Published: 23 January 2017 at 11:49
Music therapy staff to work with IMC Krems University, Austria
In October 2016, our Music for Health Research Centre (MHRC) began a new collaborative project with IMC Krems University in personalised music therapy in Neurorehabilitation.
‘The Josef Ressel Centre for establishing principles of personalised music therapy – research into music therapy processes and relationships in selected areas of neurological rehabilitation’ was officially opened on 24 November 2016. Government representatives from Austrian and Indian healthcare and the computer industry, and scientists from The Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Berlin, together with Professor Jörg Fachner and Dr Maidhof from ARU met to celebrate the establishment of the centre.
Jörg recently published a cross-journal edition on Music Therapy and Neuroscience in the high impact journals Frontiers of Human Neuroscience and Frontiers of Auditory Neuroscience with Mari Tervaniemi from University of Helsinki, Finland and Julian O'Kelly from The Royal Hospital for Neurodisability, London. Both journals are published by the Nature Publishing Group, and the whole journal edition is currently produced as an eBook. Along with colleagues from University of Bergen, Jörg has also recently published a Cochrane protocol on 'Music therapy and addictions’, a subject on which he previously published a book with Jessica Kinsley Publishers, and is now part of the Cochrane review team.
Image: Professor Jörg Fachner