Equivalent or Lower Qualification examples

The following examples have been adapted from those provided by HEFCE to explain what is classified as an ELQ.

If you have any queries regarding whether you would be studying for a ELQ, please contact [email protected] outlining your current qualifications, the programme you wish to study and any other information you feel is relevant to your case.

A student aiming for a first degree has an HND as their only HE entry qualification - is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - no, this student is not aiming for an ELQ.

A student aiming for a Foundation Degree has a first degree as their only HE entry qualification - is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - this student is aiming for an ELQ, however they are exempt from the ELQ policy as they are aiming for a Foundation Degree.

A student aiming for an HNC has a first degree as their only HE entry qualification and:

  • the first degree was awarded by the University of Buckingham (a private university that is not funded by HEFCE)
  • the first degree was awarded by the University of Brussels (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
  • the first degree was awarded by the University of Timbuktu

In cases a, b and c above would the student be aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - in all cases above the answer is yes, the student would be aiming for an ELQ as the ELQ policy applies irrespective of where the previous qualification was achieved.

A student aiming for a first degree has an HNC as their only HE entry qualification - the student will be awarded a UG certificate if they successfully complete their first year, but this is not a stated aim of the student - is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - no, this student would not be aiming for an ELQ.

A student is concurrently aiming for a first degree and a part-time two-year HNC - the student completes the degree at the same time as they complete the first year of the HNC - is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - the ELQ status of a student should be reviewed annually. For the first year of instance/programme of study the student would not be aiming for an ELQ, but for the second year of instance/programme of study the student would be aiming for an ELQ.

A student is concurrently aiming for a first degree and a part-time two-year HNC - the student completes the degree when they are mid-way through the first year of the HNC. If we assume that the student is aiming for an ELQ should they be recorded as non-fundable for their first year of instance/programme of study of the HNC?
Answer - no, whereas ELQ status should be reviewed annually, we do not require a change in fundability status part way through a year of instance/programme of study. The status would change at the beginning of the second year of the HNC.

An ELQ student is on a postgraduate taught course for which an NHS-Bursary is payable - is this student exempt from the ELQ policy?
Answer - yes, this student is exempt from the ELQ policy.

A student aiming for an HNC has a level 5 NVQ - is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - yes, this student is aiming for an ELQ. Whereas we don't fund students aiming solely for an NVQ as it is not a course, it is still a qualification.

A student aiming for an HND already has an HNC - is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - no, as the HND is at a higher level than the HNC.

A student aiming for a Foundation Degree already has an HND - is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - yes, however they are exempt from the ELQ policy as they are aiming for a Foundation Degree.

A student has a stated aim of a Foundation Degree and a first degree as their only HE entry qualification. The student also intends to study towards a first degree (after successful completion of the Foundation Degree). Is this student exempt from the ELQ policy for any part of this instance?
Answer - for the first part of the course where the student is studying for the FD they are exempt from the ELQ policy. For the latter part of the course where they are topping up they may or may not be exempt depending on the course or if the student is in receipt of DSA.

At the start of their instance a student has a stated aim of a first degree. They have a certificate of HE as their only HE entry qualification. The student changes their stated aim during the first year to a certificate of HE (which will be studied part-time over two years) - is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - for the first year the student would not be classed as aiming for an ELQ as they have changed their stated aim part way through the year, however for the second year they will be classed as aiming for an ELQ.

A student has a stated aim of a first degree and their highest qualification on entry is an HNC. However, part way through the first year of the degree new information shows that this student's highest qualification on entry is actually a first degree. Is this student aiming for an ELQ?
Answer - yes, this is an example of new information emerging and therefore the ELQ status should be corrected within this first year.