Dr Jim Sullivan

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Science and Engineering
Life Sciences
Research Supervision:

Dr Jim Sullivan is a keen and committed academic with extensive research and teaching experience in modern molecular bioscience.

[email protected]

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Jan 2016 – Present: Senior Lecturer Dept. Biomedical and Forensic Sciences, Anglia Ruskin University

Oct 2007 – Dec 2015: Lecturer in Biochemistry, School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary, University of London.

Oct 2004 – Sept 2007: MRC Career Development Fellow, Cell Biology Division, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge

Oct 2001 – Sept 2004: HFSP Long-Term Research Fellow, Dept. of MCD Biology, Yale University, USA

Oct 1998 - Sept 2001: BBSRC Postdoctoral Research Associate, Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

Oct 1995 – Sept 1998: BBSRC Graduate Student, Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge

Research interests
  • Ubiquitin
  • Ubiquitin-like proteins
  • Post-translational modification
  • Protein trafficking

Jim is a member of the Biomedical Research Group.

Areas of research supervision
  • Ubiquitin
  • Ubiquitin-like proteins
  • Post-translational modification
  • Protein Trafficking
PGCAP, Queen Mary, University of London (2010)
PhD, University of Cambridge (1999)

BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences, University of Leicester (1995)

Memberships, editorial boards
  • Fellow HEA
  • Member Biochemical Society
Selected recent publications

Akkaya, BG., Zolnerciks, JK., Ritchi, TK., Bauer, B., Hartz, AMS., Sullivan, JA., Linton KJ. (2015). The multidrug resistance pump ABCB1 is a substrate for the ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-1. Mol. Mem. Biol 32, 39-45.

Sullivan JA., Tong, JL., Wong, M., Kumar, A., Sarkar, H., Ali, S., Hussein, I., Zaman, I., Meredith, EL., Helsby, NA., Hu, L., Wilkinson, SR. (2015). Unravelling the role of SNM1 in the DNA repair system of Trypanosoma brucei. Mol. Micro 96, 827-838. 

Novoselova, T., Rose, R-S., Marks, H.M., Sullivan, J.A. (2013). SUMOylation regulates the Homologous to E6-AP Carboxy Terminus (HECT) ubiquitin ligase Rsp5p. J. Biol. Chem 288, 10308-10317.

Novoselova, T., Zahiran, K., Rose, R-S., Sullivan, JA. (2012). The Bul proteins, a non-redundant, antagonistic family of ubiquitin ligase regulatory proteins. Eukaryotic Cell 11, 463-470. 

Newell CA, Natesan SK, Sullivan JA, Jouhet J, Kavanagh TA, Gray JC. (2012). Exclusion of plastid nucleoids and ribosomes from stromules in tobacco and arabidopsis. Plant J. 69, 399-410.

Gray JC, Sullivan JA, Newell CA. (2011).Visualisation of stromules on Arabidopsis plastids. Methods Mol Biol. 774,73-85.

Seyedarabi A, Sullivan JA, Sasakawa C, Pickersgill RW. (2010). A disulfide driven domain swap switches off the activity of Shigella IpaH9.8 E3 ligase. FEBS letters. 584, 4163-8.

Natesan SK, Sullivan JA, Gray JC (2009) Myosin XI Is Required for Actin-Associated Movement of Plastid Stromules. Mol Plant,  6, 1262-1272.

Nikko, E., Sullivan, J.A., and Pelham, H.R.B. (2008). Arrestin-like proteins mediate ubiquitination and endocytosis of the yeast metal transporter Smf1. EMBO Reps. 9, 1216-1221.

Yu, J-W., Rubio, V., Lee N-Y., Bai, S., Lee, S-Y., Kim, S-S., Liu, L., Zhang, Y., Irigoyen, M.L., Sullivan, J.A., Zhang, Y., Lee, I., Xie, Q., Paek, N-C., Deng, X.W. (2008). COP1 and ELF3 control circadian function and photoperiodic flowering by regulating GI stability. Mol. Cell 32, 617-630..

Choy, M-K., Sullivan, J.A., Theobald, J.C., Davies, W.J., and Gray, J.C (2008).  An Arabidopsis mutant able to green after extended dark periods shows decreased transcripts of seed protein genes and altered sensitivity to abscisic acid. J. Exp. Bot. 59, 3869-3884.

Puthiyaveetil, S., Kavanagh, T.A., Cain, P., Sullivan, J.A., Newell, C.A., Gray, J.C., Robinson, C., van der Gizen, M., Rogers, M., and Allen, J.F. (2008). The ancestral symbiont sensor kinase CSK links photosynthesis with gene expression in chloroplasts. PNAS 105, 10061-10066.

