Professor Carol Munn-Giddings

Emeritus Professor
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Allied Health and Social Care
Areas of Expertise:
Social Work and Social Policy
Research Supervision:

Professor Carol Munn-Giddings' research focuses on ways in which citizens and citizen groups with a direct experience of a health or social situation can inform the development of appropriate health and social care services.

[email protected]


Carol joined ARU in 1995 after many years as a social researcher and research manager in various health and social services settings, and is now Emeritus Professor.

Her research includes work with self-help/mutual aid groups in the community, training and supporting citizen researchers and more recently how the use of participatory arts can improve wellbeing in a variety of health and social care contexts. Carol leads and contributes to a number of regional, national and internationally funded projects in relation to these areas.

Research interests
  • Self-help/mutual aid groups
  • User-run organisations (self-help organisations)
  • Participatory arts in health and social care
  • Practitioner, user and carer involvement in research
  • Participatory and inclusive methodologies
  • Action research

Carol's subject and methodological interests are complementary; both aimed at putting direct experience of health and social care situations at the heart of research. Self-help/mutual aid groups and organisations are based on the knowledge built through peers sharing their life experience and coping strategies. Carol is exploring the distinctive contribution that a collective knowledge base, developed in groups or organisations over time, can make to our understandings and conceptualisations of health and social care conditions. She specialises in undertaking and supporting participatory forms of research including action research that engages citizens and practitioners as co-researchers in the research process.

Recent and current doctoral supervision as first supervisor:

Eleanor Townsend (2021) (Vice-Chancellor Studentship) Understanding a pluralistic approach to peer supportCurrent. Passed with minor revisions July 2021.First Supervisor.

Steve Carey (2019) Disabled people’s user led organisations: past, present and a secure future?:First Supervisor.

Niamh O’Brien (2016) Defining Bullying and Developing Initiatives: A case study approach using participatory action research: First Supervisor. 

Melanie Boyce (2016) “It’s a safe space”: the contribution of self-harm self-help groups: First Supervisor.

Patience Seebohm (2013) “It’s about liberation” Community development support for groups of black people with mental health problems. First Supervisor.

Stephen Moore. PhD by Publication (2012) New tricks and the underdogs: understanding anti-social behaviour from the viewpoint of the troublemakers. First Supervisor.

Martin Hillary (2011) Long-term care issues in a British-founded Buddhist Movement: First Supervisor. 

Chris Beckett PhD by publication (2010) Fantasy and Reality in Social work. First Supervisor.

Isobel Williams (2010) Development of an on-line community of practice between social work lecturers in the UK and India: promoting a global knowledge sharing environment: First Supervisor.

Areas of research supervision

Carol would be pleased to consider supervising doctoral students with the following research interests/topics:

  • Self-help/mutual aid groups
  • User-run organisations (self-help organisations)
  • Participatory arts in health and social care
  • Participatory and Inclusive Methodologies

Recent and current doctoral supervision as first supervisor

  • Eleanor Townsend (2021) (Vice-Chancellor Studentship). Understanding a pluralistic approach to peer support. Current. Passed with minor revisions July 2021. First Supervisor.
  • Steve Carey (2019). Disabled people’s user led organisations: past, present and a secure future? First Supervisor.
  • Niamh O’Brien (2016). Defining Bullying and Developing Initiatives: A case study approach using participatory action research. First Supervisor.
  • Melanie Boyce (2016). 'It’s a safe space': the contribution of self-harm self-help groups. First Supervisor.
  • Patience Seebohm (2013). 'It’s about liberation': Community development support for groups of black people with mental health problems. First Supervisor.
  • Stephen Moore, PhD by Publication (2012). New tricks and the underdogs: understanding anti-social behaviour from the viewpoint of the troublemakers. First Supervisor.
  • Martin Hillary (2011). Long-term care issues in a British-founded Buddhist Movement. First Supervisor.
  • Chris Beckett, PhD by publication (2010). Fantasy and Reality in Social Work. First Supervisor.
  • Isobel Williams (2010). Development of an on-line community of practice between social work lecturers in the UK and India: promoting a global knowledge sharing environment. First Supervisor.

