Dr Anna Paraskevopoulou

Associate Professor
Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of Expertise:
Business, management and leadership , Business Management , Human Resources Management , International Business , Research methodology , Work engagement , Work-life balance , Migration (human)
Research Supervision:
Anna is a sociologist specialising in work and employment. Her broad research interest is on disadvantage and discrimination in the labour market and within this area she is pursuing research on workplace relations, equality and diversity, and labour migration.  

[email protected]

Anna completed her PhD thesis at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Afterwards, she worked as a Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow at Working Lives Research Institute, London Metropolitan University, conducting research on precarious work, migration (including undocumented migration and human trafficking), equality and diversity, disadvantage and discrimination, and trade unions. Anna joined Anglia Ruskin University as a Senior Lecturer and Course Leader (Business Management with HR) in 2016 and continues to lecture and research in these areas.  
Spoken Languages



Research interests
Anna is currently conducting research on young actors seeking employment in the creative industries. She is also conducting research on the views of Human Resource professionals on age discrimination.  Anna has recently been successful with a research proposal (as Co-Investigator) on Ethnic and Culturally Diverse Groups in Harlow, Essex. 
Areas of research supervision
Internal supervisor: 

Workplace selection preferences of Hungarian engineering students and early careers engineers (first supervisor)  

How Brexit will affect British universities: from student recruitment to research and diversity in the classroom (first supervisor) 

Organisational learning in the capture of international entrepreneurial opportunities (first supervisor) 

Imposter Phenomenon (first supervisor) 

Exploring the challenges and opportunities by the SDGs to the Indian family-owned pharmaceutical firms in the internationalization process (second supervisor) 

External supervisor: 

Globalisation and Student Mobility in Higher Education: a comparative study between Indian and Italian students in the UK (first supervisor) 

How Telecoms Engineers Experience Performance Management in the Hidden Abode of Production of Tel-Co, a telecommunications company (first supervisor) 

‘New Ethnicities’ – The Cultural Politics of BME Networks (second supervisor) (completed) 

Union activism: an exploration of the differential consequences of staff and freelance (first supervisor) (completed) 

Managing People (Level 7, MBA)  

Leading Developing and Managing People (Level 7)  

Executive Leadership – module leader, partner delivery (Level, 7) 

HRM Strategy in a Competitive Environment, partner delivery (level, 7) 

Human Resource development in International Environment, partner delivery (Level, 7) 


Leadership in Contemporary Organisations – module leader – L6 

Reward Management – module leader – L6 
  • PhD, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
  • MA, University of Bradford, UK
  • BA (Hons), University of Reading
  • PGCert, London Metropolitan University
Memberships, editorial boards
CIPD Academic Member (January 2019 to today) 

Fellow, Global Labor Organization (GLO) 

Fellow of The Higher Education Academy 

Member of the Centre for Inclusive Societies and Economies (CISE), Anglia Ruskin University 

Member of British Sociological Association 

Member of British Universities Industrial Relations Association (BUIRA) 
Research grants, consultancy, knowledge exchange
2020 - Migration Research into Ethnic and Culturally Diverse Groups, Essex Council (Rainbow Services) (Co-Investigator) 

2018/2019 Sabbatical research leave, Anglia Ruskin University  

2012-2016 - Arts Award Longitudinal Impact Study, funded by the Arts Council England and Trinity College London: the focus of this research is on young people in the arts – (Co-Investigator and Researcher)  

2014–2016 - Regulation of labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour, funder by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions – (Researcher) 

2015 - Working Conditions, Industrial Relations and Social Dialogue in the EU, funder by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions – (Researcher) 

2014-2016 – UNIVERSITARIA Project - school of university didactics and advanced scientific research, funded through an ESF fund – (Coordinating partner and researcher) 

2011-2012 - Precarious work and social rights, funded by the European Commission, Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities: a Europe wide project with a twelve country partnership – (Project coordination and research)  

2010-2011 - Precarious Work in agriculture, hospitality and food, funded by the European Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Trade Unions (EFFAT): (Lead researcher and coordination)  

2009-2010 - Internationalisation and innovation in the service sector: the role of international migrants and UK (London) Hotels, funded by ESRC – (Research and coordination) 

2008-2009 - Mapping study on the trade union and NGO practices in fighting discrimination and promoting diversity, funded by DG Employment at the European Commission: (Coordination team and research; National expert for Greece) 

2008-2009 - The impact of the Racial Equality Directive: a survey of trade unions and employers in the Member States of the European Union, funded by the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) – (Researcher and National expert for Greece) 

