Honorary degrees - frequently asked questions

Why are honorary degrees conferred?
Honorary degrees are conferred on persons of distinction who have made a major contribution to their field of endeavours and earned national and international distinction in activities which contribute to the advancement of their profession, learning, the arts or public affairs.

How are they nominated?
Nominations for the award of an honorary degree is an internal process within Anglia Ruskin University (ARU). The nomination takes the form of a short, up-to-date CV such as an extract from Who’s Who, together with a supporting document stating why an award should be considered, emphasising the perceived benefits to ARU of making the award and specifying any relationship between the nominee and Anglia Ruskin University.

Any member of staff can make a nomination, which is then reviewed by the Nominations Committee then ratified by Senate. Nominations cannot be made by people external to ARU.

What degrees can be awarded?
Available degrees are:

  • Master of Arts (Hon MA)
  • Master of Science (Hon MSc)
  • Doctor of Arts (Hon DA)
  • Doctor of Business Administration (Hon DBA)
  • Doctor of Education (Hon EdD)
  • Doctor of Health Sciences (Hon DHSc)
  • Doctor of Laws (Hon LLD)
  • Doctor of Letters (Hon D Litt)
  • Doctor of Music (Hon DMus)
  • Door of Science (Hon DSc)
  • Doctor of Technology (Hon D Tech)
  • Doctor of Theology (Hon DTh)

In addition, an Honorary Fellowship may be awarded in recognition of:

  • important and substantial services to Anglia Ruskin University
  • contribution to the community and life of Anglia Ruskin University and association with us over a sustained period of time
  • facilitation of links between Anglia Ruskin University and the community or a partner organisation.

When are they awarded?
The honorary degrees are awarded at our graduation ceremonies each year. On receiving the award each recipient delivers an inspirational address to the students, and their guests, to help motivate and inspire them to achieve in their chosen fields.

How do I find out who is a current Honorary Award Holder?
Visit Find an Honorary.

How frequently do Honorary Award holders keep in touch with ARU?
We keep in touch regularly, through our friends and supporters magazine, our annual dinner and various events and activities throughout the year (honoraries are invited to attend as guests and sometimes asked to deliver a talk).

Many of our Honorary Award Holders are also actively involved in university life, including working with our research institutes and encouraging students to be entrepreneurial.

We consider our honoraries to be part of the ARU family.