Dr Estela Fernandez-Sabiote

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of Expertise:
Business, management and leadership , Marketing

Estela specialises in services marketing and brand management. She recently joined our Department of Marketing, Enterprise and Tourism as Course Leader for BA (Hons) Marketing.

[email protected]


Estela was awarded a PhD in Marketing in 2006 at the University of Murcia (Spain) where she was a marketing lecturer for 15 years. She has also been a Visiting Scholar in the University of Maryland (US) and the University of Maastricht (Holland). Estela has published articles in the International Journal of Market Research, Journal of Psychology and Business and Electronic Commerce Research and Applications among others.

As well as being a Course Leader at ARU, Estela is Module Leader for Principles of Marketing (level 4), Understanding Consumers (level 5) and Strategic Brand Management (level 6).

Research interests

Estela's research is focused on:

  • services marketing
  • multichannel strategies
  • brand experience.
  • PhD, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
  • Master of Business Administration, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Associate, AEMARK
Selected recent publications

Delgado Ballester, E. and Fernández-Sabiote, E., 2016. Once upon a brand: Storytelling practices by Spanish brands. Spanish Journal of Marketing- ESIC, 20(2), pp115-131.

Fernández-Sabiote, E. and Román, S., 2016. The multichannel customer’s service experience: building satisfaction and trust. Service Business, 10(2), pp423-445.DOI 10.1007/S11628‐015-0276-Z.

Delgado Ballester, E. and Fernández-Sabiote, E., 2015. Brand Experiential Value versus Brand Functional Value: Which Matters more for the Brand? European Journal of Marketing, 49 (11/12), pp1857-1879.

Fernández-Sabiote, E. and Román, S., 2012. Adding clicks to bricks: A study of the consequences on customer loyalty in a service context. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 11, pp36-48.

Fernández-Sabiote, E. and Román, S., 2012. Measuring e-Service Quality in the Context of Service Sites. International Journal of Electronic Marketing and Retailing, 11 (1), pp56 -172.