John Donaghy

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Allied Health and Social Care
Areas of Expertise:
Paramedic science
Research Supervision:

John is an experienced paramedic and educationalist. His research interest lie in pre-hospital care and he is currently researching paramedic students’ enculturation into the ambulance workplace as part of his doctoral studies.

[email protected]


Along with John's 35 years' experience with the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust, which incorporated roles such as flight paramedic, duty officer and training officer, John moved into higher education in 2013 at the University of Hertfordshire. He spent eight years as a council member on the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC).

Previously John was a Public Governor, for a local NHS Foundation Hospital Trust. He has been Chair of a local housing cooperative and selected as a health reviewer for the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), as well as an external examiner for two institutions and currently undertakes HCPC approval events.

Spoken Languages


Research interests
  • Cultural integration of paramedic students into the workplace
  • Paramedic education
  • Professional identity and Professionalism
  • Pre-hospital trauma care

John's current doctoral studies explores the processes of enculturation and integration of UK university paramedic students into an ambulance workplace culture, from classroom to workplace. Drawing on a plethora of observational field notes and student interviews, underpinned by ethnographic principles, the notion of insider/outsider researcher becomes evident in the course of data collection, and subsequent data analysis of John's work.

Areas of research supervision

Recently supervised three MSc students to completion. Among the three students work, John supervised a qualitative phenomenally study, mixed methods study and a systematic review.


BSc (Hons) Paramedic Science and Dip HE Paramedic Science

  • Currently nearing completion of Professional Doctorate in Education, University of Hertfordshire
  • Pg Cert Professional Academic Development (teaching qualification) University of Hertfordshire
  • BSc Hons Paramedic Science, University of Hertfordshire
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Member of the editorial board for the Journal of Paramedic Practice (JPP)
  • Fellow of the College of Paramedics (COP)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
  • Represented Council of Deans for Health on the Paramedic Evidence Based Education Project 20014-2016
  • Represented Council of Deans for Health on the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), review of Paramedic Benchmark Statements 2016
  • Represented Council of Deans for Health on the College of Paramedics Postgraduate Curriculum Framework 2016
Selected recent publications

Donaghy J (2003): An exploratory study of secondary school students’, Understanding of the Emergency Ambulance Service. Emergency Medical Journal ( March 2003 P94, article 13

Donaghy J (2007): Ethical Issues, Caroline N Emergency Care in the Street, 6th ed, Jones & Bartlett.

Donaghy J (2008): Higher Education for Paramedics-Why? Journal of Paramedic Practice, Volume 1, Number 1, page 31-35, MA Healthcare Ltd

Donaghy J (2010): Equipping the student for workplace changes in paramedic education. Journal of Paramedic Practice, Volume 2, Number 11, page 524-528 MA Healthcare Ltd

Donaghy J (2011): Is regulation a necessary evil? Journal of Paramedic Practice, Volume 3, Number 3, page 109 MA Healthcare Ltd

Donaghy J (2012): Specialist development roles for the paramedic. Foundations for Paramedic Practice, a theoretical perspective. 2nd Ed, Mc Graw Hill, New York

Donaghy J, A van der Gaag (2013): Paramedics and Professionalism: Looking back and looking forward. Journal of Paramedic Practice, Volume 5, Number 1, page 8-10 MA Healthcare Ltd

Williams, J., Catterall, M., Donaghy, J., Jardine, S., Power, P., Talbot, J. and Venstone, G. (2013): Patient Assessment IN B.W. Evans, L. Kravitz , N.Walker and K. Lefteri (Eds), Pharmacy OSCEs: A revision guide. London: The Pharmaceutical Press

Donaghy J (2013): Burns, Caroline N Emergency Care in the Street, 7th ed, Jones & Bartlett

Donaghy J (2013): The role of the Health and Care Professions Council Journal of Paramedic Practice, Volume 5, Number 7, page 370-371, MA Healthcare Ltd

Donaghy J (2016): Skills development at a paramedic accident simulation centre. Emergency Nurse 2016, Volume 23 Number 9

Recent presentations and conferences

Donaghy J (2016): An exploration of the student paramedic experience of cultural integration-from University classroom learning, to a contrasting ambulance service culture. Life Connections Conference, Telford, UK (17th & 18th October 2016)

