Save our World day

On 27 March, 2019, students from Anglia Ruskin's Sustainability Society worked with staff from across the University, and experts from a range of different fields, to organise and host 'Save our World' day.

The one-day event featured talks, interactive workshops, and a panel debate, and was designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to create a more just and environmentally sustainable world.

If you are interested in running a similar event, contact [email protected].


Practical examples of sustainable living - a range of stalls exploring all aspects of sustainability, from its inclusion in courses here at Anglia Ruskin, to local organisations that are supporting people to live more sustainably.



How green are our universities - and what can we do about it? Dr Sarah Royston, Research Fellow, University of Sussex

Next year, universities in England are supposed to hit a target of cutting their carbon footprint by 43%. Instead, they are likely to achieve only a 13% cut. In this session, we'll hear about why our sector is performing so badly, and how we can do better. We'll also learn who are the best (and worst) performers, what we can learn from them, and the surprising story about how tuition fees have led to the dismantling of sustainability policy in our sector. Crucially, this is a chance to think about how students can use their power as HE citizens and £consumers" to press for change.


So you are thinking about becoming vegan? Your chance to try out a range of freshly prepared vegan food, and to find out more about which foods really are best for the environment

1-2pm 'Fixing the green finance gap' - Global Sustainability Institute seminar - In the context of the Paris agreement 2016 and the Climate Change Act 2008, the UK aims to decarbonise its energy supply sector. Current research shows that the 'green' transition of the UK energy supply sector requires a substantial amount of additional investments in energy infrastructure. The thereby so-called 'green finance gap' is generally acknowledged, yet policy recommendations on how to address the barriers towards more 'green' investments into renewable energy and infrastructure are currently to a large extent missing.


Give it a go - Interactive workshops to help you learn new skills and try out new hobbies! Please note, all of these sessions must be booked in advance as there are limited spaces - more details in the PDF download above.

Reusable tote bag - work with students in the art department to print your own tote bag

A Lush time - Join staff from Lush to find out more about their plastic free products

Yoga and meditation - An introduction to yoga and meditation

Grow your own vegetables - Did you know we have an edible garden on campus? Spend 45 minutes learning how to grow your own fruit and vegetables!


'Refund your packaging' - the Cambridge based branch of Lush will be on hand to tell us about how we can reduce our use of packaging.

3-4pm Oscar Gillespie, Cambridge Green Party councillor- City Councillor Oscar Gillespie will give some insight about being the only Green Party councillor on Cambridge City Council for the last four years, as he approaches the end of his term. Is local politics open to young people, and how do you make your voice heard?


The big fix - panel debate between students and staff


Find out more about our speakers