Carol contributes methodological sessions to the doctoral (PhD and Doctorate) training programmes primarily on participatory and action research approaches plus cross-national studies. In addition, she inputs to a variety of module sessions based on the findings of recent research.

  • PhD in Social Policy (2003), University of Loughborough
  • MA in Social Policy and Administration (Distinction) (1990), Goldsmiths College, University of London
  • BA (Hons) in Applied Social Studies 2.1 (1987), University of North London
  • ONC (1981) & HNC (1983) Distinction Business Studies, Colchester Institute
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
  • Member of Collaborative Action Research Network (CARN)
  • Co-Editor of Educational Action Research Journal (Routledge, Taylor & Francis) plus link role with international Collaborative Action Research Network Co-ordinating Group.
  • Special Issue Editor with Roar Stokken (2010) of the International Journal of Self Help & Self Care (Baywood Publishing)
  • Special Issue Editor with Roar Stokken and Rea Maglajilic (2015) for Intersectionalities: A global journal of social work analysis. (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange

Artists in Residencies. 2019-22. Research team: Munn-Giddings, C. (PI) & Bungay, H. (PI), Wilson, C., & Dadswell, A. Funder: Paul Hamlyn Trust. £40,000. Principal Investigator.

Arts Council, England (2016-18): The role of the arts in building creativity and community for older people in care settings £123,955 Research team: Munn-Giddings, C (PI) & Bungay, H (PI), Wilson, C & Dadswell, A
Repro: Project: Reciprocal Encounters in Care. EU funded Marie Curie Fellowship for Prof Maritta Torrenon (2016-18) E195,454. Supervisor and Host.

Engagement Strategy for Women’s Refuge’ With a local Womens Refuge. Team: Munn-Giddings, C., Boyce, M., O’Brien, N. 2014-15. Funder: Essex Police and Crime Commission. £19,486. Principle Investigator.

Effective support for community based self-help groups (ESTEEM). Team: Munn-Giddings, C, Avis, M (joint PI), Collis, S + Boyce, M., Chaudhary, S & Seebohm , P . 2010-14. Funder: Big Lottery. £264,866. Principle Investigator.

Caregiver’s perceptions of the value of the arts in therapeutic and clinical interventions. Team: Bungay, H (PI) & Munn-Giddings, C with Boyce, M & Wilson, C. 2014. Funder: Arts and Humanities Research Council. £23,813. Co-Investigator:

Making Involvement Matter in Essex (MIME) Involving service Users and Carers in the Commissioning Process in Essex. Secker, J; Munn-Giddings, C; SE-SURG and ARW. 2009-12. Funder: Pan Essex Consortia ECC and PCTS. £500,000. Co-Investigator

Training & Supporting Older People as Researchers. Team: McVicar, A. (Joint PI), Boyce, M., O’Brien, N. Funder: Essex County Council. 2009-12. £66,000. Principle Investigator.

The Innovatory Features of User Run Organisations. Team: Munn-Giddings, C, Smith, L, M. Boyce, Wright, S. 2006-8. Funder: Mental Health Foundation £50,000. Principle Investigator.

Project Director/Co-ordinator: EU Development Projects:

Project Director: Drug abuse and HIV amongst young people in Ukraine: Team: Boyko, O & DeBell, D. Funder: DFID. 2001-2003. £48,092.

Project Director: Tempus-Compact programme: Disseminating Social Work and Social Policy at the Mohyla Academy, University of Kiev. Team: Ramon, S & Poltevetz, V., Rodrigues, F. 1998-2001. EU funded 153,000 ECU.

Recent Consultancy:

Bespoke research training package for the Older People’s Research Group, Essex £4,440. Funded by OPRGE – with Dr Melanie Boyce, Dr Niamh O’Brien, Anna Dadswell & Dr Ceri Wilson.

