EU and international job seekers

We welcome applications from EU and international job seekers. The UK Government Visa and Immigration rules stipulate the requirements to obtain permission to work in the UK.

This page provides useful information to help you understand the UK immigration system as well as guidance on working and living in the UK.

Working in the UK

On 31 December 2020, the freedom of movement between the United Kingdom (UK) and the European Union (EU) came to an end. From 1 January 2021, the UK has been operating a new points-based system for Skilled Workers to gain permission to work in the UK.

All EU and non-EU citizens wishing to come to the UK to work will need to have a job offer from an approved licensed sponsor (employer) and demonstrate that they meet a specific set of mandatory requirements, which includes:

  • a job offer that meets the required skill level
  • a salary offer that meets the relevant salary threshold
  • and the ability to meet the English language requirements

Meeting the mandatory criteria above will provide 50 'non-tradeable' points and a further 20 'tradeable' points must be obtained through a combination of points for salary, a job in a shortage occupation or a relevant PhD.

The UK Visa and Immigration process is a complex area, dependent on individual circumstances. The rules governing who has the right to work in the UK may be subject to change. For the latest information, please visit New immigration system: what you need to know and access an interactive questionnaire to help you make sense of your visa requirements.

Living in the UK

International relocation can be both an exciting and daunting prospect. There are many factors and practicalities to consider including how to find a home, understanding the culture, and navigating the different requirements for buying and renting a property. To support our international employees, we have developed a comprehensive International Staff Guide – Living and Working in the UK.

Our International Staff Guide provides a wealth of essential information to help you prepare for your arrival and settlement in the UK including information about our Relocation Scheme to support you with moving costs, budgeting for the cost of living, using a relocation support service, bringing a pet, searching for a new home, opening a bank account, registering with a doctor and much more.

We hope you will find the information in the guide useful to ease your transition to living and working in the UK. If you have any queries, please contact us at [email protected].