Dr Alexandre De Podestá Gomes

Research Fellow
Faculty of Business and Law
Economics, Finance and Law

Alexandre De Podestá Gomes holds a PhD in Economics (SOAS, University of London) and is a Research Fellow in the School of Economics, Finance and Law at ARU. His research interests are in industrial policies, comparative institutional analysis, post-Keynesian macroeconomics and regional economic growth, with a focus on China.

[email protected]


Alexandre completed his PhD in Economics at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, in early 2019, and has published in leading journals, such as the Cambridge Journal of Economics.

He did his undergraduate degree in Economics at the State University of Campinas (Unicamp), in Brazil, and his Master's in Contemporary Development of China, at Beijing Normal University, in China, being awarded a scholarship by the China Scholarship Council (CSC), the Chinese Ministry of Education's non-profit organization that provides support for international academic exchange with China.

Alexandre’s research is mainly characterized by a commitment to interdisciplinarity and pluralism. His research encompasses different aspects of the political economy of economic development, focusing on innovation, industrial policies, regional development, and institutions. His current research focuses on the political economy of China’s industrial policies for electric vehicles and semiconductors.

Alexandre has previously taught at SOAS, Goldsmiths University, and at Constructor University (previously known as Jacobs University Bremen), where he was a Postdoctoral Researcher for three years.

Spoken Languages
  • Portuguese (native)
  • Chinese (intermediate, HSK 4)
  • German (beginner)
  • Spanish (beginner)
Research interests
  • Economic Development
  • China
  • Industrial policies and innovation
  • Theories of economic growth and development
  • Post-Keynesian economics
  • Comparative institutional analysis
  • State capacities
  • PhD in Economics, SOAS, University of London, UK
  • MA in Contemporary Development of China, Beijing Normal University, China
  • BA in Economics, State University of Campinas (Unicamp), Brazil
Selected recent publications

Schedelik, M., Nolke, A., May, C., Gomes, A.P. (2023) 'Dependency revisited: commodities, commodity-related capital flows and growth models in emerging economies', European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention, Vol. 20 (2). DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/ejeep.2023.0107

Gomes, A. P. and ten Brink, T. (2023) A Chinese Bureaucracy for Innovation-Driven Development? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/elements/abs/chinese-bureaucracy-for-innovationdriven-development/4E65293EB38C8995505EDF78521F311F#metrics

Gomes, A. P., Pauls, R. and ten Brink, T. (2023) 'Industrial policy and the creation of the electric vehicles market in China: demand structure, sectoral complementarities, and policy coordination', Cambridge Journal of Economics, 47(1), pp. 45-66. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1093/cje/beac056

Mertens, D., Nölke, A., May, C., Schedelik, M., Gomes, A. P. and ten Brink, T. (2022) 'Moving the Center: Adapting the Toolbox of Growth Model Research to Emerging Capitalist Economies', Institute for International Political Economy Berlin, Working Paper No. 188/2022.

Schedelik, M., Nölke, A., May, C. and Gomes, A. P. (2022) 'Dependency revisited: Capital flows, commodities, and growth models in emerging economies', Institute for International Political Economy Berlin, Working Paper No. 201/2022.

Gomes, A. P. (2022) 'A Economia Política da Política Industrial de Veículo Elétricos na China&rdquo', paper presented at the 27th Brazilian National Meeting for Political Economy (ENEP), Uberlândia, Brazil, June 10, 2022. Available at (in Portuguese): https://enep.sep.org.br/uploads/2029_1647124098_A_Economia_Política_da_Política_Industrial_de_veículos_elétricos_na_China_-_autor_pdf_ide.pdf

Gomes A. P. (2020) 'Local level institutional complementarities in contemporary China: A comparison between Nanjing and Suzhou', Revue de la régulation, 27(1). Available at : https://doi.org/10.4000/regulation.16716

Gomes, A. P. (2020) 'Regional economic growth in China from a Kaldorian perspective: A tale of two cities', PSL Quarterly Review, 73(295), pp. 283-312. Available at: https://doi.org/10.13133/2037-3643_73.295_2

Gomes, A. P. (2018) 'The mainstream economics interpretation of the local state and central-local relations in Post-Mao China: a critical review', SOAS department of Economics, Working Paper No. 214.