Arts and Cultural activities impact on staying in the community (2018-19) with Dr. Hilary Bungay. Funded by Essex County Council. £15,000.

Consultation with Care Homes using arts interventions (2015) with Dr. Hilary Bungay. Funded by Essex County Council. £2,500.

Supporting Citizen Research groups with why Not! OPRG with Dr Andy McVicar. Funded by Big Lottery. £4,918.

Using evidence for impact. Training for Healthwatch, Essex ambassadors via Voluntary Sector Training with Dr. Andy McVicar. £1,400.

Selected recent publications

Torronen, L, M., Munn-Giddings, C & Tarkiainen, L (2018) Reciprocal Relationships: implications for social work and social policy. Taylor & Francis: Oxon, UK.

Book chapters

Munn-Giddings, C. 2021. Action Research. In Waring, M., Coe, R & Hedges, L., (eds.) Education Research: methods and methodologies. London: Sage., 85-91.

Borkman, T .Munn-Giddings,C., 2019. Self-help Groups in Anheier, H.K. & Toepler, S (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Berlin: Springer  Science and Business Media 

Munn-Giddings C & Borkman, T. (2018) Reciprocity in peer-led mutual aid groups in the community: implications for social policy and social work practices. in Törrönen, L, M., Munn-Giddings, C & Tarkiainen, L (2018) Reciprocal Relationships: implications for social work and social policy. Taylor & Francis: Oxon, UK.Pp. 59-77.

O’Brien, N., Moules, T & Munn-Giddings, C (2018) Negotiating the research space between young people and adults in a PAR study exploring school bullying.i Törrönen, L, M., Munn-Giddings, C & Tarkiainen, L (2018) Reciprocal Relationships: implications for social work and social policy. Taylor & Francis: Oxon, UK.pp.160-176.

Munn-Giddings and Bungay. 2017. Demonstrating the value of the arts in health and social care contexts: a pluralistic approach to the building of an evidence base. In Culture, Wellbeing and Health.

Munn-Giddings, C., Oka, T., Borkman, T., Matzat, J., Montano, R., Chikoto , G .2015. Self-help and mutual aid group volunteering in Horton-Smith, D & Grotz (Eds) Research Handbook of Volunteering and Non-profit Associations. Palgrave: New York. pp. 393-416.

Munn-Giddings, C., 2012. Action Research. In Waring, M., Coe, R and Hedges, L , eds. Education Research: methods and methodologies. London: Sage pp.71-75.

Borkman, T & Munn-Giddings, C.,2008. The contribution of self-help groups and organizations to changing relations between patients/consumers and the health care system in the US and UK. In Chambre, S and Goldner, M, eds. Patients, Consumers and Civil Society: US and International Perspectives, Vol. 10 Advances in Medical Sociology, Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing

Peer-reviewed articles

Bungay, H., Wilson, C., Dadswell, A. and Munn-Giddings, C., 2021. The role of collaborative working between the arts and care sectors in successfully delivering participatory arts activities for older people in residential care settings. Health and Social Care in the Community.(Published online January 28th). doi: 10.1111/hsc.13290.

Munn-Giddings, C. and Boyce, M., 2020. How Social Governance, Health Care, and Civil Society Shape Self-Help/ Mutual Aid and Peer Support in Europe. In Borkman, Munn-Giddings and Boyce: Self-Help/Mutual Aid Groups and Peer Support: A Literature Review. Voluntaristics Review>, 5(2-3), pp.141-160.

Munn-Giddings, C., Dadswell, A., Bungay, H., Wilson, C., 2020. The impact of participatory arts in promoting social relationships for older people within care homes. Perspectives in Public Health. Special Issue: Creative Health Through the Age Span, 140 (5), pp.286-293.

