Dr Lenka Krupová

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business and Law
Economics, Finance and Law
Areas of Expertise:
Business, management and leadership , Accounting and Finance
Research Supervision:

Dr Lenka Krupová is Senior Lecturer in Financial Accounting at the Faculty of Business and Law. Lenka’s area of expertise lies in financial accounting, especially International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP).

[email protected]


Before joining Anglia Ruskin University, she worked as an IFRS Foundation Academic Fellow in London and before this as the Associate Professor at University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic. She received her PhD from the University of Economics in Prague in 2001.

Spoken Languages

Czech, Slovak, Russian, passive German

Research interests

  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
  • US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP)

Lenka’s current research interests are focused on recognition of special accounting issues in the Statements of Financial position prepared under IFRS and US GAAP. She currently works on two areas:

  1. Recognition of heritage assets, works of art and collections in Statements of financial position of both private and public entities.
  2. Issues relating to recognition (and non-recognition) of Intangible assets both acquired and internally generated by a company.
Areas of research supervision

Lenka has three successful PhD completion as primary supervisor at the University of Economics in Prague and two successful PhD completion at Anglia Ruskin University. Lenka has seven current PhD students, and she acts as primary supervisor for four of them.

PhD completion (as Primary Supervisor)
  • Securitisation and its Influence on Global Financial Crisis (2009)
  • Long-term Contracts and Methods of their Recognition in the Statement of Financial Position (2010)
  • Leases in the Light of IASB ongoing Project (2011)
  • The Effect of Financial Instruments under IFRS on Financial Constraints Within the Commercial Banks in the Middle East
  • Critical analysis of the present and future development of audit services within the banking industry after the financial crisis
PhD supervisions (as Primary Supervisor)
  • Accounting for Nuclear Power Plants under IFRS, A Global Perspective
  • The impact of IFRS based accounting standards in China on accounting conservatism
  • Discontinued Operations under IFRS – Interpretation and Management
  • The enforcement of corporate governance practices on Nigerian banks
  • International Accounting (MSc Accounting and Finance) – module leader
  • Financial and Management Accounting – module leader
  • Advanced Financial Reporting – module leader
  • PhD in Accounting and Financial Management, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic, 2001
  • Associate Professor in Accounting, University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic, 2005
  • MBA, Anglia Ruskin University, 2014

Short-term courses:

  • LaGuardia Community College – City University of New York: Management Information Systems, 6 months, held in Prague, 1991
  • University of Strathclyde (UK): Financial Management, 6 weeks, Glasgow, 1996
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
  • Member of Accounting, Audit and Taxation editorial board (Slovak Republic)
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • Translating Czech and Slovak financial statements into IFRS (mainly listed companies) according to IFRS 1 (CKD Construction Company, Sazka Lottery, Slovak Railways, Rona Glass Works, Illusion Software (US GAAP))
  • Reporting for parent companies according to IFRS 3 (the largest acquisition Lenka was involved in: EVRAZ – Vitkovice Steel, 2005, cost 250 million GBP)
  • IFRS and US GAAP consultancy (BDO, Interaudit Slovakia, Tax Audit Slovakia, ACE Czech Republic)
  • KTP – accounting consultant (ARU and Prime accounting software)
Selected recent publications
  • KRUPOVÁ, Lenka. IFRS. Aplikace v podnikové praxi. Stav k 1. 1. 2009. 1. vyd. Praha: VOX, 2009. 804 pages. ISBN 978–80–86324–76–0. (IFRS – Practice Applications)
  • KRUPOVÁ, Lenka, VAŠEK, Libor, ČERNÝ, Michal R.. IAS/IFRS Mezinárodní standardy účetního výkaznictví. Principy, metody, interpretace. 1. vyd. Praha: VOX, 2005. 1050 pages. ISBN 80–86324–44–3. (IFRS – Principles, Methodology, Interpretations)

Currently, Lenka is completing a new, comprehensive book about IFRS in the Czech language.

  • IFRS for SMEs Basis for Conclusions (Důvodová zpráva) Translation: Krupová, Lenka. London: The IFRS Foundation and the IASB, 2010. 54 s. Translation from: Basic for Conclusion. London: The IFRS Foundation and the IASB, 2010.
  • IFRS for SMEs (IFRS pro malé a střední podniky). Translation: Krupová, Lenka. London: The IFRS Foundation and the IASB, 2010. 233 s. Translation from: IFRS for SME. London: The IFRS Foundation and the IASB, 2010.
  • Implementation Guide – Illustrative Financial Statements (Ilustrativní účetní závěrka). Translation: Krupová, Lenka. London: The IFRS Foundation and the IASB, 2010. 66 s. Translation from: Implementation Guide – Illustrative Financial Statements. London: The IFRS Foundation and the IASB, 2010.

Journal Articles

Lenka writes widely about IFRS in Czech or Slovak Republics (around 200 published articles).

Recent presentations and conferences
  • Acquisitions, Goodwill and Intangible Assets: Does Application of IFRS 3 Business Combinations in Practice Meet IASB's Intentions?, 2nd International Conference on Accounting and Finance, University of Macedonia, Greece, 2008
  • Accounting Policies of Companies Reporting According to IFRS, 3rd International Conference on Accounting and Finance, University of Macedonia, Greece, 2010
  • How to Recognise Heritage Assets held in Private Companies According to IFRS? BAFA Annual Conference, 2013, Newcastle
  • The Impact of FRS30 on Leading British Museums and Galleries. BAFA Annual Conference, 2014, London and EAA 37th Annual Congress, Tallinn, 2016