The profession of the heart: why I chose to study nursing

Guest posts

Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Nursing
Course: BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing
Category: Nursing and midwifery

10 July 2017

Kike Abioye

Mental Health Nursing graduate Kike Abioye reflects on the benefits of studying at Anglia Ruskin, including her 'brilliant and amazing' tutors.

Kike graduated with a first class honours and currently practices in an inpatient Acute Assessment Unit in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. She is very passionate about the concept and the application of recovery in mental health care settings.

Here's Kikie's account of studying at Anglia Ruskin.

As a child, I always enjoyed role playing the nurse and looking after the sick, but the opportunity to train as a qualified nurse never came until 2012. I enjoy the fulfilment and inner joy that you experience when somebody who has been unwell gets better through your nursing care and support. I would choose nursing again and again if I have to. 'Nursing is [the] profession of the heart'. I have followed my heart, which I’m forever grateful for.

I chose to study Nursing (Mental Health) at Anglia Ruskin University because of the testimonials of past students. The University is renowned for breeding dedicated and well-trained nurses that any institution would be proud of. Another reason is the dedication of the nursing tutors. Because they are nurses themselves, they look after their students, physically, mentally and academically. Anglia Ruskin nursing tutors are brilliant and amazing.

The help and support available within the University has encouraged me to not give up when faced with challenges in my study. Anglia Ruskin nurses are trained and supported to not give up easily, because you do not give up on your patients.

Being a student nurse prepares you for the future. Being a student is just the beginning, or a stepping stone to whatever you want to be. It’s such a privilege to be entrusted and involved in the care of somebody else. To me, this should never be taken for granted but held in the high esteem and regard that is due.

A nursing degree teaches you leadership, management and communication skills and these are taught in the two-way 50/50 training of theory and practice.

The first 50% of theoretical aspects in leadership, management and communication skills are taught from the first year of training and continuously demonstrated by student nurses at different levels of classroom role plays, peer and group discussions within various and relevant courses.

The other 50% are expressed and monitored in the practice area under the safe tutelage of well-seasoned mentors. These opportunities allow student nurses to practice both in the University, after being taught by tutors, as well as in various practice areas throughout the nursing degree training to improve leadership, management and communication skills.

I have learnt that nursing is lifelong learning that does not end when you graduate. As nurses, you are expected to continue keeping yourself up-to-date with new evidence to support and enhance adequate and evidence-based care.

I continue to develop myself, in my job as a staff nurse within the inpatient ward of an Acute Assessment Unit, having the privilege of assessing and caring for individuals in mental health crisis that require hospital admission.

Nursing challenges are various and could be unique with individuals. However, we have been trained to cope successfully in the face of challenges as we continue to build and develop very strong resilience on the job. The best way I deal with challenging situations is to reflect on them; I look after myself by taking regular rests and breaks when due, and take time away to socialise with my friends and family. Nursing could be time-consuming and you may forget to look after yourself and burn out, hence the breaks, supervision and reflections about any challenge.

Nursing is about the whole person. That covers the biological, psychological and social aspects of the individual, hence nursing care is carried out in a partnership or collaboration within a therapeutic environment. Nursing is also about courage, commitment, competence, compassion, communication and professionalism.

Nursing is an all-round and multi-faceted professional career that [gives] anyone who is determined to pursue the career fulfilment. Nursing opens your locked-up potentials of caring for others and puts you on the pedestal of outstanding and recovery-based care.

Don’t delay anymore, follow your heart, make your application today and begin your journey to amazing lifelong learning. I’m proud to be a nurse and proud to say I trained in Anglia Ruskin University.


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