Tegan Winnington

Senior Lecturer Practitioner
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Midwifery and Community Health
Areas of Expertise:
Nursing and midwifery
Courses taught:

Tegan qualified as a Midwife in 2007 and has worked in both obstetric and community settings. She has a particular interest in communication, particularly in Midwives’ interactions with women who speak limited English.

Email: [email protected]


Tegan qualified as a Midwife in 2007 and has since worked in both obstetric and community settings including as a delivery suite co-ordinator. She has a particular passion for community midwifery care, having worked in a standalone Midwife-Led Birth Centre as a community midwife and later as the Team Lead. She is committed to ensuring women-centred care, and the promotion and protection of normality in childbirth, regardless of the clinical setting. Alongside lecturing, she maintains regular clinical practice.

She has been involved in service development to promote improved continuity of care. Through team leading she has developed managerial skills and an understanding of organisational influences on the provision of maternity care. Experienced in antenatal education including hypnobirthing, she is also a NIPE practitioner. She has a particular interest in communication, particularly in Midwives’ interactions with women who speak limited English.

Research interests

In her Master’s degree in Advanced Midwifery Practice she completed a piece of phenomenological research into Midwives’ use of interpreters when caring for women with limited spoken English.

Areas of Expertise

  • Normal pregnancy and childbirth
  • Community midwifery
  • Communication
  • Antenatal education including hypnobirth
  • Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE).

BSc (Hons) Midwifery

  • BSc Hons Midwifery, 1st class, Anglia Ruskin University 2007
  • MSc Advanced Midwifery Practice, Merit, Anglia Ruskin University, 2015
  • Newborn and Infant Physical Examination Module, Level 7, Anglia Ruskin University, 2018
  • Mentorship in Practice Module, Anglia Ruskin University, 2011
  • Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO), 2017
  • Newborn Life Support, Resuscitation Council, 2011
  • Hypnobirthing teacher, HypnobirthMidwivesUK course, 2016
  • Behavioural Human Factors and Teamskills Programme, Terema, 2017
  • Growth Assessment Protocol (GAP), Perinatal Institute, 2019
  • Channel General Awareness (PREVENT radicalisation), College of Policing, 2018
  • PG Cert Learning and Teaching (Higher Education), Anglia Ruskin University, 2020
Memberships, editorial boards

Registered Midwife, NMC

Selected recent publications
Winnington, T. 2022. What influences Midwives’ decision making regarding the use of different types of interpreters? Poster presented at: Equity and Equality in Maternity Care Conference. 20th July 2022, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk UK.