Engage and make a change

Guest posts

Faculty: Business and Law
School: School of Management
Course: Master of Business Administration MBA
Category: Business

20 March 2019

My name is Liz and I am an international MBA student here at ARU. I started last September, and I am enjoying my time here. Not only because of the academic challenge of pursuing a Masters degree in a second language, but also because Cambridge itself is a vibrant community. Specifically, societies!

Societies are excellent opportunities to meet quite interesting, passionate people and share your ideas about a subject.

In my case, I found the Sustainability Society, a small group of students that has decided to be involved in different activities to increase the awareness of the sustainability issue amongst the staff and students in ARU.

It would take a little bit of your time. However, it's worth it and you will find that you enjoy the time spent and all those activities. Not only because you are working on something that you believe, increasing your knowledge about it, sharing ideas and most importantly building your network. Therefore, I encourage you, once you have your academic responsibilities organised and running smoothly, to invest some time researching the societies at ARU. Most of them asked for a minimum membership fee between £3.50 to £5 that you can easily pay online: pick a subject that you are interested in and show up to the next meeting. Nothing to lose and so much to gain!

Now, I would like to invite you to our next significant event, the Save our World Day on 27 March. We'll have different activities around the campus. Check the agenda below and come. We will be glad to see you there!

By Liz Rodriguez


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