ARU Blogs — Deividas

Student blogger Deividas

Faculty:Health, Medicine and Social Care

School:School of Allied Health and Social Care

Course: BSc (Hons) Public Health

Hi! You can call me David. I am from Lithuania, and I study BSc (Hons) Public Health at ARU in Chelmsford.

I chose this course because I have a great passion for disease prevention. Public health allows you to help thousands or millions of people at the same time. It aims to improve and protect population health and life.

I enjoy my studies in the UK and at ARU. I've met wonderful people from different backgrounds and countries and been involved in various activities and societies. 

An interesting fact about me: I can't imagine my life without swimming. I have been doing it for almost 16 years.

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6 February 2023

After the Covid-19 pandemic, most of us have heard about public health. But as always, there are still a lot of uncertainties about what public health is, and even more uncertainties come when you ask yourself: what can you do with this degree? Let's try to figure it out together! Read more…

9 May 2022

Every April we celebrate World Immunization Week. Vaccines have been in the news a lot recently, but they have a long history which I've been learning about as a Public Health student. Here's a brief overview. Read more…

9 February 2022

Everyone understands Public Health differently. My personal understanding of what it is, and what you can do with it, has changed throughout my studies. Read more…

17 January 2022

The global pandemic changed everyone’s understanding of what public health is. It became much easier to explain what Public Health is by giving examples from COVID-19. However, I am always saying that it covers much more than pandemics. Read more…


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