Ted Gagliano

Areas of Interest


Honorary Award

Honorary Doctor of Science


Ted Gagliano is a technology innovator, philanthropist, and President of Feature Post-Production at Hollywood film maker Twentieth Century Fox.

After graduating from Princeton University with a degree in Comparative Literature, Ted began his career at Paramount Pictures in New York – his first big break coming with his appointment as 3D Technical Coordinator on the horror blockbuster Friday the 13th Part Three. 

In 1985, Ted moved to Los Angeles, as Manager of Paramount’s Film Library Services. But it was in 1986, when he moved into post-production, that his talents really began to shine.

By the early 90’s Ted had been recruited by Twentieth Century Fox, where he was to work on many of Hollywood’s biggest productions - films like Independence Day, Titanic, Master and Commander,  and the Star Wars, X-Men and Ice Age franchises.

In 2001, Ted was named Twentieth Century Fox’s President of Feature Post-Production. And after almost a decade of developing new techniques and technologies, and creating exciting new audience experiences, Ted was honoured with a lifetime achievement award from the Hollywood Post Alliance, in recognition of his significant contributions and innovations in the field of post-production.

In addition to his role as President of Post-Production, Ted is also a Director at the Fox Innovation Lab – a technical unit devoted to research and development in new film technologies. And it was in this role that Ted oversaw the virtual reality experience in the Matt Damon film, The Martian - credited as the first fully interactive, long-form narrative, virtual reality project tied to a major motion picture.

A career spent at the leading edge of visual technology has led Ted to become a pioneer in the convergence of motion picture technology and medical science, creating innovative systems to meet a variety of medical and clinical challenges.

In 2008 Ted became co-founder of Implicitcare - a medical device company responsible for creating systems like iGuide, which aids in the placement of suture support systems in cosmetic surgery. 

Implicitcare has also developed The oVio360 Imaging System, which is the first 360-degree dynamic imaging system that captures life-like face and body images. And Ted has been working closely with our own Professor Jim Frame on the use of the system within clinical environments.

During his time at Twentieth Century Fox, Ted has overseen the post-production of more than 500 feature films. And more recently, he has deployed his expertise in visual imaging systems to help drive the development of innovative medical technologies that aid in the treatment of life-threatening diseases.

Find out more:

LinkedIn - Ted's profile

Ted's graduation

The graduation ceremony will be taking place on Wednesday 12 October 2016, at 11.00am at the Chelmsford campus and you will be able to watch the ceremony live. You will be able to watch all our ceremonies live, including this ceremony, on the following link:

Watch our 2016 graduation ceremonies