Dr Marcus Redley

Post Doctoral Research Fellow
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Psychology and Sport Science

Committed to the UN Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities, Marcus Redley researches and writes about the lives of men and women with intellectual and development disabilities.

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Marcus Redley joined ARU in January 2023 on a two-year fellowship. The aim of the fellowship, in collaboration with Mick Finley and Lewis Goodings, is to investigate and improve the lives of adults with intellectual and development disabilities. Funding is currently being sought to research the impact of digitalisation on the lives of men and women with intellectual disabilities.

Prior to joining ARU, Marcus held research posts at the universities of East Anglia, Cambridge and Edinburgh. His academic background is in the social sciences, with specialist knowledge in qualitative research methods.

Much of Marcus' research has focused on the lives of men and women with intellectual disabilities. These efforts, which straddled health inequalities and social inclusion, have included studies of well-being, supported eating and drinking, epilepsy management, access to secondary and specialist healthcare, citizenship and voting rights, adult safeguarding, advocacy, and mental capacity. Other areas he has researched include suicidal behaviour and decision-making in couple households.

Marcus is a member of the ARU Centre for Societies and Groups.

Research interests
  • Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities with a special interest in social inclusion and health inequalities
  • Suicide & Self-harm
  • PhD Sociology, University of Surrey
  • MA Qualitative Methodologies, Goldsmiths College
  • BA (Hons) Sociology, Middlesex Polytechnic
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
Research Grants – Principal Investigator

2014–17: NIHR RfPB, £229,859, Characterising the Hospital Experience of adults with learning disabilities, Redley, M. (PI), Holland, A. J., Clare, I.C.H., Thompson, K., Thomson, A., & Bradley, J.

2011-12: Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust, £22,000, The Care & Treatment of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities in Addenbrooke’s Hospital. Redley, M, (PI) Thompson, K., Thomson, A., Maris, L. & Holland, A. J.

2009-10: MRC, £50,000, The Lifelong Health & Wellbeing of Adults with Neurodevelopmental Disorders associated with Intellectual Disabilities.  Redley, M. (PI), & Holland, A. J.

2007-08: SCIE & DoH, £16,494, The Involvement of Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCAs) in Safeguarding Adults Procedures. Redley, M. (PI), Clare, I.C.H., & Holland, A. J.

2008-12: NIHR RfPB, £238,036, Assisted eating and drinking in the care of people with profound and multiple disabilities: the social significance of clinical interventions for managing dysphagia. Redley, M. (PI), Clare, I.C.H., & Holland, A. J.

2007: DoH, £12,314, Collecting baseline data for measuring the impact of the Mental Capacity Act “in connection with the care or treatment” of general hospital patients, Redley, M. (PI), Clare, I.C.H. & Holland A. J.

2007: Foundation for the Sociology of Health & Illness, PhD studentship an ethnographic/qualitative study of friendships and people with profound disabilities. Redley, M. (PI), & Holland, A. J.

2006: DoH, £49,795, Independent Mental Capacity Advocacy Service in the Health Service, Redley, M. (PI), Clare, I.C.H. & Holland, A.J.

2004: Faculty of Education, £5,000, The Cambridge Parliament for People with Learning Disabilities: An exploratory case study of self-advocacy. Redley, M. (PI), Dee, L., Weinberg, D. & Clare, I.C.H.

1993-97: ESRC, PhD-studentship, Redley, M.

Research Grants – Co-applicant 

2014-16: NIHR, HTA, £818,217, Improving outcomes in adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability: A cluster randomised controlled trial of nurse-led clinical management, Ring, H., Irvine, F., Watson J., Mander, A., Pennington, M., Donaldson, C., Rawsley, M., Rowe, S., Redley, M., Jones, L., & Murphy, C.

2013-13 NIHR MHRN, £20,000, A scoping exercise of intellectual disability (ID) research with special reference to medical clinical trials.  Holland, A., Clare, I.C.H., Ring, H., Redley, M., & Mander, A.

