Mark Bentley

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of Expertise:
Business, management and leadership , Organisational Behaviour , Work engagement
Research Supervision:

Mark has extensive practitioner experience in supply chain and logistics operations, in the service and FMCG sectors. Expertise in work-based learning and apprenticeships leadership, along with governance and compliance management, in skills-based training organisations.

[email protected]


Having worked as a supply chain practitioner and leader for most of his career, Mark has gained experience and success in several supply chain contexts including warehouse and distribution management, materials handling, leadership of change and road transport operations.

In 2021, he moved in to education, where he developed a logistics and supply chain department at an FE institution, developing strategy, curriculum design, while being instrumental in developing apprenticeship and work based programmes in a range of logistics and supply chain disciplines.

On moving into the education sector, teaching supply chain management to international students, Mark looks to develop communities of research with students, whilst extending his own research interests into urban and last mile logistics, future supply chain and distribution operations.

Research interests
  • Sustainable supply chains
  • Distribution networks
  • Life sciences and pharma supply chains
  • Curriculum development for supply chain management pedagogy
  • Future supply chains, logistics and transport operations
  • Business school education
Areas of research supervision

MSc Supervision including:

  • Sustainable supply chain
  • Green supply chain management
  • Supply chain disruption
  • Sustainable supply chain management, level 7
  • Project management, level 7
  • Operations management, level 7
  • Supply chain practice and management, level 7
  • Major project (dissertation supervisor), level 7
  • MSc in Management Development
  • PGCert Management Education
  • BA (Hons) Business Administration
  • PhD Candidate (2nd year)
Memberships, editorial boards
  • British Academy of Management: co Track Chair Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management (OLSCM)
  • Fellow, Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT)
  • Fellow, Royal Society Arts (RSA)
  • Worshipful Company of Educators - City of London
Selected recent publications
  • 27th International Conference on Learning, University of Valencia, 2021
  • British Academy of Management, Aston University, 2019
Recent presentations and conferences
  • Live radio broadcast on Radio Essex
  • Various press interviews for sector specialism
  • Education promotion video for FE publication