[email protected]
Twitter: @StrongmanClare
The effect of exercise interventions on non-linear gait variability in people with peripheral neuropathy
Dr Andrew Morrison
Dr Francesca Cavallerio
Dr Matthew Timmis
Clare’s research combines qualitative and quantitative approaches to understand the effect of exercise intervention on peripheral neuropathy. This research seeks to understand the experience of people with diabetes, to reach a consensus on evidence-based approaches and to evaluate the effect of exercise intervention on non-linear gait variability and movement stability in people with peripheral neuropathy. Improving exercise intervention prescription should improve functional capacity, reduce diabetes symptoms and complications, and reduce mortality in people with diabetes.
Strongman, C., Swain, P., Chung, H., Merzbach, V. and Gordon, D., 2021. COVID-19: Social Distancing and Physical Activity in UK Residents with Visual Impairment. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness [in print]
Strongman, C. and Morrison, A., 2021. Evaluating dynamic similarity of fixed, self-selected and anatomically scaled speeds in non-linear analysis of gait during treadmill running. Human Movement Science, 76, p. 102768.
Strongman, C., Morrison, A., 2020. A scoping review of non-linear analysis approaches measuring variability in gait due to lower body injury or dysfunction. Human Movement Science, 69, p.102562.
Strongman, C., Cavallerio, F., Timmis, M., Morrison, A., 2021. 'Using exercise interventions with people with diabetes'. Fifteenth Annual Postgraduate Researchers Conference, Anglia Ruskin University, 15 June 2021.
Strongman, C., Cavallerio, F., 2021. 'Reflections on using the ‘go-along’ method to co-create research with people with disabilities'. International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise ECR and Student Conference. Online. Apr 6-9, 2021.
Strongman, C., Morrison, A., 2019. 'Evaluating dynamic similarity in non-linear analysis of gait'. BASES Conference. 19-20 Nov, 2019. Leicester.
Fifteenth Annual Postgraduate Researchers Conference, Anglia Ruskin University. 2021.
International Society of Qualitative Research in Sport and Exercise ECR and Student Conference. 2021.
Diabetes UK Professional Conference, 2021.
Human Movement Variability and Great Plains Biomechanics Conference 2021.
Women in Sport and Exercise Conference 2021.
BASES Student Conference 2021.
Later Life Falls Prevention Conference, 2021.