Dr Ilaria Perissi

Marie Curie International Fellow
Faculty of Science and Engineering

Dr Ilaria Perissi is an interdisciplinary system dynamics scientist with a focus on sustainability and decarbonization. Ilaria was awarded an Marie Curie International Fellowship 2020 with the PLEDGES project. The project aims to develop a new climate policy modelling tool which manages carbon budget targets for EU-27 countries

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Ilaria's interdisciplinary background began with extensive training in sustainable Chemistry and Material Science, and recently evolved into research on Dynamic of Complex Systems, covering the sustainable exploitation of raw materials and natural resources, implementation of renewable energy and climate change mitigation.

She worked on several international research projects, most recently the H2020 MEDEAS project, where she developed decarbonization scenarios at World, EU and country level. Previous projects were focused on sustainable materials like IOLISURF (EU-FP6) project, where she worked on a novel electrochemical medium for radically innovative environmentally friendly surface treatment and the REACt project (INCO-CT-2003-015434-REACt) which was the focus of her PhD, working on green fluids self-sufficient renewable energy air-conditioning system for Mediterranean countries. 

Ilaria’s background in materials and sustainability also allowed her to gain experience outside academia, such as in TIM spa, a large Italian ICT company, where she worked as an energy manager. However, Ilaria prefers the research environment, to which she has returned thanks to the Marie Curie fellowship with the GSI.

Beyond scientific papers/chapters, Ilaria is also a book author. In collaboration with prof. Ugo Bardi, she contributed to the book The Empty Sea (Springer, 2021) as a resource exploitation modeller, studying fishing dynamics and fisheries sustainability.

Spoken Languages
  • Italian
  • English
Research interests

Ilaria's current main field of research is complex systems dynamics, which includes studies on climate change prevention and mitigation, energy efficiency and sustainability, with some work on complex social behaviours.

Ilaria is a member of the not-for-profit Italian System Dynamics Chapter (SYDIC) and is involved in the activities of the organisation’s secretariat.

  • PhD in Material Science, University of Florence (IT)
  • Masters in Chemistry, University of Florence (IT)

Ilaria was also qualified as Physical Chemistry Honorary fellow by the Chemistry Faculty members of the University of Florence in 2010 and 2017.

Memberships, editorial boards

Ilaria is a permanent member of the Editorial Board of Systems (MDPI), and she has also served as Guest Editor for Sustainability (MDPI) and Kybernetes (Emerald).

She is also an associated member of the Club of Rome.

Selected recent publications

Scientific papers

Perissi, I., Jones, A., 2022. Investigating European Union Decarbonization Strategies: Evaluating the Pathway to Carbon Neutrality by 2050. Sustainability 2022, pp. 4728. doi: 10.3390/su14084728

Perissi, I., Lavacchi, A., Bardi, U., 2021. The Role of Energy Return on Energy Invested (EROEI) in Complex Adaptive Systems. Energies, 14, pp. 8411. doi: 10.3390/en14248411

Perissi, I., Bardi, U., 2021. The Sixth Law of Stupidity: A Biophysical Interpretation of Carlo Cipolla’s Stupidity Laws. Systems 9, pp. 57. doi: 10.3390/systems9030057

Perissi, I., Martelloni, G., Bardi, U., Natalini, D., Jones, A., Nikolaev, A., Eggler, L., Baumann, M., Samsó, R., Solé, J., 2021. Cross-Validation of the MEDEAS Energy-Economy-Environment Model with the Integrated MARKAL-EFOM System (TIMES) and the Long-Range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP). Sustainability 2021, 13, pp. 1967. doi: 10.3390/su13041967

Perissi, I., 2021. Highlighting the archetypes of sustainability management by means of simple dynamics models. Journal of Simulation, 15(1-2), pp. 51-64. doi: 10.1080/17477778.2019.1679612

Samsó, R., de Blas, I., Perissi, I., Martelloni, G., Solé, J., 2020. Scenario analysis and sensitivity exploration of the MEDEAS Europe energy-economy-environment model. Energy Strategy Reviews, 32, 100582,ISSN 2211-467X. doi: 10.1016/j.esr.2020.100582.

Solé, J., Samsó, R., García-Ladona, E., García-Olivares, A., Ballabrera-Poy, J., Madurell, T., Turiel, A., Osychenko, O., Álvarez, D., Bardi, U., Baumann, M., Buchmann, K., Capellán-Pérez, Í., Černý, M., Carpintero, Ó., De Blas, I., De Castro, C., De Lathouwer, J.-D., Duce, C., Eggler, L., Enríquez, J. M., Falsini, S., Feng, K., Ferreras, N., Frechoso, F., Hubacek, K., Jones, A., Kaclíková, R., Kerschner, C., Kimmich, C., Lobejón, L. F., Lomas, P. L., Martelloni, G., Mediavilla, M., Miguel, L. J., Natalini, D., Nieto, J., Nikolaev, A., Parrado, G., Papagianni, S., Perissi, I., Ploiner, C., Radulov, L., Rodrigo, P., Sun, L., Theofilidi, M., 2020. Modelling the renewable transition: Scenarios and pathways for a decarbonized future using pymedeas, a new open-source energy systems model. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 132, 110105, ISSN 1364-0321, doi: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.110105

Perissi, I., Falsini, S., Bardi, U., Natalini, D., Green, M., Jones, A., Solé, J., 2018. Potential European Emissions Trajectories within the Global Carbon Budget. Sustainability, 10, pp. 4225.doi: 10.3390/su10114225

View Iliara's complete publication list on OrcID.


Perissi, I., Bardi, U., 2021. The Empty Sea: the Future of the Blue Economy (Cham: Springer). ISBN: 3-030-51897-3, 3-030-51898-1

Perissi, I., Bardi, U., 2020. Il mare svuotato. Quale futuro per l'Economia Blu? (Rome: Editori Riuniti). ISBN-10. 8835981387; ISBN-13. 978-8835981381(Italian version).