2008-2009 - Undocumented Migrant Transitions (UWT), funded by the EU Sixth Framework Programme: (Researcher) 

2007-2009 - PIQUE: Privatisation of Public Services and the Impact on Quality, Employment and Productivity, EU Sixth Framework Programme: UK in depth case studies – (Researcher) 

2007 - Employment, Skills and Training Needs of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Recent Migrants in Haringey, funded by Haringey Council – (Researcher) 

2006 - 2007 - Significance of Migrant Workers in Mid and West Essex, funded by the Essex Development and Regeneration Agency (EXDRA) – (Lead researcher) 

2005-2006 - Disadvantage and Discrimination in London’s labour market, funded by London O3 – LSC Pan London ESF Objective 3 Co-Financing Programme – (Lead researcher) 

2004-2005 - Anti-Social Behaviour in London: Setting the context for the London Anti-Social Behaviour Strategy, funded by the GLA, London: (Researcher) 

Selected recent publications
Robinson, Y., Paraskevopoulou, A., Hollingworth, S. (2019) “Crafting ‘active citizens’: citizenship building through arts award” British Educational Research Journal, First published 30 July 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/berj.3558 - 3* 

Markova, E., Paraskevopoulou A., McKay, S. (2019), “Treading lightly: regularised migrant workers in Europe”, Migration Letters 16(3):451-461 

Sidiropoulou, K., Drydakis, N., Harvey, B. and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2019), "Family support, school-age and workplace bullying for LGB people", International Journal of Manpower, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-03-2019-0152  

Bozani, V, Drydakis, N, Sidiropoulou, K, Harvey, B, Paraskevopoulou A (2019) Workplace Positive Actions, Trans People’s Self-Esteem and Human Resources’ Evaluations, International Journal of Manpower – DOI: 10.1108/IJM-03-2019-0153 

Paraskevopoulou, A., and McKay, S. (2015) Workplace Equality in Europe: The Role of Trade Unions, Ashgate, (now Routledge) - (book review by Susan Milner, University of Bath, UK in Work, Employment and Society 2017, Vol. 31(1) 191 –196) 

Markova, E., Paraskevopoulou, A., Williams, A.M and Shaw, G. (2013) Migrant workers in small London hotels: Employment, recruitment and distribution, European Urban and Regional Studies, 23 (3). pp. 406-421 

Paraskevopoulou, A., Markova, E., Williams, A.M, Shaw, G. (2012) 'Migration and Innovation at the Bottom End: Understanding the Role of Migrant Managers in Small Hotels in the Global City', Mobilities, 7 (3), pp. 389-414. 

McKay, S., Markova, E. and Paraskevopoulou, A. (2011) Undocumented Workers' Transitions: Legal Status, Migration, and Work in Europe, Routledge: New York  
Recent presentations and conferences
2019, ‘Age, gender and race in the workplace: discrimination in recruitment’ – presented at the British Sociological Association Conference in April 2019 (with Drydakis, N and Sidiropoulou, K) 

2018, ‘The struggle for art: experiences of young artists in search of a career in the creative sector’ presented at the Work, Employment and Society (WES) Conference in September 2018  

2017, ‘Aiming for the stars: Inspiring learning by bringing research and employability skills into the classroom’, Course Leader Conference, Anglia Ruskin University  

2017, ‘How do you get your foot in the door?  Hiring discrimination and the role of Trade Unions across countries’, Special Issue International Journal of Manpower and conference on "Hiring Discrimination: Measures, Moderators and Mechanisms", Sweden, August 2017 

2017, ‘Workplace equality in Europe: the role of trade unions’, 10th International Critical Management Conference, Liverpool, July 2017 

2016, ‘Regulation of labour market intermediaries and the role of social partners in preventing trafficking of labour’, 11th ILERA European Regional Congress, Faculty of Political, Economic and Social Sciences, Milan, Italy  

2016, ‘The migration picture in the East of England’ – key speaker in the INTERPART project 

2015, ‘Gender and Precarious work’, International Labour Process Conference, Athens 

2014, ‘Impacts of the Arts Award’, Keynote speaker on the WF Arts in Education Network – William Morris Museum at Walthamstow, London 
Media experience
Anna has been interviewed on BBC radio for her research on migration. Her work on ‘Preventing trafficking of labour: Labour market intermediaries and social partners’ role’ was discussed in Eurofound / European Parliament, Brussel. Her research findings on precarious work contributed to the information leaflet for the European Network of Migrant Women and she was interviewed by the Slovenian newspaper DELO. Anna’s conference presentation on ageism received media coverage by the British Sociological Association, Forbes, and the Daily Mail.