Prof Maria Vogiatzaki

Head of School
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Engineering and the Built Environment
Research Supervision:

Maria's research and respective published work focus on architectural materialisms as effects of human and nonhuman creativity, transdisciplinarity and speculative design. Recent research focuses on matters in contemporary digital architecture, and in the systemic and ecological contexts of pervasive computational processes.

[email protected]


After her graduation as an architect-engineer, Maria pursued her PhD at the University of Bath, School of Architecture (1996) investigating the design process of non-standard architecture entitled “An Insight into the Design Process of Unconventional Structures” that was supervised by Dr Chris Williams and Professor Sir Edmund Happold. Beyond working as a freelance architect since 1988 in Greece and Europe, she worked for Buro Happold (1993-1996).

Whilst practising and conducting research, Maria worked as an adjunct lecturer at the School of Architecture of the University of Bath. She decided to engage further in academia. Prior to becoming a Professor of Architecture at ARU (September 2018) Maria taught for over 11 years at Bath and Plymouth universities as Senior Lecturer, as a Visiting Professor for a semester in Denmark (Aarhus School of Architecture) and as Professor of Design and Technology until 2018, at the School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Maria is a confirmed researcher and educator, a proof of which is her recent book Architectural Materialisms: nonhuman creativity (Edinburgh University Press, October 2018) and 9 prizes her students were recently awarded on their final design theses by participating in international student competitions.

  • Rethinking the Future Awards 2017, final design thesis title: Reinspired Architecture, by Maria Lantavou and Effie Douroudi
  • ISARCh Awards, final design thesis title: Public Space Revisited: Liquidisation of Thresholds, by Sofoklis Kontakis, 14.12.2017
  • World Architecture Community Awards, final design thesis title: Materia Rediviva, by Aliki Vaina and Eirini Vaina 13.2.2017
  • MEDITERANEAN MIMAR SINAN PRIZE 2016, final design thesis title: Materia Rediviva, by Aliki Vaina and Eirini Vaina
  • Unbuilt Visions 2016, final design thesis title: Assembling Narratives, by Danai Toursoglou Papalexandridou
  • Tamayouz International Excellence Award - Excellence in Graduation Projects, final design thesis title: Choreographing Space, by Dimitra Gkougkoudi and Elli Athanasiadou October 2016
Research interests
  • Architectural materialisms
  • Speculative design
  • Design Theories
  • Architectural Education
  • Ecologies and Architecture
  • Speculative Materiality
  • The Politics of the Materiality of Architecture
  • Material computation
  • Programmable materiality
  • Digital manufacturing
  • Innovative and smart materials
  • Design ecologies
  • Smart cities
  • Resilient cities
Areas of research supervision
  • Architectural materialisms
  • Material computation
  • Programming materiality
  • Digital manufacturing
  • Innovative and smart materials
  • Speculative design
  • Design ecologies
  • Environmental design
  • Energy efficiency
  • Smart cities
  • Resilient cities
  • Parametric design
  • Lightweight structures
  • Design Theories
  • Architectural Education
  • Ecologies and Architecture
  • The Politics of the Materiality of Architecture
  • Speculative Materiality

MOD7740 Design Studio A

MOD7741 Design Studio A

MOD7742 Design Studio B

MOD7743 Design Studio B

MOD4929 Elements of Construction

MOD4930 Elements of Construction

  • Principal Fellow in the Higher Education Academy
  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath, UK, 1996
  • Postgraduate Certificate for University Teachers, TLHE (Teaching and Learning in Higher Education), University of Plymouth, UK, 1993-1994
  • Masters in Architecture and Engineering, School of Architecture of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 1983-1988
  • PGCert(HE)
Memberships, editorial boards


  • Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), since July 1998, registered and chartered architect in U.K
  • Architects' Registration Board (ARB) U.K. since 1994
  • Association of University Teachers (AUT) since 1996
  • Technical Chamber of Greece since 1988, registered and chartered architect in Greece
  • Joint Working Party EAAE-ACE (Architects’ Council of Europe) 2005-2013 (Task group elaborating on the relationship between architectural education and the architects’ European professional organisation)

