Celebrating International Nurses Day as a student nurse


Faculty: Health, Medicine and Social Care
School: School of Nursing
Course: BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing
Category: Nursing and midwifery

11 May 2016

Adult Nursing student Jade discusses International Nurses Day on 12 May - an opportunity to celebrate the profession and the contributions that nurses make.

With 12 May fast approaching, I know I, and many around me, will be showing our pride for our jobs as much as we can.

Fellow nursing students sharing motivational posts on social media, colleagues highlighting all the amazing work they do… and why not! With all the negative press the NHS workforce is getting and expectations ever growing, I think we should take the time whenever we can to show off and discuss all the amazing things we do.

I thought I would take the opportunity to share some of the things I love about my job and just exactly why our profession is so important and should be celebrated.

Nursing is a family

One of the things I absolutely love about nursing is that we are a family. Whether it’s fellow students, mentors, staff or lecturers, everyone shares the same sense of passion and we could talk about our work for days. This is a sign that people are truly satisfied with the work they do – and that passion is what makes a fantastic nurse. Before I had even finished my second year, I was formally offered a job in a cardiac intensive care unit. This was definitely because of the working relationships I had built and my colleagues’ ability to see my passion for everything they do. I cannot wait to start!

Nursing is a privilege

Nursing is truly a privilege. I look back on experiences I have had with patients and families throughout my training and know that each and every one has had an impact on me both as a nurse and as a person. Whether supporting patients and families in a cardiac arrest situation or simply providing a cold flannel to a patient with a temperature, I am continually surprised and delighted by the people I meet and my place in caring for them at such a vulnerable time.

Yes we finish late, yes we work shift patterns, yes we are overworked and underpaid. Yes this job comes with a lot of responsibility and not enough staff. BUT we make a difference. Helping people take first steps after losing the ability to walk or being the first person somebody sees returning from unconsciousness. Such intimate moments experienced and shared. I recognise the value of my job and so do my patients. That is what really counts.

Nurses matter

We celebrate International Nurses Day on 12 May as it's the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth. So join us in celebrating Florence’s birthday – the first of us – and let our nurses know they are appreciated alongside our wonderful NHS. We need to be looked after by our population to be able to continue to look after you.


Jade studies Adult Nursing at ARU in Chelmsford. Find out more about our nursing and healthcare courses at an Open Day.



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