Dr Anne Ife

Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences
Humanities and Social Sciences
Areas of Expertise:
Intercultural communication

Anne is a specialist in second language acquisition and intercultural communication. She teaches at postgraduate level and researches second language learning and use, principally in the European context.

[email protected]


Anne now teaches part-time in our department, having taught Spanish and applied linguistics for many years. Previously she was Director of Postgraduate Studies and course leader for the MA Intercultural Communication in Europe. She leads an MA module on language policy and identity and supervises a range of theses.

She has published articles on aspects of second language acquisition, including vocabulary learning at different levels, the impact of study abroad on language development, the use of language learning strategies, and cross cultural communication, including the use of a lingua franca. She has also written Spanish teaching materials for the BBC and the Open University.

Research interests
  • Second-language acquisition
  • Lingua franca communication
  • Language diversity and language policy in Europe
  • PhD Applied Linguistics, University of London
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Theoretical Linguistics , University of London
  • BA (Hons) Spanish, University of Nottingham
Selected recent publications

Ife, A., 2012a. Achieving successful lingua franca interaction in a context of linguistic disparity. In: Esch, E. and Solly, M. (Eds). The Sociolinguistics of Language Education in International Contexts. Bern, Berlin, Oxford: Peter Lang, pp.69-91. ISBN 978-3-0343-1009-3 / ISSN 1424-8689.

Ife, A., 2012b. Review article: Strubell Miquel, Boix-Fuster, Emili (eds.). Democratic Policies for Language Revitalization, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. In Current Issues in Language Planning, 13(3), August 2012, pp.1–7.

Ife, A., 2008. Negotiating variable proficiency levels in lingua franca English. In: Martí Arnándiz, Otilia & Safont Jordá, María Pilar (Eds.). Achieving multilingualism: wills and ways, pp.34-47. Castellón: Universitat Jaume 1. ISBN 978-84-8021-689-0.

Recent presentations and conferences

Dealing with unequal language expertise in lingua franca interaction: the experience of an interculture group of L2/L1 users of English. Second International Conference on Lingua Franca English, University of Southampton, 2009.

Neo-colonial mentalities in contemporary Europe? An introduction (with Guido Rings). Conference on Neo-colonial mentalities in contemporary Europe: language and discourse in the negotiation of identities, held at the Department of German and Romance Studies, University of London, 2007.