Personal, team and leadership development

Experts in the School of Management can support you in maximising your personal influence and effectiveness, and developing your practice as an aspiring, new, or experienced leader. We work with both individuals and groups to help you better understand and improve your team dynamics, and support the wellbeing and resilience of team members.

With changing expectations about work, blurring of boundaries between work and outside work, and increasing competitive pressures, the role of leaders has never been more important. Agile leadership which fosters a culture of innovation, collaboration, and value creation makes organisations better placed to respond to challenges and turn these into opportunities. Leadership and team development can support this by encouraging critical reflection about questions such as:

  • What is your personal leadership style?
  • How do others see your role in the team/as a leader?
  • Which habits may limit your leadership effectiveness?
  • How do you balance caring for team members with the drive to meet objectives?
  • How can a coaching approach help improve communication and outcomes?
  • How can you ‘get things done’ and become more influential in your organisation?

Our experts, including Dr Sara Spear (Head of School of Management) and Dr Veronica Burke (Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Management) are trained coaches and accredited Myers-Briggs and Belbin practitioners, as well as being experienced leaders. We can offer a range of solutions, including 1:1 coaching, workshops, team building sessions, and extended leadership development programmes. Our consultancy offering can be delivered online, at our Cambridge or Chelmsford campuses, or at your preferred location.