The Sustainability Art Prize

Sustainability Art Prize logo

As a concept, sustainability tends to behave in a multitude of meanings and, for many, it seems capable of encompassing such contrasting issues as controlling economic growth and the protection of other species and their habitat.

Many are the areas where sustainability unfolds its devastatingly simple logic, such as climate change, access to resources, feminism, gender inequality, cultural values, cultural colonisation, speciesism, food production and distribution, geopolitical conflicts; the list goes on.

The creative disciplines are very well equipped for the challenges that such vast and complex issues present. The Sustainability Art Prize has been created to inspire students to explore these issues and to open up spaces for dialogue and transformation.

Entries can be in any medium, and all shortlisted entries will form an exhibition at the Ruskin Gallery. A winner, second and third prizes will be selected from the short-listed entries.

The 2022 prize was won by Sarah Strachan of our MA Fine Art degree course for her work motivated by re-sensing the nuclear threat first experienced as a child growing up during the cold war.