
Illustration detail of magazine and drink on table

We publish So What?  magazine to highlight the latest trends and developments in sustainability at Anglia Ruskin University. We also produce Global Sustainability Institute (GSI) Briefing Notes and Working Papers which give an overview of our research.

So What? Net Zero edition

The latest edition (Issue 14) of our magazine addresses the concept of Net Zero: What does it mean, and why does it matter. With articles and editorials from members of the GSI team, we look at what cutting carbon looks like today, and what the obstacles are for local government policy and our own university campuses. We also look to how we tackle Net Zero challenges through our research projects, how we can (and should) consider a holistic approach to socio-ecological systemic threats, and how creativity - including creative writing - can be deployed as we work towards a more sustainable world.

Current So What?  editors: Felicity Clarke and Victoria Tait

Issue 14: Net Zero (2023/24)

Previous editions

Celebrate ten years of the GSI by exploring previous issues below.

Issue 13: Landscapes (2022/23)

Issue 12: 10th Anniversary (2020/21)

Issue 11: Justice (2019/20)

Issue 10: Energy (Autumn 2018)

Issue 9: Health (Autumn 2017)

Issue 8: The Future (Winter 2016)

Issue 7: Gender (Spring-Summer 2016)

Issue 6: Politics (Summer 2015)

Issue 5: Students (Summer 2014)

Issue 4: Water (Winter 2013)

Issue 3: Food (Summer 2013)

Issue 2: Art & Culture (Winter 2012)

Issue 1: The Green issue (Summer 2012)

GSI Briefing Notes

Briefing notes give you an overview of GSI research findings or an existing policy or issue. They explain our position on an issue or provide a concise summary of full-length GSI publications. Current Briefing Notes editors: Rosie Robison (maternity leave), Alison Greig.

GSI Working Papers

Working papers give you an opportunity to read about the GSI’s emerging research findings, but in a little more depth than our concise Briefing Note summaries. They can be an original piece of research based on actual project data, literature reviews, perspectives, or methodological papers. Current Working Paper editor: Zareen Bharucha.