Editorial Board

  • Editor in Chief of Archidoct Open access, Blind-Refereed Journal
  • Member of Editorial Advisory Board of our international peer-reviewed scientific journal ALFA
  • Joint Working Party EAAE-ACE (Architects’ Council of Europe) 2005-2013 (Task group elaborating on the relationship between architectural education and the architects’ European professional organisation)
  • Reviewer of Peer Reviewed Journal JAE (The Journal of Architectural Education), published by Routledge for the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture, 2017
  • Reviewer of Peer Reviewed Journal Advances in Building Energy Research, Taylor and Francis Group manuscript entitled “Smart Facades For Non-Residential Buildings: An Assessment” for Advances in Building Energy Research, 2016
  • Establishment and Editorial (Editor-in-Chief) of Refereed Journal peer-reviewed journal ArchiDOCT: Τhe Journal for the Dissemination of Architectural Research, ISSN 2309-0103. Commenced in 2013
  • Reviewer of Peer Reviewed Journal e-journal archidoct, Scopus Indexed, 2013
  • New generation Building, Baltzer Science Publishers, 2013
  • Member of the editorial committee of the book: “Technological Design of Architecture and Environment”, Book Series. Initiative of the School of Architecture, Second University of Naples, Aversa, coordinator Prof. Isabella Amirante, 2012
  • Design Studies, Elsevier Journal. Editor in Chief: Nigel Cross, 2011
  • Automation in Construction, Elsevier Editorial System, 2008
  • Econ3 Economy+Ecology+Construction, quarterly edition, 2008
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange

Coordinator of the three-year European Programme ENHSA III European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture, in the context of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Multilateral Projects, Academic Networks, with total budget of 590.000 euros, 2008-2011

Coordinator of the two-year European Programme f2f-Continuum: From the School lab to the fabrication Workshop, in the context of the Lifelong Learning Programme, Multilateral Projects: Collaboration between Universities and Small to Medium Scale Enterprises From File to Factory, with total budget of 300.000 euros, 2007-2009

Coordinator of work package 2 “Quality in the European Higher Education Area” and work package 5 “Research and Doctorate Studies in the European Higher Education Area” of the European Network of the Education of the Architectural Technology that is financed by the EU in the context of the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme, as part of the programme ENHSA III, 2008-2011

Coordinator of the European Network for the Education of Architectural Technology financed by the EU in the context of the Erasmus Lifelong Learning programme, as a package project of the programmes ENHSA I, 2001-2005, ENHSA II, 2005-2008, ENHSA III, 2008-2011, with total budget of 210.000 euros

Archi-medes_Participation as one of the two coordinators of the Partner Country Greece, 2014-2017

ADU_2020 Project_Participation as one of the two coordinators of the Partner Country Greece, 2011-2014

Archi-Mundus Project_Participation as EAAE coordinator of the architecture and technology network, 2011

e-Archidoct project _Participation as member of the curriculum development and as teaching staff, 2007-2009

Archimedia Project_Participation as coordinator of the partner “School of Architecture, University of Plymouth”, 1996-1998

Selected recent publications

Vogiatzaki, M. (editor and author) (2018): "Architectural Materialisms: Nonhuman Creativity", Edinburgh University Press, published in October 2018. Contributions by: Maria Vogiatzaki, Levi Bryant, Ednie Pia Brown, Vera Buhlman, Marcos Cruz, Manuel Delanda, Lars Spuybroek, Luciana Parisi, Jussi Parika, Julieanna Preston, Jen Archer-Martin, Mark Burry, Kas Osterhuis, Fernando Zalamea

Voyatzaki, M. (editor and author) (2014): "What's the Matter: Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation", ISBN 978-960-89320-6-7, Thessaloniki, Greece, pages: 980.

Voyatzaki, M. (editor and author) (2014): "Doctoral Education in Schools of Architecture across Europe", ISBN 978-960-9502-15-3, Charis Ltd, Thessaloniki, Greece, pages: 494.