Munn-Giddings, C., Boyce, M. (2020). Reflections on research with self-harm self-help groups. Social Work & Social Sciences Review, 21(1), pp.21-33. Special Issue on Marginalised communities

Wilson, C., Dadswell, A., Munn-Giddings, C. and Bungay, H., 2019. The role of participatory arts in developing reciprocal relationships amongst older people: A conceptual review of the literature. The Journal of Aging and Social Change, 9(4), pp.1-16. doi:10.18848/2576-5310/CGP/v09i04/1-16.

Munn-Giddings, C., Dadswell, A., Wilson, C., Bungay, H., 2019. The role of participatory arts in addressing the loneliness and social isolation of older people: A conceptual review of the literature. Journal of Arts & Communities, 9(2), pp.109-128.

Munn-Giddings, C., and Borkman, T., 2018. Dialogic sharing of lived experience in different self-help/mutual aid groups. Groupwork (online Dec 31st)

Munn-Giddings., C., Ravalier, J., McVicar, A., 2018. Appreciative Inquiry for stress management. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International Journal,,

O’Brien, N., Munn-Giddings, C. and Moules, T., (2018). The repercussions of reporting bullying: some experiences of students at an independent secondary school. Pastoral Care in Education: An International Journal of Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Available online from:

Boyce, M., Bungay, H., Munn-Giddings, C & Wilson, C (2017) The Impact of the arts in health care on patients and service users: A critical review in Health and Social Care in the Community. Accepted August 2017. DOI: 10.1111/hsc.12502

Boyce, Melanie J. and Munn-Giddings, Carol and Secker, Jenny (2017) "It's a safe space": Self-harm self-help groups. Mental Health Review Journal. ISSN 2042-8758 (Accepted)

Munn-Giddings, Carol and Avis, Mark and Boyce, Melanie and Chaudhary, Sarah and Seebohm, Patience (2017) Being a ‘Self-Help Supporter’: Recognising the roles that community practitioners can adopt in supporting self-help groups. Research, Policy and Planning, 32 (2). pp. 113-125. ISSN 0264-519X

Wilson, C., Bungay, H., Munn-Giddings, C. & Boyce, M. (2016). Healthcare professionals’ perceptions of the value and impact of the arts in healthcare settings: A critical review of the literature. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 56, 90-101.

Munn-Giddings, C., McVicar, A, Boyce, M., O’Brien. N. 2016. Learning from older citizens’ research groups. Educational Gerontology 42 (1):pp58-69.

Boyce, M., Munn-Giddings, C., Seebohm, P., Chaudary, S., & Avis, M. 2015. Use of social media by self-help/mutual aid groups in Groupwork. 24 (2): pp.26-44.

Fraser, A., Bungay, H., Munn-Giddings, C .2014. The value of the use of participatory arts activities in residential care settings to enhance the wellbeing and quality of life of older people: A rapid review of the literature Arts and Health.6 (3) pp.266-278.

Ravalier,J., McVicar,A. & Munn-Giddings,C.2014. Public service stress and burnout over 12 months. Occupational Medicine (Lond) 64 (7): pp. 521-523.

McGregor, F., Somner, J., Bourne, R., Munn-Giddings, C., Shah, P & Cross, V. 2014. Social media use by patients with glaucoma: what can we learn? Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 34(1) pp.46-52.

McVicar, A., Munn-Giddings, C., Seebohm, P., 2013. Workplace Stress Interventions Using Participatory Action Research Designs. International Journal of Workplace Health Management 6 (part 1) pp18-37.

Ravalier,J., McVicar,A. & Munn-Giddings,C. 2013. The Management Standards Indicator Tool and measurement of burnout. Occupational Medicine (Lond) (2013) 63 (2): 145-147.

Seebohm, P., Boyce, M., Chaudhary, S., Avis, M & Munn-Giddings, C. 2013. The contribution of self-help/mutual aid groups to mental wellbeing. Health & Social Care in the Community. 21 (4): pp.391-401.