Sullivan, J.A., Lewis, M.J., Nikko, E., and Pelham, H.R. (2007). Multiple interaction drive adaptor-mediated recruitment of the ubiquitin ligase Rsp5 to membrane proteins in vivo and in vitro. Mol. Biol. Cell 18, 2429-2440.

<brown,>Sullivan, J.A., and Gray, J.C. (2005). Light and plastid signals regulate the expression of the pea plastocyanin gene through a common region at the 5' end of the coding region. Plant J. 43 541-52.</brown,>

Natesan, S.K., Sullivan, J.A., and Gray, J.C. (2005). Stromules: a characteristic cell-specific feature of plastid morphology. J Exp Bot. 56, 787-97. (Review article)

Yang, J., Lin, R., Sullivan, J., Hoecker, U., Liu, B., Xu, L., Deng, X.W., Wang, H. (2005). Light regulates COP1-mediated degradation of HFR1, a transcription factor essential for light signaling in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell 17, 804-21. 

Su, N., Sullivan, J.A., and Deng, X.W. (2004). Modulation of F1 hybrid status without altering parent plants through trans-activated expression of a mutated rice GAI homolog. Plant Biotechnology J. 3, 157-164.

Yanagawa, Y.*, Sullivan, J.A*., Komatsu, S., Gusmaroli, G., Suzuki, G., Yin, J., Ishibashi, T., Saijo, Y., Rubio, V., Kimura, S., Wang, J., and Deng, X.W. (2004). Arabidopsis COP10 forms a complex with DDB1a and DET1 and enhances the activity of ubiquitin conjugating enzymes. Genes Dev 18, 2172-2181 (* co-first authors)

Feng, S., Shen, Y., Sullivan, J.A., Rubio, V., Xiong, Y., Sun,T-P., and Deng, X.W. (2004). Arabidopsis CAND1, an unneddylated CUL1 interacting protein, is involved in multiple developmental pathways controlled by ubiquitin-proteasome mediated protein degradation. Plant Cell 16, 1870-1882.

Sullivan, J.A., Shirasu, K. and Deng, X.W. (2003). The diverse roles of ubiqutin and the 26S proteasome in the life of plants. Nature Rev. Genet. 4, 948-958. (Review article)

Saijo, Y. *, Sullivan, J.A.*, Wang, H.*, Yang, J., Shen, Y., Rubio, V., Ma, L., Hoecker, U., and Deng, X.W. (2003). The COP1-SPA1 interaction defines a critical step in phytochrome A-mediated regulation of HY5 activity. Genes Dev. 17, 2642-2647. (* co-first authors)

Sullivan, J.A. and Deng, X.W. (2003). From seed to seed: the role of photoreceptors in Arabidopsis development. Dev. Biol. 260, 289-297. (Review article)

Gray, J.C., Sullivan, J.A., Wang, J-H., Jerome, C.A., Maclean, D. (2003). Co-ordination of plastid and nuclear gene expression. Phil. Trans. Royal Soc. 358, 135-145. (Review article)

Sullivan, J.A., and Gray, J.C. (2002). Multiple plastid signals regulate the expression of the pea plastocyanin gene in pea and transgenic tobacco plants. Plant J. 32, 763-774.

Knight, J.S., Duckett, C.M., Sullivan, J.A., Walker, A.R. and Gray, J.C. (2002). Tissue-specific light-regulated and plastid-regulated expression of the single copy nuclear gene encoding the chloroplast Rieske FeS protein of Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Cell Physiol. 43, 522-531.

Helliwell, C.A., Sullivan, J.A., Mould, R.M., Gray, J.C., Peacock, W.J., Dennis, E.S. (2001). A plastid envelope location of Arabidopsis ent-kaurene oxidase links the plastid and endoplasmic reticulum steps of the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway. Plant J. 28, 201-208.

Gray, J.C., Sullivan, J.A., Hibberd, J.M. and Hansen, M.R. (2001). Stromules: mobile protrusions and interconnections between plastids. Plant Biol. 3, 223-233. (Review article)

Rogers, H.J., Bate, N., Combe, J., Sullivan, J.A., Sweetman, J., Swan, C., Lonsdale, D.M. and Twell, D. (2001). Functional analysis of cis-regulatory elements within the promoter of the tobacco pollen gene g10. Plant Mol. Biol. 45, 577-585.

Sullivan, J.A. and Gray, J.C. (2000). The pea light-independent photomorphogenesis1 mutant results from partial duplication of COP1 generating an internal promoter and producing two distinct transcripts. Plant Cell 12, 1927-1937.

Sullivan, J.A. and Gray, J.C. (1999). Plastid translation is required for the expression of nuclear photosynthesis genes in the dark and in roots of the pea lip1 mutant. Plant Cell 11, 901-910.

Media experience
Appeared on BBC One show in segment about Antibiotics