Board and Sub-Committees

The composition of the Board of Governors is subject to the Education Reform Act 1988, the Further and Higher Education Act 1992 and its Articles of Government.

The maximum number of members of the Board is currently set at 24 (25 including the Vice-Chancellor), although there may be less members serving from time to time.

You can view the confirmed, unrestricted, non-confidential minutes of the Board of Governors' meetings below. If you would like a copy of any earlier minutes please contact the Records Management Team at [email protected].

There are six sub-committees which operate under the Board's control; details of these sub-committees along with meeting minutes are included below.

Audit and Compliance Committee Terms of Reference

The Audit & Compliance Committee considers all aspects of compliance including advising the Board of Governors on the appointment of external auditors, reviewing the effectiveness of the risk management, control and governance arrangements. The Committee is also responsible for overseeing fraud policies and considering the annual accounts.

Please note that the minutes of the University Health & Safety Committee are noted at the Audit and Compliance Committee. For further information on the University Health & Safety Committee please visit the main page of the website to view these minutes.

Audit & Compliance Commitee minutes

Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee minutes - 16 May 2023 (PDF)

Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee minutes - 25 January 2023 (PDF)

Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee minutes - 8 November 2022 (PDF)

Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee minutes - 13 September 2022 (PDF)

Audit, Risk & Compliance Committee minutes - 17 May 2022 (PDF)

Audit & Compliance Committee minutes - 25 January 2022 (PDF)

Audit & Compliance Committee minutes - 9 November 2021 (PDF)

Audit & Compliance Committee minutes - 14 September 2021 (PDF)

Audit & Compliance Committee minutes - 18 May 2021 (PDF)

Audit & Compliance Committee minutes - 26 January 2021 (PDF)

Audit & Compliance Committee minutes - 10 November 2020 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee Terms of Reference

This Committee considers the annual budget, annual accounts, financial forecasts, tuition and other fees, capital projects and general financial management.

The Committee is also responsible for policy and procedural matters in relation to the recruitment and retention of staff, staff welfare, conditions of service and legislation affecting employer/employee relations.

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 16 March 2023 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 4 November 2022 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 16 June 2022 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 17 March 2022 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 4 November 2021 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 15 June 2021 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes 16 March 2021 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes 3 November 2020 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 1 September 2020 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 16 June 2020 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 26 March 2020 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 4 November 2019 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 17 June 2019 (PDF)

Finance, Employment & General Purposes Committee minutes - 4 April 2019 (PDF)

Nominations Committee Terms of Reference

This Committee is made up of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board, three Governors and the SU President. The Committee considers and recommends to the Board, nominations for Board membership and advises on the composition of the Board.

Nominations Committee minutes

Nominations Committee minutes - 7 February 2019

Nominations Committee minutes - 25 April 2019

Nominations Committee minutes - 26 November 2019

Nominations Committee minutes - 31 March 2020

Nominations Committee minutes - 23 September 2020

Remuneration Committee Terms of Reference

This Committee is made up of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Board and two Governors. This Committee discusses and agrees the salaries of senior members of the University.