Dr Outi Black

Lecturer and a dual degree doctoral researcher

- Centre for Research into the Organization of Work and Consumption (CROWC) - Centre for Intelligent Supply Chains

Faculty of Business and Law
Economics, Finance and Law
Research Supervision:

I am a Lecturer in Management and Marketing at ARU, and a dual degree doctoral researcher. My work examines digital platforms' role in sustainable economic value creation within circular business models. With a focus on platform technologies, CSR, and ethics, I aim to contribute to responsible business practices and theory development.

Email: [email protected]


As a dual-degree doctoral researcher at LUT Business School, Finland, and RMIT, Australia, my dissertation focuses on how digital platforms foster environmental and economic benefits in circular business models. Specializing in platforms as sociotechnical systems, I explore their role in sustainability and economic value creation in challenging business environments. My interest extends to CSR and ethics, investigating various marketing and management aspects. With a background in marketing management, my academic goal is to develop theories and pursue a research career that emphasizes responsible and ethical business practices.

Spoken Languages
  • Finnish (native)
  • Swedish (fair)
  • Russian (basics)
  • Mandarin Chinese (basics)
Research interests
  • Digital platforms
  • Circular Economy
  • Systemic changes
  • Sociotechnical systems
Areas of research supervision
  • Undergraduate/Postgraduate Major Projects
  • Integrated Marketing Communications
  • Undergraduate Major Project
  • Doctor of Science (Business), LUT University, Finland
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Business), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Academy of Management (member)
  • European Academy of Management (member)
  • British Academy of Management (member)
Selected recent publications

Blackburn, O., Ritala, P., & Keränen, J., 2023. Digital Platforms for the Circular Economy: Exploring Meta-Organizational Orchestration Mechanisms. Organization & Environment, 36(2), 253–281. https://doi.org/10.1177/10860266221130717

Recent presentations and conferences

Blackburn, O., Ritala, P., Bocken, N., & Keränen J., 2023. Circular Economy Platforms: A Systematic Review. At the 2023 Miami Beach International Academic Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Accounting