Why study abroad?

Apart from the 'life-changing experience' part, there are plenty of other reasons why you might choose to study abroad with ARU Global.

Improve your employment prospects

Two young women talking in the ARU Global office

The Erasmus student exchange programme was established in 1987. Since then, research by the European Commission found that Erasmus alumni are:

  • half as likely to be long-term unemployed
  • significantly more likely to hold managerial positions ten years after graduation
  • likely to start their own company, with more entrepreneurs than the average for the total graduate population.

Improve your grades

Students who go abroad are more likely to do better at every key indicator in higher education, from grade attainment to employment. Universities UK International's 2017 report, Gone international, found that 'There are very few indicators of achievement quite as reliable.'

Grow in confidence

Spending time abroad builds confidence, as well as a number of other attributes, all of which will set you apart as you embark on your career:

  • intercultural awareness
  • A young woman talking to a young man who has his back to the camera
  • language skills
  • tolerance
  • self-awareness
  • sociability
  • problem solving
  • decision making
  • adaptability
  • curiosity

Make new friends

Students who go abroad build new, long-term social, academic and professional networks. You'll have a network of friends across the globe who you can continue to visit and learn from. It can also increase your international job prospects further down the line. Staying connected after your time abroad is easier than ever before.