Holly Ingram

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Midwifery and Community Health
Areas of Expertise:
Nursing and midwifery
Research Supervision:

Holly is a Midwife that has experience working in all areas of the Maternity service, including clinical research. Holly continues to provide clinical care to patients within the community setting, alongside her role in education.

[email protected]


Holly graduated from the University of West of Scotland with BSc certification in Midwifery and has developed her knowledge and skills through working in all areas of the Maternity service, including working as a core midwife on labour ward, in inpatient areas, in outpatient clinics and within community settings, as well as assisting several homebirths. She has also recently expanded her knowledge through completing a MSc in Midwifery, whilst also working as a Research Midwife and supporting the conduction of national research studies within her local NHS trust. In recent months Holly has also developed her skills outside of Midwifery, where she has supported the set-up and clinical establishment of a Monoclonal antibody clinic within her local trust, which provided clinical care to Covid-19 positive outpatients who were identified as particularly clinically vulnerable. Holly is excited to share all the knowledge and skills she has acquired with future students, whilst continuing to learn and develop within the speciality of higher education and academia.

Research interests

Holly completed her MSc Advanced Midwifery practice with Anglia Ruskin University and as part of this completed a research project exploring student midwives’ perceptions, thoughts and feelings on managing Obstetric emergencies within clinical practice. Conducting this piece of qualitative, primary research has inspired Holly to consider further research at PhD level to expand on the ideals presented within her project. Holly is particularly interested in the consideration of the power hierarchy evident within healthcare multidisciplinary teams and how this can impact the quality of training students receive.


Holly contributes to the teaching of the BSc (Hons) Midwifery degree and additionally supports student learning within clinical practice during her weekly assigned clinical shifts within the local NHS trust and as an Associate lecturer.

  • BSc Midwifery, University of the West of Scotland
  • MSc Advanced Midwifery Practice, Anglia Ruskin University
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Royal College of Midwives
  • Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • National Institute of Healthcare Research