Chaudhary, S., Avis, M., & Munn-Giddings, C. 2012. Beyond the therapeutic: A Habermasian view of self help groups’ place in the public sphere. Social Theory & health. pp. 1-22.

McVicar, A., Munn-Giddings, C. & Abu-Helil, C. 2012. Exploring the development of action research in nursing and social care in the UK: A comparative bibliometric review of action research designs in social work (2000–2010). Action Research, 10 (1), pp79-101.

Gelling, L., Munn-Giddings, C., 2011. Ethical review of Action Research: the challenges for researchers and research ethics committees. Research Ethics, 7 (3), pp. 103-109.

Seebohm, P., Munn-Giddings, C & Brewer, P., 2010. What’s in a name? A discussion paper on the labels and location of self-organising community groups with particular reference to mental health and Black groups. Mental Health & Social Inclusion, 14 (3), pp. 23-29.

Boyce, M., Munn-Giddings, C., Campbell, S & Smith, L., 2010. Innovatory features and challenges facing mental health user-led organisations. Mental Health Review, 15 (2), pp. 34-42.

Chaudhary, S., Avis, M & Munn-Giddings, C., 2010. The lifespan and life-cycle of self-help groups: a retrospective study of groups in Nottingham, UK. Health & Social Care in the Community, 18 (4), pp.346-354.

Munn-Giddings, C & McVicar, A., Boyce, M., O’Brien. N., 2009. Older People as Researchers – WhyNot?. Working with Older People, 13 (4), pp 16-19.

Munn-Giddings, C., Boyce, M., Smith, L & Campbell, S., 2009. The Innovative Role of User Led Organisations. A life in the Day, 13 (3), pp. 14-20.

Boyce, M., O’Brien. N., Munn-Giddings, C & McVicar, A., 2009. How does the rhetoric of ‘user participation’ in research apply to older people? Research, Policy and Planning, 27 (2), pp 55-63

Borkman, T., Munn-Giddings, C., Karlsson, M., Smith, L., 2009. Social Philosophy and Funding in Self Help Organisations: A US-UK-Swedish analysis. International Journal of Self Help and Social Care, 4 (3), pp 201-220.

Public report

Bungay, H., Munn-Giddings, C., Wilson, C & Dadswell, A. 2019. Creative Journeys: the role of participatory arts in promoting social relationships for older people in care home settings:

Book Review for Perspectives on Public Health Arts, Health and Wellbeing: A Theoretical Inquiry for Practice. Edited by Theo Stickley and Stephen Clift. Perspectives in public health [2018/01].

Bungay, H., Munn-Giddings, C., Boyce, M & Wilson, C. 2015. The Value of the Arts in Therapeutic and Clinical Interventions: A critical review of the literature. ARU Publishing.

Recent presentations and conferences

Wilson, C., Bungay, H., Dadswell, A & Munn-Giddings, C., 2021. How a university community engaged with arts and cultural activities during lockdown at Culture, Health & Well-Being International Online Conference. 21 June.

Munn-Giddings, C., Bungay, H., Wilson, C.& Dadswell, A. 2019. Participatory arts and their role in tackling loneliness at Arts in Society,  Lisbon, Portugal. 19-21 June.

Munn-Giddings, C., Bungay, H., Wilson, C., Dadswell, A & Ward, A., 2018. Participatory arts and social relationships for older people in care settings at New Perspectives in Participatory Arts. UEA. 22-23 May.

Törrönen, M., Munn-Giddings, C & O’Brien, N., 2018. Methodological reflections on the EU Reciprocity Project. Collaborativ Action Research Network International Conference,Manchester. 28-30 October.

Munn-Giddings (2017) Workshop on Getting Published at the CARN Conference in Crete (October 20-22 2017).

Torronen, M and Munn-Giddings, C (2017) Participatory Action and Peer Research with Young Adults with Leaving Care Experiences – A participatory approach for reciprocal experiences. at the CARN Conference in Crete (October 20-22, 2017)

Podcast for CARN Portuguese Network Conference in Brazil (Dec 4-5th 2017) Interdisciplinary dialogues in Action Research: possibilities and challenges.