Donaghy J (2016): An exploration of the student paramedic experience of cultural integration-from University classroom learning, to a contrasting ambulance service culture. Networking for Education in Healthcare (NET2016) Conference, Cambridge, UK. (6th to 8th September 2016)

Donaghy J (2016): An exploration of the student paramedic experience of cultural integration-from University classroom learning, to a contrasting ambulance service culture and subsequent relationship of insider/outsider researcher. University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, UK, Research conference (13th June 2016)

Donaghy J (2016): An exploration of the student paramedic experience of cultural integration-from University classroom learning, to a contrasting ambulance service culture and subsequent relationship of insider/outsider researcher. 15th annual International Qualitative Methods Conference, University of Alberto, Canada. Glasgow, UK (3rd to 5th May 2016)

Donaghy J (2015): The student experience of university paramedic education and training: from classroom learning to situational understanding. Learning and Teaching Conference, University of Hertfordshire. (16th March 2015)

Donaghy J (2014): The student experience of university paramedic education and training: from classroom learning to situational understanding. International Ethnography Conference (OEC) 2014 Oxford (15-17th September 2014)

Donaghy J (2013): The student experience of university paramedic education and training: from classroom learning to situational understanding. QHR 2013 – 19th Qualitative Health Research Conference, Halifax, Canada (27th October 2013)

Donaghy J (2013): Presented Community First Responder and Regulation-food for thought? ‘Life Connections’ (SADS) Conference, Kettering (17th May 2013)

Donaghy J (2012): The Benefits of Simulation Training in Pre-hospital and Emergency Medicine. Emergency Medicine Conference 2012 (12th & 13th January) London

Donaghy J (2011): The changing tide of Paramedic development: Research in Education. The Future Today: Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Paramedic Education. University of Hertfordshire. Wednesday 07th September 2011

Donaghy J (2011): Equipping the student for the workplace, changes in paramedic education. Life Connections 2011, connecting lifesavers with one common goal, Paramedic Practice. Kettering, (Thursday 7th April 2011)

Donaghy J (2011): The role of education and paramedic development, a UH perspective. Ease of England NHS Ambulance Service Trust, National Clinical Operations Managers Conference, Cambridge. (9th March 2011)

Donaghy J (2010): Equipping the Student for the Workplace Changes in Paramedic Education. School of Heath and Emergency Professions Research Forum. (2nd December 2010)

Donaghy J (2009): The student experience of university paramedic education/training-From classroom learning to situational understanding. Presented at the Health & Emergency Professions Clinical Research Forum, University of Hertfordshire. (9th September 2009)

Donaghy J (2009): The role of the College of Paramedics. Presented at the Irish Society for Immediate Care (ISIC), Cork, Ireland, 18th June 2009)

Donaghy J (2009): How to become a university lecturer - future proofing for IHCD tutors. Presented at the 1st National Conference for Educators of Ambulance Professionals: 'Those who 'can', teach'. Coventry, UK (14th May)

Donaghy J (2009): HART the London Experience. Presented at the 10th National Trauma Care Conference, Telford, UK (11th May 2009)

Donaghy J (2008): Higher Education for Paramedics, So what? Presented at the National Ambulance Exhibition and Conference (AMBEX), Harrogate, UK (25th June 2008)

Donaghy J (2008): The UK paramedic, Presented at Master Skills, University of Hertfordshire, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (10th May) Donaghy J (2008): School Children’s Understanding of the Emergency Ambulance Service, An exploratory study, Presented at the 1st University of Hertfordshire and Coventry University consortium. Coventry, UK (January 2008)

Donaghy J (2007): Paramedic Education within the UK, the changing paradigms, Presented at the National Ambulance Exhibition and Conference Norway (September 2007)

Williams, J., & Donaghy, J. (2005): Secondary school students' understanding of the emergency Ambulance Service: an exploratory study. Presented at the 11th International Interdisciplinary Qualitative Health Research Conference: Qualitative Evidence in Health Care, Utrecht, Netherlands (11th - 13th May 2005)

Donaghy J (2005): “Education & Training” the various different paradigms. ASA conference in London (May 2005)