Older people, dementia and stroke

A group of older people playing percussion instruments

Whether in children or older people, brain injury can stem from a range of causes:

  • a physical blow to the head
  • vascular haemorrhage or ischemic stroke
  • starvation of oxygen in the brain ie cerebral anoxia
  • toxic or metabolic events (eg hypoglycaemia)
  • viral infection or inflammation.

Other conditions that involve brain injury may be neuro-palliative in nature, such as degenerative diseases like dementia.

Investigative research in neuro-rehabilitation

There are a number of models that influence music therapy practice in neuro-rehabilitation, with the primary aim of helping people to restore their functioning to their levels prior to brain injury.

In the case of degenerative diseases such as dementia, music therapy seeks to improve quality of life by maintaining people's current level of functioning for as long as possible.

At CIMTR, our research seeks to strengthen evidence on the clinical practice of music therapy, and its specific neurophysiological and behavioural impact on the brain-injured population.

The Homeside project

Are you living with dementia, or caring for a person with dementia at home? We're carrying out research into the benefits of music and reading activities for people with dementia, and invite you to take part.

Find out more about Homeside, and how you can get involved.

Our recent research and publications

If you are interested in collaborating with CIMTR to help advance research and practice in this area, email us at [email protected]