Vogiatzaki, M. (2018) Re…Towards Non-standard Curricula in Architectural Education: The Impact of a New Materiality on Architecture and its Education, In: Cabrera, I. et al (2018): “Reactive Proactive Architecture”, Universitat Politecnica De Valencia, Escola Tecnica Superior D’Arquitectura, pp. 212-220

Voyatzaki, M. (2018) “Architectural Materialisms: Nonhuman Creativity”,in: Voyatzaki, M. (ed.) (2018): “Architectural Materialisms: Nonhuman Creativity”, Edinburgh University Press, to be published in October 2018.  pp. 1-30

Voyatzaki, M. (2018) “Transmythologies”, in: Voyatzaki, M. (ed.) (2018): “Architectural Materialisms: Nonhuman Creativity”, Edinburgh University Press, to be published in October 2018.  pp. 293-315

Voyatzaki, M. Gourdoukis, D. (2018)  D'Uva, D.  (Ed.) handbook of Research on From Morphology to Morphogenesis: On Speculative Architectural Design Pedagogy in: Analyzing Form and Morphogenesis in Modern Architectural Contexts, IGI Global Disseminator of Knowledge (February, 2018) ISBN13: 9781522539933|ISBN10: 152253993X pp. 20-40

Nicolosi, G. M., Bier, H. and Vogiatzaki, M. (2020), Dialogs on Architecture, pp. 59-64, In: Spool Cyber physical Architecture, Vol 7, No 3,

Voyatzaki, M. Technology-mediated Locality, The case of Utopia_Aloutopia_Alatopia  In: Global and Local, Innovative Symbioses in Architectural education,  Moras, A. (Ed.), (forthcoming 2018)

Voyatzaki, Μ. (2016). "Breaking the Mould" In: “Future Concrete: A Material in the Making”, Carmen Andriani (ed.), SKIRA Editore/ Publishers forwarded by Antoine Picon, ISBN 978-88-572-3066-5, pp. 53-69

Voyatzaki, Μ. (2015). “Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation”. In: “What’s the Matter: Materiality and Materialism at the Age of Computation”, Voyatzaki, M. (ed.) (2015), Thessaloniki, Greece, ISBN 978-960-89320-6-7, pp. 19-28.

Voyatzaki, M. (2017) Technology in vivo, Technological Culture, Theories and Practices of Architectural Design Techne 13- Journal of Technology for Architecture and Environment, Firenze University Press pp. 38-43

Spiridonidis, C and Voyatzaki, M. (2015) Symbiotic Architecture, In: L’Arquitectura que ve, Cabrera I. and Roig, A. (eds) (2015) ANUARI de l’Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura: Revista de recerca humanística i científi Descripció basada en: n. 26 (2015) ISBN: 978-84-87776-25-0 I. Agrupació Borrianenca de Cultura (Borriana) pp. 17-26

Voyatzaki, M. (1/2014), “Building++”. In: “New Generation Building”, Baltzer Science Publishers, pp. 61-64

Voyatzaki, M. (2013), “Handling Tradition for a Systemic Innovation”. In: “Journal of Architecture and Urbanism”, vol. 37, issue 4, 24 December 2013, pp. 231-238

Vogiatzaki, M, Zerefos, S. and Hoque, M T (2020) Enhancing City Sustainability through Smart Technologies: A Framework for Automatic Pre-Emptive Action to Promote Safety and Security Using Lighting and ICT-Based Surveillance, In: Sustainability, Sustainability 2020, 12, 6142; doi:10.3390/su12156142

Spiridonidis, C V and Vogiatzaki, M (2020) Architectural Interregnums, In: Archidoct Vol. 14, February 2020, pp.13-24

Spiridonidis, C and Vogiatzaki, M (2017) The gifts of Prometheus. Profiling architectural education in a fast-changing world, ACE Arquitectura, Cuidad y Entorno, Ano 12, No 34, Junio 2017, pp. 165-178