Research partnership with Essex Police (2018-2021)

In 2017, the Policing Institute for the Eastern Region (now the International Policing and Public Protection Research Institute) won a bid to be the official research partner for Essex Police and to provide academic research over a three-year period (2018-2021). The contract was funded by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Essex (PFCC).

The purpose of the grant was to seek an academic partner to undertake annual academic research on selected subjects to support the strategic aims of the PFCC’s Police and Crime Plan, Plan on a Page and the College of Policing, over three years.

Under this partnership, PIER completed two research projects and has two projects ongoing. We developed strong working partnerships with colleagues at Essex Police and worked alongside Essex Police practitioners to produce evidence-based recommendations across a number of important areas including disability hate crime, diversity in officer recruitment, community policing and child sexual exploitation.

If you would like to find out more about our research projects or have a specific question for the team, please email [email protected]