2010-11, NIHR PRP, £263,293, The Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards under the Mental Capacity Act 2005: an investigation into the effectiveness of the safeguards and the characteristics and circumstances of those affected, Clare, I.C.H., Redley, M., Holland, A., & Gunn, M.

2008-13 NIHR, £1,900,000, Adult theme: Long Term Conditions, (part of the NHS NIHR Collaborations for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) Holland, A., Clare, I.C.H., Redley, M., and others (Director Prof Peter Jones)

2007-10, NIHR RfPB, £250,000, Epilepsy in People with Learning Disability. Ring, H., with Croudace, T., Redley, M., Goh, S., Wood, N., Deverill, M., & Armstrong, N.

2003-03 AHRB, Review of Arts Humanities Research Board, Research Grants Scheme. Frow J., Williams, R., Redley, M. & Downing F.

2002-03 AHRB, Review of Arts Humanities Research Board, Research Leave Scheme. Frow, J., Williams, R., Redley, M. & Downing, F.

1991- 93 ESRC, £26,480, Decision-Making and Moral Regulation in Household and Community: A Comparative Study. Jordan, B. & Redley, M.

Selected recent publications
Peer Reviewed Publications

Redley, M., Heywood, R., Ryan, H., Killett, A., Jimoh, O. F., Langdon, P. E., & Bunning, K. (2023). Protecting and empowering adults with capacity-affecting conditions to take part in health and health-related research. Disability & Society, 1-19.

Killett, A., Langdon, P., Ryan, H., Shiggins, C., Heywood, R., Jimoh, O. F., Redley, M. and Bunning. K."Inclusion of adults with conditions that have the potential to affect capacity and or communication in research: triangulation from a mixed-methods study of current practice and values across multiple stakeholders." BMJ open 13, no. 4 (2023): e068366.

Redley, M., Poland, F. Yates, J. A., Stanyon, M. R., Streater, A., Coleston-Shields, D. M., Orrall, M. (2022) Practitioners’ views on enabling people with dementia to remain in their homes during and after crisis, Journal of Applied Gerontology.  41(12) 2549-2556

Miller, M., Redley, M. and Wilkinson, P. (2021) A Qualitative Study of Understanding Reasons for Self-Harm in Adolescent Girls, International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health. 18(7), 3361.

Tan, A., Redley, M., de Wit, K. 2021) The Psychological Impact of Pulmonary Embolism: a mixed methods study, Research and Practice in Thrombosis and Haemostasis. 5(2), 301-307.

Redley M., (2021) Mealtime support for adults with intellectual disabilities: understanding an everyday activity, Journal Applied Research in  Intellectual Disability, 34(1):111-117. doi: 10.1111/jar.12790. Epub 2020 Sep 16. PMID: 32939903.

Yates, J. A., Stanyon, M. R., Redley, M. & Coleston-Shields, D. M., (2020)  Conceptualising dementia crisis and preferences for resolution: A public perspective, Journal of Primary Care and Community Health.

Pennington, M., Ring, H., Howlett, J.,  Smith, C.,  Redley, M.,  Murphy, C., Hook, R., Platt, A.,  Gilbert, N., Jones, E.,  Kelly, J., Pullen, A., Mander, A., Donaldson, C., Rowe, S., Watson, J., Irvine, F. (in press) The impact of an epilepsy nurse competency framework on the costs of supporting adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability. Findings from the EpAID study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, https://doi.org/10.1111/jir.12679

Redley, M.,  Lancaster, I,  Pitt, A, Holland, A. J., Thompson, K., Thomson, A., & Bradley, Clare, I.C.H.  (2019) “Reasonable adjustments” under the UK's Equality Act 2010: An enquiry into the care and treatment to patients with intellectual disabilities in acute hospital settings. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities. https://doi.org/10.1111/jar.12623

Redley M. (2018) Full and Equal Equality Tizard Learning Disability Review, 23(2): 72-77, https://doi.org/10.1108/TLDR-11-2017-0044

Ring, H., Howlett, J., Pennington, M., Smith, C., Redley, M., Murphy, C. Hook, R., Platt, A., Gilbert, N., Jones, E., Kelly, J., Pullen, A., Mander, A., Donaldson, C., Rowe. S., Wason, J., Irvine, F. (2018) Training nurses in a competency framework to support adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability: the EpAID cluster RCT, Health Technology Assessment, 22(10):1-104.

