Using a Temporary Access Passcode to manage your ARU Multi-Factor Authentication methods

If you have been provided with a Temporary Access Passcode (TAP) due to your registered methods for ARU Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) no longer working, you can delete your broken methods/add new methods by visiting this link:

You will be presented with this screen, into which you must enter your ARU student username before clicking Next:

The MFA sign-in screen


You will then be prompted to enter the TAP provided before clicking Sign in:

The enter temporary access pass screen


Once signed in you will see your registered methods listed, and you will be able to Delete all methods which are not working:

The security info screen


You will then need to click on Add sign-in method before choosing which new method you would like to setup first:

The add sign-in method button


For help registering new methods please follow the instructions at:

Once you have registered a new method it is very important that you register an additional method as a backup.