Bungay, H; Munn-Giddings, C; Wilson, C & Dadswell, A:  The role of participatory arts in developing social and caring relationships for older people in care settings: tackling loneliness and social isolation. Poster Presentation. Culture Health & Wellbeing International Conference (19-21 June 2017,)

Munn-Giddings, C. & Cook, T .2015. Keynote: Heard it on the grapevine: The importance of Hot Gossip. Values and Virtues Conference. St John’s University. York.  June 9th-10th.

Munn-Giddings, C. 2014. Keynote: Let’s Tango: who is in the dance of action research? Collaborative Action research Network. Newcastle. Oct 31st-Nov 2nd.

Munn-Giddings, C. 2014. ISTR International Conference.Munster, Germany. July 22-25th.

(i) Convenor of International Symposium at ISTR Conference on What do self-help/mutual aid groups contribute to creating and sustaining civil society? Munster, Germany. July 22nd

(ii) Contributor to Symposium on Citizens Voices, paper on Citizens as Researchers. Munster, Germany. July 22nd

Munn-Giddings, C. 2014. Chair and presenter roundtable on ‘Concepts of Reciprocity and implications for Social work’. Bolzano, Italy., April 16th.

Munn-Giddings, C., Boyce, M. 2013. Engaging Community Groups and Practitioners in Participatory Research. Tromso, Norway, November 7th.

Munn-Giddings, C, 2012. Keynote. Self-help/Mutual Aid – Learning from the Nordic Context . Oslo, Norway. November 8th.

Munn-Giddings, C. 2012. Writing for Publication. Collaborative Action Research Network International Conference, Kent Nov 23rd-25th.

Boyce, M & Munn-Giddings, C. 2012. Hidden Resource: The potential of self-help groups to contribute to health care delivery, policy and practice. Hannover, Germany. August 31st-Sept 1st.

Munn-Giddings, C., 2011. Nordic Self Help Network. Invited keynotes (2) in Trondheim and Orsta-Volda, Norway. June.

‘Working with experiential and professional knowledge: opportunities and challenges’

(i) Reflections on establishing and supporting Citizen Research Groups

(ii) How can professionals best support self Help Groups: early findings from the ESTEEM project

Munn-Giddings, C., 2010. Keynote: Self Help in Various Contexts – A UK perspective. Nord-Tronelag University College, Norway. September 15th-17th.

Munn-Giddings, C & Borkman, T., 2010. How different traditions of self-help/mutual aid research can inform Third Sector knowledge. International Society of Third Sector Research Conference. Istanbul, Turkey, 7-10th July.

Recent Community Engagement Seminars:

Munn-Giddings, C; Bungay, H; Dadswell, A & Wilson, C with ECC, Age Exchange, Sinfonia Viva with Orchestra’s Live & Green Candle (2018) Creative Journeys: The project so far. ECC Records Office. March 5th.
Törrönen, L, M., Munn-Giddings, C (2017) Belonging – creating participation for young adults starting their independent living. ARU/ECC . December 6th.

Munn-Giddings, C & Boyce, M. 2014. Universities Week: ideas for Life. Involving citizens in research with the WhyNot! Older Citizens Research Group. Chelmsford Public Library. June 11th.

Munn-Giddings, C., McVicar, A & WhyNot! Older People’s Research Group. 2012. Citizens Research Groups - -WhyNot! Chelmsford Festival of Ideas. ARU. October 17th.

Munn-Giddings, C., 2011 & 2012. Women in Research with Niamh O’Brien. Anglia Ruskin University Public Lecture Agenda. International Women’s Day. March.

Munn-Giddings, C ., 2011. KT Equal Empowering Older People – Older People as Researchers – WhyNot? with Jan Loudon from WhyNot! Older People’s Research Group. Reading Town Hall. January.

Media experience

Radio interviews (live)