Managing your money and the cost of living at uni

Guest posts

Category: Student blogs

14 June 2023

If you're starting university you might be shopping for yourself and budgeting for the first time. How do you make it work? Watch our students' tips for managing your money and the cost of living.

If you have questions about student funding, money management or budgeting, talk to our Money Advice Service. It's free and confidential.

With the cost of living increasing, we’re working hard to reduce the financial pressures for our students where we can. Read more about cost of living support at ARU.

Help with budgeting

Weekly essentials

£1 meal deals at uni

See also...

Psychology student Lily's top five tips for managing your money as a student.

What is Clearing?

Clearing is an opportunity to reconsider your options, and join a university where you can study a subject you're passionate about.

You can apply through Clearing if:

  • you didn’t apply before the UCAS deadline
  • your grades are different to what you expected
  • you’ve only just decided to go to uni
  • you’ve changed your mind about what or where you want to study since you originally applied.

Find out more about Clearing at ARU


The views expressed here are those of the individual and do not necessarily represent the views of Anglia Ruskin University. If you've got any concerns please contact us.