Wagner, A.P., Croudace, T., Bateman, N., Pennington, M., Prince, E., Redley, M., White, S.R., Ring, H. (2017) Clinical services for adults with an intellectual disability and epilepsy: A comparison of management alternatives, PLOS ONE. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0180266

Perez C.M., Wagner A.P., Ball S.L., White S.R., Clare I, C, H., Holland A.J. and Redley M. (2017) Prognostic models for identifying adults with intellectual disabilities and mealtime support needs who are at greatest risk of respiratory infection and emergency hospitalization, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61(8):737-754

Ring, H., Gilbert, N., Hook, R., Platt, A., Smith, C., Irvine, F., Donaldson, C., Jones, E., Kelly, J., Mander, A., Murphy, C., Pennington, M., Pullen, A., Redley, M. Rowe, S., Wason, J. (2016). Improving outcomes in adults with epilepsy and intellectual disability (EpAID) using a nurse-led intervention: study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial, Trials, 17, 297. http://doi.org/10.1186/s13063-016-1429-7

Clare, I.C.H., Madden, E.M., Holland, A.J., Farrington, C.J.T., Broughton, S., Lillywhite, A., Jones, E., Wade, K.A., Redley, M., Wagner, A.P. (01/03/2017) What Vision?': Experiences of team members in community services for adults with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 61(3):197-209.

Redley, M., Pannebakker, M., Holland, A.J. (24/10/2016) Improving the health and wellbeing of adults with conditions of a genetic origin: views from 'opinion formers', syndrome support group, and parents, Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, DOI: 10.1111/jar.12293

Fistein, E. Clare, I.C.H., Holland, A.J., Redley, M. (01/05/2016), Tensions between policy and practice: a qualitative analysis of decisions regarding compulsory admission to a psychiatric hospital, International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 46:50-7

Redley, M., Jennings, S., Clare, I. C. H., Holland, A. J. (01/06/2015) Making Adult Safeguarding Personal, Journal of Adult Protection, 17 (3) 195-204

Kelly, C., Wagner, A., Holland, A. J., Redley, M. (31/03/2015) Investigating the widely held belief that men and women with learning disabilities receive poor quality healthcare when admitted to hospital: A single-site study of 30-day readmission rates, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, DOI: 10.1111/jir.12193

Pérez, C., Ball, S., Wagner, A. P., Clare, I. C. H., Holland, A. J., Redley, M. (03/11/2014). The Incidence of Healthcare Use, Ill-health, and Mortality in Adults with Intellectual Disabilities and Mealtime Support Needs, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research,DOI: 10.1111/jir.12167

Redley, M., Maina, E., Keeling, A., Pattni, P. (01/11/2012) The voting rights of adults with intellectual disabilities: reflections on the arguments, and situation in Kenya and England and Wales, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(11):1026-35 

Luke, L., Clare, I. C., Ring, H., Redley, M., Watson, P. (01/11/2012). Decision-Making Difficulties Experienced by Adults With Autism Spectrum Conditions, Autism, 16(6): 612-21

Redley, M., Banks, C., Foody, K., Holland, A. (01/04/2012): Healthcare for men and women with learning disabilities: understanding inequalities in access, Disability & Society, 27(6) 747-759 

Redley, M., Prince, E., Bateman, N., Pennington, M., Wood, N., Croudace, T. and Ring, H. (01/04/2012), The involvement of parents in healthcare decisions where adult children are at risk of lacking decision-making capacity: a qualitative study of treatment decisions in epilepsy. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 57(6):531-538 

Pennington, M., Prince, E., Bateman, N., Gray, J., Croudace, T. J., Redley, M., Ring, H. (01/04/2012) Factors influencing the costs of epilepsy in adults with an intellectual disability, Seizure, 21(3):205-210

S. L. Ball, S.L. Panter, S.G., Redley, M., Proctor, C.-A., K. Byrne, K. I. C. H. Clare and A. J. Holland, (01/04/2012) The extent and nature of the need for mealtime support among adults with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 56(4):382-401

Hughes, R. P., Redley, M., & Ring, H. (01/09/2011). Friendship and Adults with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities and English Disability Policy, Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 8(3), 197-206.

