green, D.S. and Crowe, T.P., 2013. Physical and biological effects of introduced oysters on biodiversity in an intertidal boulder-field. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 482, pp.119-132.

Salvaterra, T., Green, D.S., Crowe, T.P. and O’Gorman, E., 2013. Impacts of the invasive alga Sargassum muticum on ecosystem functioning and food web structure. Biological Invasions, 15(11), pp.2563-2576.

Green, D.S., Rocha, C. and Crowe, T.P., 2013. Effects of non-indigenous oysters on ecosystem processes vary with abundance and context. Ecosystems, 16(5) pp.881-893.

Green, D.S., Boots, B. and Crowe, T.P., 2012. Effects of non-indigenous oysters on microbial diversity and ecosystem functioning. PLOS One, 7(10): e48410. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0048410.

Green, D.S., Chapman, M.G. and Blockley, D.J., 2012. The ecological consequences of the type of rock used in the construction of artificial boulder-fields. Ecological Engineering,46, pp.1-10.

Kratina, P., Watts, T.J., Green, D.S., Kordas, R.L., O'Gorman, E.J. 2019. Interactive effects of warming and microplastics on metabolism but not feeding rates of a key freshwater detritivore.

Environmental Pollution, 255(2), 113259.

Boots, B., Russell, C.W., Green, D.S. 2019. Effects of Microplastics in Soil Ecosystems: Above and Below Ground. Environ. Sci. Technol. 53: 11496-11506.

Recent presentations and conferences
Invited public lecturers:

Green, D.S., Stuck in the muck: hidden diversity at Booterstown Marsh and threats from plastic pollution. Fitzpatrick's Castle Hotel, Killiney, Ireland, 2 February 2016. Invited public speaker for Birdwatch Ireland

Green, D.S., Are microplastics a macro-problem for the South Atlantic? Chamber of Commerce, Stanley, Falkland Islands, 12 August 2015. Invited public speaker for the South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute

Green, D.S., Stuck in the muck: hidden diversity at Booterstown Marsh and threats from plastic pollution. 13 May 2015. Invited as keynote speaker for the Annual General Meeting of An Taisce (National Trust for Ireland)

Invited seminars:

Green, D.S., Potential impacts of microplastics on marine ecosystems? 5 November 2015, Warwick University, United Kingdom

Green, D.S., Effects of non-indigenous oysters (Crassostrea gigas) on the structure and functioning of estuarine ecosystems. 20 November 2012, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland

Green, D.S. and Crowe, T.P. Establishment and potential impacts of wild Crassostrea gigas in Ireland. IBIS 1st Knowledge Transfer Workshop Queen’s University, Shellfish Regulation and Management, 13-14 September 2012, Exploris Aquarium, Portaferry, Northern Ireland

Selected recent conference presentations:

Green, D.S., British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, 13-16 December 2015, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

Green, D.S., Boots, B., Rocha, C. and Thompson, R.C. Aquatic Biodiversity and Ecosystems Conference, 30 August-5 September 2015, Liverpool, UK

Green, D.S., British Ecological Society and the French Ecology Society (BES-FE) joint meeting,9-12 December 2014, Lille, France

Green, D.S., ENVIRON 2014, 26-28 March, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland

Green, D.S., Boots, B. and Crowe, T.P. INTECOL 2013, 18-23 August, London, England


Dannielle is active in scientific outreach and has been interviewed about her research by the media on several occasions, for example:

Print: news.com.au, The Irish Times, The Guardian, thejournal.ie, Chemical and Engineering News, The Plymouth Daily

Radio: BBC Radio Sheffield, Student Radio Station DCUFM, Dublin South 93.9FM

Television: RTE primetime news, Falkland Islands Television (FI-TV)

Media experience
Dannielle is a passionate science communicator and is one of our nominated Alliance Media Champions due to her extensive experience with the media. She has appeared on national and international television, done many radio interviews (including BBC World News) and is a regular guest on The Naked Scientists. She also participates in public outreach events such as Soapbox Science.