Dr Jasleen K. Jolly

Associate Professor

Vision and Eye Research Institute

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Medicine
Areas of Expertise:
Vision and eye research , Ophthalmology , Psychology , Neuroscience
Research Supervision:

Jasleen's expertise is around genetic eye disease and low vision from a number of different aspects. Her work combines Optometry, Ophthalmology, Neuroscience, Psychology, and other disciplines to improve patient care and disease understanding. Dr Jolly is a recipient of the College of Optometrists Philip Cole Prize for Practice Based Research Excellence in 2018.

[email protected]

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Jasleen K. Jolly is a clinical academic taking a multidisciplinary approach and keeping all research centred on the patient. Jasleen qualified from Cardiff University in Optometry, completed an MSc in Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science from University of Manchester and completed a DPhil in Clinical Neuroscience from Oxford University with a prestigious NIHR clinical doctoral fellowship. Along the way she has worked in hospital care, primary care in UK and New Zealand, on a medical ship in Peru, with VAO in Malawi and in a research lab in Melbourne, Australia.

Jasleen has spent the last 10 years as a clinical academic in Oxford, working between the University, NHS and BRC in the field of retinal genetics and gene therapy, working on first in man trials of novel therapies for inherited retinal degenerations.

Jasleen was awarded the NIHR Thames Valley and South Midlands Health Research Award 2016 for “utstanding Research Practitioner, and the College of Optometrists Philip Cole Prize for Practice Based Research in 2018 for her work in retinal genetics, phenotyping, and outcome measures.

She has since extended that work to look at the remodelling along the visual pathway from retina to the brain as a result of photoreceptor disease. She is also leading work on investigating the neuroscience of Charles Bonnet Syndrome.

Jasleen is passionate about promoting clinical academia, including through the use of supervising student projects in medicine and optometry, stressing the importance of multidisciplinary research, as well as raising awareness about equality, diversity and inclusion.

Research interests
  • Inherited retinal degeneration
  • Retinal gene therapy and other novel therapies
  • Trial outcome measures
  • Charles Bonnet Syndrome
  • Low vision
  • The neuroscience of the visual pathway in eye disease
  • The interaction between vision and hearing in eye disease
  • The psychology of vision loss
  • Visual Electrophysiology
  • Microperimetry and visual function assessment
Areas of research supervision

Jasleen has supervised and mentored students at all levels, junior doctors and research fellows. If you are interested in undertaking a project related to any of the above areas, please get in touch.

  • Next Generation Leaders, Oxford Biomedical Research Centre
  • DPhil Clinical Neuroscience, University of Oxford
  • Vision: A Platform for Linking Circuits, Behavior & Perception, Cold Springs Harbor Laboratories
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Diabetic Eye Care, City University
  • MSc Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Science, Manchester University
  • OCANZ Exams, Australasian Optometry Registration
  • BSc (Hons) Optometry, Cardiff University
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
  • European Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation (ESLRR)
  • International Society for Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation (ISLRR)
  • European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA)
  • College of Optometrists
  • Choroideremia Research Foundation Experts Panel
Selected recent publications

Visit Jasleen's ResearchGate profile or Jasleen's ORCID profile to view her publications.

Media experience


Developing New CHM Endpoints for Clinical Trials
Dr Jolly summarizes the outcome measures which have been utilized in past CHM clinical trials and suggests new potential outcome measures that could better identify treatment efficacy in future trials.

Why should I get involved in research?
Freelance broadcaster Tom Walker talks to VERI's Dr Jasleen Jolly and Dr Andrew Mitchelmore from Oxford Brookes University, who has the eye condition choroideremia and has participated in research which he hasn’t directly benefited from.

Advances in gene therapy

Use of electronic visual acuity measured in genetic eye disease. With the approval of gene therapy, the importance of accurate assessment of visual acuity in retinal disease causing visual field loss is higher than ever. This video shows a project conducted to find trategies to optimise this measurement in time for gene therapy coming to the clinic.

Empathy in low vision - video

Goldmann visual field volume measurement


College of Optometrists podcast


Clinic meets lab: Jasleen Jolly on vision loss, vision recovery, and visual hallucinations. SfN Neurolab, 11 October 2019.

Empathy in low vision - article. Managing Low Vision, April 2019.

How I got here: Research ready. Optometry Today, 2 March 2018.

Research rewards. Optometry Today, 2 March 2018.

An alternative career. Optometry Today, 21 November 2017.

Medicine + GIS: The University of Oxford is mapping eyes. Safe Software blog, 27 October 2016.

Photo credit: John Cairns