About our School

Our school is rooted in the belief that a multi-disciplinary approach to education and research is key to creating a sustainable built environment of the future.

Our curriculum focuses on the power of transformation – of our students, our landscapes and our futures.

By exploring the challenges facing our contemporary surroundings, we prepare our students to develop skills that enable them to engage morally, ethically, politically, aesthetically, sustainably and technically - creating and crafting an architectural world that promotes health and well-being at its core.

We articulate the crafts, emanating from the engineering tradition, with humanities, to nourish creativity through arts and to strengthen our students’ intellect

Our location

Our Chelmsford campus, which is home to our BA (Hons) Architecture course, is nestled next to the natural habitat of the River Chelmer and a local nature reserve.

Skills and employment

The blend of technical skills (sciences) combined with creativity and an ethical stance to design (humanities) renders our students attractive to employers (Employers’ Advisory Group, summer 2019), with 90% of our graduates in work or further study six months after graduation (Unistats, 2019 dataset).

Professional bodies

Our working relationship with the Royal Institution of British Architects (RIBA) East, as well as the local RIBA Chelmsford Chapter, bridges academia and practice. RIBA East hold their monthly regional CPD events on our campus and the RIBA Chelmsford Chapter organise their local CPD events and talks in our architecture studio. RIBA East has also awarded prizes to our students in our end-of-year exhibition.