Emily Winup

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Social Care
School of Midwifery and Community Health
Research Supervision:

Emily is a lecturer in midwifery at our Chelmsford campus. She continues to practice as a clinical midwife in a local hospital trust and her areas of interest in her clinical work are reflected in her teaching commitments.

[email protected]


As a practicing midwife, she worked predominantly on the triage unit where women who are experiencing complexities in the childbirth continuum are assessed and referred for appropriate care. At ARU, she is the module leader for “Complexities in midwifery Practice” across three campuses. This module focuses on many different health complexities that may impact on the care or outcomes for women and babies in maternity services. She is also leads and runs the “Practicing midwife two” module, which is a second-year skills based module designed to teach undergraduate students the theory and practical application of advancing midwifery skills that they will utilise in clinical placements.

Emily has an interest in all maternity subjects and enjoys teaching a wide range of topics in her lecturing role. She does however take a special interest in electronic fetal monitoring, for which she maps and design content for across the three-year curriculum, as well as interuterine growth restriction, the Newborn Infant Physical Examination screening pathway and caring for women with a history of sexual abuse.

Research interests

The recognition, care and referral pathway for women accessing maternity services with a history of sexual abuse.

Emily is currently undertaking research to ascertain the experiences and confidence levels of third year student midwifes in regard to caring for women who are survivors of sexual abuse. Her hope is that my research will indicate that undergraduate and qualified midwives may benefit from further training in this area to enhance their clinical care and practice.


Emily predominately teaches on the undergraduate curriculum for the BSC midwifery course at Anglia Ruskin University. She also teaches on the postgraduate Newborn Infant Physical Examination module as a stand-alone course, or as part of the MSc Advanced Midwifery Practice course.

  • MSc Advanced midwifery Practice, Anglia Ruskin University (Currently undertaking)
  • BSc Hons Midwifery, Anglia Ruskin University
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Anglia Ruskin University
  • BA Film Studies, University of Southampton