Hawkins, R., Redley, M., & Holland, A. J. (01/09/2011) Duty of care and autonomy: How support workers managed the tension between protecting service users from risk and promoting their independence in a specialist group home, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 55(9), 873-884.

Redley, M., Clare, I.C.H., Dunn, M., Platten, M. & Holland, A. J. (01/09/2011) Introducing the Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) Service and the Reform of Adult Safeguarding, British Journal of Social Work, DOI: 10.1093/bjws/bcr003

Redley, M., Hughes, J., & Holland, A. J.  (25/08/2010) Voting and capacity: political rights, not decision-making competence, British Medical Journal, 2010;341:c4085 

Redley, M., Keeley, H., Clare I.C.H., Luke, L., & Holland, A. J. (02/02/2010) Respecting patient autonomy: understanding the impact on NHS hospital in-patients of legislation and guidance relating to patient capacity and consent, Journal of Health Service Research Policy & Practice, 16: 13-20

Redley, M., Clare, I.C.H., Luke, L., & Holland, A. J. (30/12/2009) Mental Capacity Act (England and Wales) 2005: the emergent Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) service, British Journal of Social Work, DOI:10.1093/bjsw/bcp135

Redley, M. (02/02/2010) The clinical assessment of patients admitted to hospital following an episode of self-harm: a qualitative study, Sociology of Health & Illness, 32:3, 47-85

Redley, M. (20/05/2009) Understanding the social exclusion and stalled welfare of citizens with learning disabilities, Disability & Society, 24 (4) 489-501

Luke, L., Redley, M., Holland, A. J., & Clare, I.C.H. (01/04/2008) Hospital clinicians‚ attitudes towards a statutory advocacy service for patients lacking mental capacity: implications for implementation, Journal of Health Service Research & Policy, 13,2,73-78

Redley, M. (02/06/2008) Citizens with learning disabilities and the right to vote, Disability & Society, 23,4,375-384.

Keeley, H., Redley, M., Holland, A. J., & Clare, I.C.H. (01/04/2008) Participation in the 2005 general election by adults with intellectual disabilities, Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 53,3, 175-181

Luke, L., Clare, I.C.H., Redley, M. & Holland, A. J. (01/04/2008) The Mental Capacity Act’s new Independent Mental Capacity Advocate Service: Its importance for psychologists, Clinical Psychology Forum, 175, 52-56

Redley, M. and Weinberg, D. (06/06/2007) Learning disability and the limits of liberal citizenship: Interactional impediments to political empowerment, Sociology of Health and Illness, 29,5, 767-786.

Redley, M. (24/03/2003) Towards a new perspective on deliberate self-harm in an area of multiple deprivation, Sociology of Health and Illness, 25, 348-375.

Atkins M. and Redley M (01/10/1998) The Assurance of Standards at Masters Level: An empirical investigation, Higher Education Quarterly 52(4) 378-393.

Jordan, B. and Redley M, (01/06/1994) Polarisation, Underclass and the Welfare State, Work, Employment & Society, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp.153-176.


Jordan, B. Redley, M. and James, S. (reprinted 2023, 1994) Putting the Family First: Labour Market Decisions in Higher-Income Households, London, UCL Press.  

Jordan, B. James, S Kay, H. and Redley, M. (1992) Trapped In Poverty? Labour Market Decisions in Low-Income Households, London, Routledge.

Book Chapters

James, S. Jordan, B. and Redley, M. (1991) The Wife's Employment Family Fit, in Lea, S. Webley, P. and Young, B. (eds.) New Directions In Economic Psychology, London, Edward Elgar.

James, S. Jordan, B. and Redley, M. (1990) Labour Market Decisions in Low-Income Households, in Lea, S. Webley, P. and Young, B. (eds.) Applied Economic Psychology in the 1990s, Washington, Singer Press.