Privacy information for gym members

Read our privacy notice for members of ARU gyms.

Team ARU is part of Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) Higher Education Corporation.

The information we obtain from you is for registering you as a gym member and is used to maximise the support that we provide. If you fail to provide all the information you may not be able to avail of all the support available.

You freely provide us with your agreement. If you don’t provide your agreement we cannot contact you and offer support. The legal basis for processing your personal data is legitimate interests.

Name, contact details, emergency contact details, payment details, course details (for students), car registration.

Sources of information include the information you’ve supplied through the application form, the information held on the student database (if relevant) and any further data we collect from you in connection with your participation as a gym member. The data is disclosed to ARU staff with a need to know in order to provide the services and support that have been offered and to DFC, our Direct Debit payment collector.

Gym membership records and [the majority of your personal data] are retained for the current academic year plus six years. For further information please see the University Retention of Records.

The University is committed to holding your data securely and uses information security best practice to transmit personal data. Data is held in accordance with the University’s Information Security Guidelines.

If you need to contact us, change information or choose to opt out please email [email protected]

The ARU Data Protection Officer can be contacted at [email protected].

Your rights

You have the following rights for your personal data:

  • to withdraw consent at any time
  • to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office Helpline 0303 123 1113 or
  • request a copy of your data from us
  • to request us to cease processing if you suffer damage or distress
  • to correct the data
  • to request us to erase your data
  • to restrict our data processing activities
  • request us to stop any direct marketing activities to you.

Further information on how your personal data is used can be obtained from our privacy and cookies page.