Dr Lauren Godier-McBard

Women and Equalities Research Lead Senior Research Fellow

Veterans and Families Institute for Military Social Research

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
Areas of Expertise:

Lauren is a Senior Research Fellow at the Veterans & Families Institute for Military Social Research, with a background in psychology and psychiatric research.


[email protected]


Lauren is a mixed methods researcher in the field of mental health, with experience in a variety of methodologies including qualitative interviewing and analysis, the development and validation of novel measurement tools and survey design, conducting and analysing cognitive behavioural tasks and brain imaging.

Lauren’s main research interests include the experiences of vulnerable women, and interpersonal/sexual violence in the military context. Lauren’s current research centres on the development and evaluation of strategies (particularly eHealth and tech solutions) to promote well-being and mental health of service personnel, veterans and their families.

Lauren is currently supervising postgraduate research students carrying out research in veteran studies and healthcare more broadly. Lauren is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a graduate member of the British Psychological Society.

Research interests
  • Military veterans and families
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Women’s Mental Health
  • Gender-based violence
  • Prevention and intervention strategies for mental health.
  • BSc (Hons) Psychology, Cardiff University (2006-2009)
  • MSc Cognitive Neuropsychology, University of Essex (2010-2011)
  • DPhil Psychiatry, University of Oxford (2012-2015)
  • PGCert Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Anglia Ruskin University (2018)
Selected recent publications

Godier‐McBard, L. R., Gillin, N., Fossey, M. J., 2022. ‘Treat everyone like they're a man’: Stakeholder perspectives on the provision of health and social care support for female veterans in the UK. Health & Social Care in the Community.

Vogt, D., Borowski, S. C., Godier-McBard, L. R., Fossey, M. J., Copeland, L. A., Perkins, D. F., Finley, E. P., 2022. Changes in the health and broader well-being of U.S. veterans in the first three years after leaving military service: Overall trends and group differences. Social Science and Medicine. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.114702

Godier-McBard, L., R., Cable, G., Wood, A., Fossey, M., 2022. Gender and barriers to mental healthcare in UK military veterans: a preliminary investigation. BMJ Military Health, 168, pp. 70-75. doi: 10.1136/bmjmilitary-2020-001754

Godier-McBard, L. R., Fossey, M., 2022. The Veterans Universal Passport: Piloting a health and social care record for UK ex-service personnel. BMJ Military Health, 168, pp. 34-37. doi: 10.1136/jramc-2019-001288

Godier-McBard, L. R., Castle, C. L., Heinze, N., Hussain, S. F., Borowski, S., Vogt, D. S., Gomes, R. S., Fossey, M., 2020. A preliminary investigation of the well-being of visually impaired ex-service personnel in the United Kingdom. British Journal of Visual Impairment, 40(2), pp. 274-288.

Godier-McBard, L. R., Jones, M. L., 2020. Same-sex sexual violence in the military: A scoping review. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 6(2), pp. 68-84.

Godier-McBard, L. R., Caddick, N., Fossey, M., 2020. Confident, valued and supported: examining the benefits of employment support for military spouses. Military Psychology, 32(3), pp. 273-286

Godier-McBard, L. R., Fossey, M., 2020. The Veterans Universal Passport: Piloting a health and social care record for UK ex-service personnel. BMJ Military Health, 168(1), pp. 34-37.

Godier-McBard, L. R., Ibbitson, L., Hooks, C., Fossey, M., 2019. Military spouses with deployed partners are at greater risk of poor perinatal mental health: a scoping review. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 165(5), pp. 363-370.

Godier, L. R., Caddick, N., Kiernan, M. D., Fossey, M., 2018. Transition Support for Vulnerable Service Leavers in the UK: Providing Care for Early Service Leavers. Military Behavioral Health, 6, pp. 13-21.

Godier L. R., Fossey, M., 2018. Addressing the knowledge gap: sexual violence and harassment in the UK Armed Forces. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, 164(5), pp. 362-364.

Cooper, L., Caddick, N., Godier, L., Cooper, A., Fossey, M., 2018. Transition from the military into civilian life: An exploration of cultural competence. Armed Forces & Society, 44(1), pp. 156-177.

Cooper, L., Caddick, N., Godier, L., Cooper, A., Fossey, M., Engward, H., (2017). A model of military to civilian transition: Bourdieu in action. Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health, 3(2), pp. 53-60.

Recent presentations and conferences
  • Godier-McBard, L.R. Evaluation of the Veterans Universal Passport. TILs Veteran’s Conference, 25th September 2018, Colchester, UK.
  • Godier, L. R. & Jones, M. Atten-Shun! Same-sex Sexual Violence in the Military and the Paucity of UK Research. Sexual and Gendered Violence 1st Global Conference. 2nd-3rd December 2017, Vienna, Austria.
  • Godier, L. R. Can a healthcare passport for veterans help carers? The Veteran’s Universal Passport. The Covenant, The Commitment and The Care Act, How can we build support for Carers through developing partnerships cross the Armed Forces Community and the Public Sector? 1st December 2016, London UK.