Dr Andrew Noble

Senior Lecturer
Faculty of Business and Law
Areas of Expertise:
Law , Constitutional law , Human rights , Contract law , Employment law , Tort law

Andrew's main area of expertise is employment law, but he maintains an interest in most areas of the law, both academically and in practice.

[email protected]


Andrew is a Senior Lecturer in Employment Law in the Faculty of Business and Law. He teaches Employment Law and related subjects to undergraduate and postgraduate students.

He previously worked as a solicitor in private practice before returning to academia to undertake a PhD at the University of Birmingham.

Andrew pursues research interests in all aspects of employment law, with a special focus on criminal records disclosures and their impact on both employees and employers, and gig economy and other ‘precarious’ workers, especially those who require prior authorisation (licences etc.) to carry out their work.

Research interests
  • Employment Law, all aspects
  • Criminal Records Disclosures
  • Gig Economy and other forms of ‘precarious’ work
  • Regulation of the Taxi Trade, including Uber
  • Licensed occupations
  • Public Law
  • Law of Obligations (Contract & Tort)
  • Introduction to Business & Contract Law, BSc Business Management, Level 4
  • Business Research Methods, BSc Business Management, Level 5
  • Business & Employment Law, BSc Business Management, Level 6
  • Employment Law, BSc Business with Human Resource Management, Level 6
  • Undergraduate Major Project (Supervisions), BSc Business Management, Level 6
  • Employment Law, Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, Level 7
  • Investigating a Business Issue from a HRM Perspective, Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management, Level 7
  • Work and Employment in Society, MA in Human Resource Management, Level 7
  • Postgraduate Major Project (Supervisions), MA in Human Resource Management, Level 7
  • PhD (Law), University of Birmingham
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education (Post-compulsory), University of Central Lancashire
  • Solicitors’ Finals Course, College of Law, Chester
  • LLB (Hons), University of Sheffield
Memberships, editorial boards
  • Academic Associate, Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development (CIPD)
  • Member, Institute for Learning
  • Member, Institute for Law Teaching & Learning (USA)
Selected recent publications

Schneider, C., Paraskevopoulou, A., Noble, A., Preston, C. (2020) Migration Research into Ethnic and Culturally Diverse Groups, Harlow Essex, funded by the Essex Council 

Noble, A.W., 2017. Formative Peer Review: Promoting Interactive, Reflective Learning, or the Blind Leading the Blind? 95 University of Detroit Mercy Law Review (publication pending).  

Noble, A.W., 2016. We Know What you did Last Summer, and Thirty Years ago: Criminal Records Disclosure and State Regulatory Discretion. 1(1) Journal of Information Rights, Policy and Practice (online).

Noble, A.W., 2014. Your Privacy in Their Hands: Exclusion of the Public from Local Authority Regulatory Committee Meetings. 13(2) Contemporary Issues in Law pp.93-112.

Noble, A.W., 2013. Victimized by Regulation: The Victimogenicity of Taxi Drivers 22 Nottingham Law Journal pp.104 -118. 

Recent presentations and conferences

‘Gender Pay Gap in the Gig Economy: Has Taylor Provided a Solution?’ Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, University of Northumbria (online), November 2020.

‘The Secret is in the Dirt, and how you Handle it: Employers’ Liability for Criminal Records Disclosures’. Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development Applied Research Conference, Dublin City University, Dublin, January 2020.

‘Not Just Business, Now it’s Personal: Criminal Records Disclosure Post-Brexit’ Information Law and Policy Conference, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, London, November 2019.

‘Second Chances and Secrets: Reform of the UK Criminal Records Disclosure Regime’ Socio-Legal Studies Association Conference, University of Leeds, April 2019.

‘Flexibility Without Contortionism: State Intervention in Contracts as a Solution to the “Gig” Economy’ (with K Sidiropoulou), Workers in the Modern Economy Conference, Kingston University, May 2018.

‘Don’t Dream it's Uber: Impact of Disruptive Technology on the Taxi Trade in England and Wales’ International Research Conference, American University in the Emirates, Dubai, UAE, November 2017.

‘Taking Uber Control: Local Authority Regulation in Transition’ Law in Transition Conference, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, September 2017.

‘Getting the Gig but Losing Rights: Catastrophic Removal of Employment Protection Post-Brexit’ Critical Legal Conference, Warwick University Law School, September 2017.

‘Regulation by Culture, Not by Law: A Case Study of the Taxi Trade in England and Wales’ Association for the Study of Law, Culture, and the Humanities Conference, Stanford University School of Law, Palo Alto, California, USA, April 2017.

‘Formative Peer Review: Promoting Interactive, Reflective Learning, or the Blind Leading the Blind?’ The Impact of Formative Assessment: Emphasizing Outcome Measures in Legal Education Conference, University of Detroit Mercy Law School, Detroit, Michigan, USA, March 2017.

‘Smoke Without Fire: Criminal Records Disclosures and State Licensees’ IAFOR European Conference on Politics, Economics and Law, Brighton, July 2016.

‘You be the Judge: Preparing Law Students for “Real World” Hearings’ Institute for Law Teaching and Learning Real-World Readiness Conference, Washburn School of Law, Topeka, Kansas, USA, June 2016.

‘We Know What you did Last Summer, and 30 Years ago: Criminal Records Disclosure and State Regulatory Discretion’ Trust, Risk Information and the Law Conference, University of Winchester, April 2016.

‘Uber and Out: Old Power’s Failure to Regulate New Power Disruptive Technologies’ Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law Conference, University of Cambridge, April 2016.

‘Shut the Gate Behind You: The Exercise of Sub-Delegated Powers by Local Authority Administrators’ European Conference on Politics, Economics and Law, Brighton, July 2015.

‘“Be With You Soon”: The Equality Act 2010 and the Taxi Trade’ (Poster Presentation) The Equality Act 2010: 5 Years On Conference, University of Chester, June 2015.

‘Reducing the Consumer “Two-Tiers”: A Comparison of Taxi Service Regulation in Two Capital Cities’ International Academic Conference on Law, Politics and Management, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 2015.

‘The Growth of “Quasi-Employment”: A Case Study of UK Taxi Drivers’ Labour Law in Transition Conference, Kingston University, London, May 2015.

‘Private Versus Public Property: A Contemporary Setting for an Old Tale’ Modern Studies in Property Law Postgraduate Conference, University of Liverpool, April 2014.

Media experience

Radio appearance on BB Radio Kent – Discussing the Supreme Court ruling in the case of Pimlico Plumbers Ltd v Smith with the CEO of the unsuccessful appellant company and an employment solicitor – June 2018.

TV appearance on BBC Look East – Discussing the Gig Economy and its impact on both young and older workers – January 2018.